
miào táng
  • royal or imperial court;temple;imperial court
庙堂 [miào táng]
  • (1) [temple]∶庙宇

  • (2) [imperial court]∶指朝廷

庙堂[miào táng]
  1. 这支庄严的队伍缓缓地走出庙堂。

    The grand procession moves slowly out of the temple .

  2. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪儿去啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked : " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  3. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪里啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked , " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  4. 没有庙堂或宗教目标能触碰到我。

    There is no temple or sacred object that touches me .

  5. 我们现在可以使那庙堂恢复传统的信念。

    We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths .

  6. 现代大学的人文关怀与本科教育的职业取向&由庙堂、象牙塔到普通人的家园

    The Humanistic Concern and Career-Oriented Undergraduate Education at Postmodern Universities

  7. 有人这么说过,我们该修建庙堂。

    Someone once told me that we would build temples .

  8. 我愿是您庙堂,供您隐居祈祷。

    Let me be Your temple , In which You can retreat to pray .

  9. 修建着风暴中倒塌的庙堂。

    And repair the temple the storm collapsed .

  10. 中西方传统大学知识生产方式:庙堂型与书斋型

    The knowledge production modes of Chinese and western traditional university : court-style and study-style

  11. 各级地方政府也拿出相当一部分资金,用于寺观庙堂的维修。

    Local governments also allocated funds for the maintenance of temples , monasteries and churches .

  12. 它看上去高大而富有震撼力,就像是新石器时代的巨人们用双手搭建起来的超越时间的庙堂。

    It looks huge , seismic , a timeless temple assembled by the hands of neolithic giants .

  13. 寡人怎能再用后宫女子的小节去玷污了庙堂大臣的大行呢?

    How can I defile this great gathering of court officials with the petty ways of a concubine ?

  14. 曾几何时,它们是欧洲市场中最奇货可居的珍宝,也是庙堂之音中世代相传的精神印记。

    Once they were scarce treasure in European market and also spiritual marks in temples spread for generations .

  15. 从庙堂到民间&中国文学精神向近现代化转变的主体因素

    From noble to popular : Inner motif of the transformation from Chinese classical literature to recent and contemporary literature

  16. 她体态虚弱,衣着考究,坐在市内一座大庙堂外的高台上。

    Frail and well-dressed , she was seated on a raised platform outside of a huge temple in the city .

  17. 清初庙堂理学是儒学与王权在清初既斗争、又统一的产物。

    The early Qing court Neo-Confucianism is a struggling and unifying product between Confucianism and royalty in early Qing Dynasty .

  18. 我们合众国人民立下誓言:要把玷污我们传统信仰的人赶出庙堂;

    We of the Republic pledged ourselves to drive from the temple of our ancient faith those who had profaned it ;

  19. 江湖与庙堂:湖湘文化的历史吊诡

    " Wild World " and the " Temples ": A Reflection of the History of the Hu Xiang ( Hunan ) Culture

  20. 艺术经纬:您有一个阶段画庙堂系列,那个时候好像比较关注公共景观?

    Editor : You have a stage painting temple series , and you paid more attention to public landscape at that time .

  21. 在此之前,中国文学的主流是庙堂文学、雅文学,从创作对象到内容都是贵族和文人士大夫。

    Before it , elegant literature Is the mainstream of Chinese literature , aristocracy and literati manage from the object creation and content .

  22. 他围绕“檀香刑”这场大戏,给读者展示了庙堂、民间、看客三种生命意识形式。

    Around the play of " sandalwood penalty ", the author shows us three kinds of life consciousness from the temple , folk and on-lookers .

  23. 其灵魂的性质集中反映在诗文化与民间文化、诗文化与庙堂文化、诗文化与宗教文化、诗文化与传统教育、诗文化与古代文论批评等方面。

    Between poem culture and religious culture ; between poem culture and traditional education ; between poem culture and ancient literary critique and so on .

  24. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked :

  25. 从高山庙堂到田野乡间:信仰何以根植于民众之心&从信仰维度对中国传统文化的检讨

    From the Temples to the Human World : Why is Faith Rooted in People 's Hearts & Review of Chinese Traditional Culture from the Faith Dimension

  26. 在这个村落中有一处庙堂,其中的九尊神灵排序看似极不符合中国传统文化之“礼”序。

    In this village there is a temple , where the order of nine gods therein seems highly inconsistent with traditional Chinese " Ritual " culture .

  27. 东晋初期的建康文坛受新都政局的影响,士人大多关心政治、揄扬风流,文学创作的庙堂色彩较为明显。

    The initial health by political influence , literary scholars , mostly concerned with politics , praise romantic , literary creation Temple color is more obvious .

  28. 作为儒家思想的表现载体的庙堂汉碑隶书是书法艺术走向自觉和成熟的结果。

    As the carrier of Confucianism , the official script on the stone tablet of Confucius temple has been the result that calligraphy advances towards self-conscious and mature .

  29. 我见到我神的庙堂遭到焚烧而我曾在那里医治过不计其数的善男信女街上随处可见堆堆人头

    I saw my god 's house burn , there where I had healed men and women beyond counting . In the streets I saw piles of heads .

  30. 国家对一切宗教活动场所的房屋及占用土地免税,对于需要维修而又缺乏资金的寺观庙堂给予补助。

    Houses and land used for religious purposes are exempted from taxes . Temples , monasteries and churches which need repair but lack money get assistance from the government .