
diàn mínɡ
  • Store name;name of a shop
  1. 【索霍区(Soho)】的『茅台灶(MaotaiKitchen)』,以当地名酒为店名,供应贵州菜肴。

    Maotai Kitchen in Soho , named after the famous local liquor , offers Guizhou food .

  2. 麦咖喱则在一系列法庭聆讯上辩称,其店名是马来西亚鸡肉咖喱(MalaysianChickenCurry)这种当地主流菜肴的简称。

    McCurry argued through a series of court hearings that its name was short for Malaysian Chicken Curry , a staple dish .

  3. 这个罕见的店名本是一首歌,原唱是瑞典深受欢迎的摇滚乐队肯特(Kent),这片轻松休闲的空间总是回荡着它忧伤的旋律。

    The unusual name references a song by the popular Swedish rock band Kent , whose melancholy melodies fill the casual space .

  4. 菜单上有英文店名TasteofNorthernChina,门面上只有中文店名,旁边加的英文注释“ChinaLocalCuisine”(中国地方美食)没有太大帮助。

    The name Taste of Northern China appears on the menu but not on the sign out front , or at least not in English - the Chinese characters translate roughly as Northern Delicacies , with the not-so-helpful English addendum China Local Cuisine .

  5. 诚如店名,货架上堆满东亚人喜爱的零食,比如YanYan饼干棒和杏仁涂层百奇棒(Pocky)。

    True to the shop 's name , the shelves are stocked with snacks beloved in East Asia : Yan Yan biscuit sticks , almond-crusted Pocky .

  6. 他经营的连锁店名为Kapok,创建于2006年,瞄准香港那些年轻富有且关注格调的人群。

    The chain , named Kapok , was founded in 2006 and targets Hong Kong 's young , affluent and style-conscious crowd .

  7. 另一间以标杆自诩的俱乐部是DenisSimachev,店名沿用了老板自己的名字丹尼斯·西马切夫,他是一名设计师,拥有一个走华丽朋克路线的后现代露营品牌,令他驰名于俄罗斯时尚界。

    Another club that bucks the boilerplate is Denis Simachev , owned by the designer of the same name whose brand of punk-opulent postmodern camp has made him big in Russian fashion .

  8. 店名叫罗宾汉酌酒店的顾客们。

    The customers of the public house called the Robin hood .

  9. 市场经济下的中国店名可谓千姿百态,种类繁多;

    Shop 's name in market economy has its merits .

  10. 依据的标准不同,店名的分类也会有所不同。

    According to different standards , the classification of shop names varies .

  11. 中国店名的文化特征

    On the Cultural Characteristics of Shop 's Name in China

  12. 从店名使用看天津的城市文化特点

    Watching the Cultural Characteristics of Urban Development from the Use of Trade Name

  13. 玛格诺丽亚是以西村的一个面包房店名而命名的,这是他俩夫妇相遇的地方。

    Magnolia is named for the West Village bakery where the couple met .

  14. 载有新店名的商业登记证的副本三份。

    3 copies of the business registration certificate bearing the new shop sign .

  15. 我们为啥会用我名字来当店名?

    Why did we name the company after me ?

  16. 即使是同一个店名,依据不同的划分标准,也会属于不同的类别。

    Even the same shop name belongs to different categories according to different standards .

  17. 我们喜欢那种日光灯照明、外头没有店名的餐厅。

    We like the restaurants with the fluorescent lighting and no name listed outside .

  18. 我省城市中不规范店名的考察

    Investigation into Abnormal Shop Signs of Our Cities

  19. 店名文化的再认识

    A Further Understanding of the Shop Name Culture

  20. 这是我去14街上,我最爱的店买来的呢,店名叫“人造钻石”

    Yes , this is from my favorite store on 14th street , Rhinestoned .

  21. 何况这不是我们的店名,而是位置

    It 's not the name of our store . It 's where it is .

  22. 南宁作为广西壮族自治区的首府,商业店名特别丰富。

    As the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Nanning owe rich commercial shop name .

  23. 鲍伯:德墨?从店名来看,我猜是半德州半墨西哥式的餐厅。

    Bob : texmex ? I presume from the name it 's half Texan and mexican ?

  24. 你也许能告诉我存有这种特殊型号的商品的店名。

    Perhaps you could tell me the name of the shop which might stock this particular model .

  25. 不知为什么,店名取的像是个猫的名字,使我感觉到有点特别。

    Somehow or other , store a feline name , make me feeling to have a little specially .

  26. 除非你改变店名并且搬到5英里以外的地方

    unless you change the name of your store and relocate to no closer than five miles away .

  27. 本文通过对惠州市惠城区几条主要商业街道的商店店名进行分析。

    Through the analysis of the shop names in some main shopping streets of Huicheng district in HuiZhou city .

  28. 商号或店名不只是作为广告,商家也希望好名带来好生意。

    Firm or name not only as an advertising , businessmen also hope that the good name brought good business .

  29. 店名的语言学分析既能丰富语言的本体研究,又能拓宽语言应用研究的视野,对词汇研究、社会语言学研究及语言规范化研究都有重要作用。

    The Linguistic Analysis of shop names can enrich language of ontology research , and also expand the language applied research .

  30. 那些幽闪的、若果冻般色彩的灯光和如梦幻般的店名在黑夜中闪烁着,将我召唤到埃尔科,那儿是我最喜爱的西部城镇之一。

    The glowing , jelly-colored lights and dreamlike name reflected at night beckoned me in Elko , a favorite cow town of mine .