
  • 网络Responding;responder;Response;One Spade Response after One Heart Opening Bid
  1. 敌方对人为强牌开叫做人为半积极或积极应叫之后,加倍为惩罚该门花色。

    After an artificial semi-positive or positive response to a strong , artificial opening , a double shows the suit doubled .

  2. 大家都觉得应叫她离开。

    The general feeling is that she should be asked to leave .

  3. 我不应叫你来,对不起。

    Dragged you into this . I 'm sorry .

  4. 当他的队打的好的时候不应叫暂停。

    He shouldn 't call a time out when his team is playing well .

  5. 当他的队连失三分时就应叫暂停;

    A coach should call a time-out when his team loses three consecutive points ;

  6. 如果应叫者否定性加倍,则回答人的行动为:回答人可以再加倍表示力量。

    Among advancer 's actions after responder 's negative double : a redouble shows strength .

  7. 至于我们的家眷,为预防本地的居民,应叫他们安居在坚固的城内。

    Our little ones , and all we have , shall be in walled cities , for fear of the ambushes of the inhabitants .

  8. 你们应叫以色列子民戒避他们的不洁,免得他们因不洁,玷污了我在他们中的住所,而遭受死亡。

    You shall teach therefore the children of Israel to take heed of uncleanness , that they may not die in their filth , when they shall have defiled my tabernacle that is among them .

  9. 但在司祭查看,声明他洁净以后,如疮疖在皮肤上又蔓延开,应再去叫司祭查看。

    But if the leprosy grow again , after he was seen by the priest and restored to cleanness , he shall be brought to him .

  10. 也许我应打电话叫我在美国的妈妈给我寄衬衫,袜子,裤子,内衣以及其他一些我平时都在这里购买的东西。

    Maybe call my mother in the United States and have her send me shirts , socks , pants , and underwear along with many of the other things I would normally buy here .

  11. 学生应举手等待老师叫。

    They usually raise a hand and wait to be called on .