
  1. 目前广西北部湾港的物流信息化建设有了一定的基础,但较发达港口还是存在很大差距。

    Although Guangxi Beibu Gulf port logistics informationization got some development , but compared with developed port there is a wide gap .

  2. 在新的发展形势下,广西北部湾港比以往承载了更多的历史重任,港口的综合实力,会直接影响大西南地区区域经济的发展,甚至影响与东盟各国之间合作的开展。

    In the new development situation , Guangxi Beibu Gulf port carries more than ever the historical responsibility . Port comprehensive strength , will directly affect the economy development of the Southwest region , and even affect the cooperation between ASEAN .

  3. 分析了广西北部湾三港吞吐量、吞吐能力、港口压力的模拟值及模拟趋势,并对这三个水平变量做了误差分析检验得到模型的合理性。

    It analyses the simulation output of throughput capacity , the port pressure and the simulation trends , and examinations the model is reasonable using of error analysis to those three level variables .

  4. 随着广西北部湾经济区建设正式上升为国家战略,广西北部湾港作为经济体建设的一部分,港口信息化建设也提上了日程。

    As the construction of Guangxi North Gulf Economic Zone has been raised for the national strategy , the information construction of Guangxi North Gulf Port , as a part of the economic system construction , is being put on the agenda .