
  • 网络Broadcast media;Broadcasting media;broadcast medium
  1. 欧盟数字和广播媒体事务专员内莉克勒斯(neeliekroes)上周五写的这封信函,发出了迄今最为明确的信号:如有必要,欧盟将把此事诉诸欧洲法庭。

    The letter , written on Friday by Neelie Kroes , the European Commissioner in charge of digital and broadcast media services , sends the clearest signal yet that Brussels intends to pursue the matter through European courts if necessary .

  2. 被雇来为报纸或广播媒体提供新闻的记者。

    A journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media .

  3. 中国广播媒体市场化经营研究

    The Research on the Management of Chinese Broadcast in the Market

  4. 南京地区广播媒体现状与发展研究

    Study on Status Quo and Development of Broadcasting Media in Nanjing Area

  5. 就广播媒体如何打造栏目品牌进行了探讨。

    How to create and maintain the brand is discussed in this paper .

  6. 新媒体的迅猛崛起对广播媒体的发展造成强大冲击。

    The development of new media has a strong effect on the broadcast .

  7. 现代广播媒体经营管理的内容、特征及对策研究

    A Study of Content , Characteristic , Strategy about the Modern Broadcasting Media Management

  8. 所有的记者都说他们国家的全国性平面和广播媒体都很少报道气候变化。他们说,这是由于编辑和公众对于科学懂得很少,也因为政府对于气候变化不太重视。

    All said climate change is rarely covered in their national print and broadcast media .

  9. 广播媒体如何体现平民意识

    Broadcast media how embody democratic consciousness

  10. 第五章则试图对广播媒体突发公共事件报道中的创新模式进行初步探讨。

    Chapter ⅴ tries to do preliminary research on innovation mode of public emergency event broadcasting .

  11. 国际电视和广播媒体

    TV and Radio Media International

  12. 广播媒体的信息传播分析&以经济信息传播为例

    Analysis on the Information Transmission of the Broadcast Media & Taking the Transmission of Economic Information as the Example

  13. 美国军方要求怀尔德前往德国,帮助重组电影工业和广播媒体。

    Wilder was asked by the United States Army to go to Germany to help re-organize the movie industry and radio media .

  14. 与通过传统广播媒体进行广告的效用降低相对,企业开始大量利用社会网络技术与个体消费者的详细对话。

    Combat declines in the efficacy of advertising through traditional broadcast media , and exploit social networking technology to converse in detail with individual consumers .

  15. 在我国近一段时期发生的公共危机事件中,广播媒体起到了很大的作用。

    The radio broadcasting has played an important role in the public crises . The radio broadcasting is the first media when public crises happening .

  16. 随着广播媒体的日益丰富,电视谈话节目也得到飞速发展,逐渐成为一种特殊的会话类型而为人们所喜爱。

    TV talk shows gain much development as the media of radio and television increasingly become rich , and gradually become popular as a special conversational type .

  17. 就媒体接触目的性而言,报纸媒体和广播媒体较显著,而电视媒体和网络媒体不明显。

    As far as the purpose of mass media used concerned , the newspaper and the broadcast are remarkable , but the TV and the network are not .

  18. 而充分利用因特网的优势,积极与网络合作是广播媒体必须重视的问题。

    So it 's a question that the conventional mass media must pay attention to how to use the advantage of internet sufficiently and how to make co_operation actively .

  19. 在这个飞速发展的传媒界,创新是一个必不可少的竞争元素,该文通过对广播媒体的理论探索,提出的一些新思路,具有一定的创新价值。

    In such rapid developing media world , innovation is an essential element in competition . Through the theoretical study on broadcast media , my article has some innovative value .

  20. 特别是广播媒体,先天具有的迅速及时、覆盖面广、伴随收听、接收方便的特点,使得它在突发公共事件的新闻报道中具有得天独厚的优势。

    Particularly the broadcast media , with innate features of timely response , wide coverage , portable listening , convenient receiving , have unique advantages in news reporting of public emergency events .

  21. 简言之,本文为广播媒体以品牌战略突破现实困境梳理了可行的路径,并提供了具有较强的现实针对性的思路。

    In general , this paper concludes several feasible measures which the radio media can use to breakthrough the existing difficulties by brand strategies , and provides a strong reality pertinent thinking on it .

  22. 随着我国社会环境的发展,加上移动族的迅速扩张,网络技术的广泛应用,使广播媒体迎来第二春,未来广播电台的发展机遇和潜力不可忽视。

    With the development of our country , the rapid expansion of Mobile Group and the extensive application of the network technology , in the future radio development opportunity and the potential can not be ignored .

  23. 以网络技术为依托的第四媒体一方面不断冲击着广播媒体的传播地位,导致广播受众群体的大量分流,另一方面又以新的技术特点为广播发展注入了革新的力量。

    With the network technology as its impact on the fourth media constantly with the spread of the broadcast media , radio audience group , a new technique to another and characteristics of the development of radio .

  24. 第二章探讨广播媒体突发公共事件的核心竞争力之所在,包括对广播媒体的优劣势分析,广播媒体的竞争压力以及广播媒体新闻报道流程及运作模式。

    Chapter ⅱ explores what the core competitiveness of the broadcasting media in public emergency event reporting lies in , including the advantages , the disadvantages , the competition pressure , news reporting flow and running mode of broadcast media .

  25. 然而现实情况是,在突发公共事件的新闻传播竞赛中,广播媒体并不占优,相比较报纸、电视等媒介,在某些方面,甚至还处于明显的劣势。

    However , the reality is that in the propagation competition at the public emergency event reporting , the broadcasting media is inferior to newspapers , television and other media , and even in a distinct disadvantage in some areas .

  26. 认真研究网络时代的广播媒体,了解网络广播的发展,针对网络广播的传播特点,指出目前制约其发展的局限因素,并对它的未来发展进行了展望。

    After making careful study of broadcasting media under network age , knowing the development of network broadcasting and aiming at transmission characteristics of network broadcasting , this essay points out factors restricting its development and prospects its development foreground .

  27. 随着电视等视觉媒体的兴起,广播媒体的生存空间受到挤压;随后以网络为代表的新媒体迅猛发展,广播媒体的生存空间受到前所未有的挑战。

    With the rise of television and other visual media , the living space of broadcast media has been squeezed . Subsequently , with the network represented by the rapid development of new media , broadcast media has been facing unprecedented survival challenges .

  28. 本文从营销学的角度研究广播媒体的经营思路、受众构成、专业化经营及经营内容与重点,以此探讨广播媒体的经营问题。

    This paper makes an analysis of broadcasting media from the perspective of marketing , such as its management strategy , structure of audience , specialized management and its contents and key points as well , thus handling problems in the management of broadcasting media .

  29. 是什么原因导致这种现象?广播媒体又应该如何做好突发公共事件报道?本文旨在从突发公共事件报道的全景性分析中,重点关注广播媒体的角色定位、应对措施、创新举措等。

    What is the reason for these phenomena ? How could the broadcasting media do better when reporting the public emergency event ? This paper aims at how to focus on the roles positioning , countermeasures , and innovations based on panoramic analysis of the public emergency event news reporting .

  30. 本文主要研究广播电台媒体资料库系统的设计与建设问题。

    This paper studies the design and building of radio media-base system .