
  • 网络Ad Title
  1. 运用Halliday的功能语言学相关理论分析广告标题的人际功能:陈述、提供和提问功能。

    This paper analyzes the interpersonal functions of ad headlines by an application of relevant theories of Halliday 's functional linguistics : statement , offer and question .

  2. 对商业广告标题语的言语行为特点研究

    A Study on the Speech Act Characteristics of Commercial Advertising Slogans

  3. 广告标题是广告作品的眼睛。本文阐述了广告标题的三种类型;

    The advertising titles are just like the eyes of the advertisements .

  4. 英语广告标题的用词艺术

    Art in the word-selection of the English advertisement headline

  5. 本文致力于英文平面广告标题的认知研究。

    This thesis is devoted to a cognitive study of written English advertisementscaptions .

  6. 英语广告标题的语言魅力鉴赏

    The appreciation for the titles of English Advertisements

  7. 许多在杂志或报纸中的广告标题都因为太大而不易辨读。

    Most headlines are set too big to be legible in the magazines or newspaper .

  8. 本文运用大量实例论述了英语广告标题的修辞特点。

    This article discusses through examples the rhetorical characteristics of the headlines of English advertisements .

  9. 广告标题有许多功能,其最主要的功能是吸引功能。

    Thus the attractive function is of the primary to make other functions proceeding possible .

  10. 英语教育广告标题的功能

    Functions of Titles of English Education Advertisements

  11. 论广告标题的创意

    Discussion about the Creation of Advertisement Headlines

  12. 对广告标题字在广告中所起的作用,进行形式结构上的分析。

    Word of the headline in the role of advertising , the form of structural analysis .

  13. 分析发现,广告标题作为话语其人际功能体现自身特点。

    Analyses reveal that as utterances , ad headlines have their own characteristics in interpersonal functions .

  14. 英语广告标题的人际功能

    Interpersonal functions of English ad headlines

  15. 从图形-背景理论看广告标题的主题功能突显

    The Foregrounding of Theme and Function in Advertising Titles from the Perspective of the Figure-ground Theory

  16. 第三章以关联原则为出发点,总结出广告标题是广告交际中的明示刺激,是实现交际目的的最佳关联手段及可借助标题实现最佳关联的四种方式:简明:包含充足新信息;

    Chapter Three aims at analyzing optimal relevance and discussing ad headlines as ostensive stimuli and relevance optimizers .

  17. 本文拟从文化差异方面探讨广告标题翻译的基本方法以及存在的一些问题。

    This article aims to discuss the basic methods and some problems in translating the title of an advertisement from cultural differences .

  18. 像其他语言的广告标题语一样,俄语广告标题语也有其自身的特点,主要表现在句法结构、用词和辞格等方面。

    Likewise , Russian advertisement title language has its own features too , specially in syntax , wording and figure of speech , etc.

  19. 广告标题语是广告文案的一种,是读者能在瞬间理解并能长时间记忆的表达形式。

    Advertisement title language is a form of expression which helps readers comprehend the intention instantly and keep it in mind for a long time .

  20. 对大量俄罗斯电视和报刊广告标题语进行具体分析,不仅有助于对广告语言的研究,而且有助于对俄语功能语体的进一步探索和翻译研究。

    A detailed analysis of the Russian advertisement title languages will be beneficial to both advertisement language study and further exploration of Russian functional style and its translation .

  21. 由于浏览广告标题或广告口号的人比阅读广告正文的人要多得多,因此,谚语主要是用做广告标题或广告口号。

    What is more , people tend to glance over slogans or headings of advertisements rather than to read the texts , proverbs are thus mainly used as the former .

  22. 本文分析了英语广告标题的用词特点。并指出,掌握英语广告标题的用词特点对于掌握英语广告标题的设计与创作,增强英语广告的促销作用有重要意义。

    This article analyses the characteristics of word choice in English advertising headlines , and points out that understanding of such characteristics is necessary for designing headlines and enhancing their selling power .

  23. 优秀的广告标题和口号能够吸引潜在的顾客,诱导消费者进一步阅读广告正文,从而采取购买行动。

    The title and slogan in a piece of successful advertisement not only attract some potential consumers , but convince them of further reading the contents of the advertisement and do some buying .

  24. 广告标题是标题研究的重要对象,然而长久以来学界对标题语言的研究多集中于新闻语体,对广告语体的探讨则较少。

    Advertising title is one important object of title research , however , since very long time , the scholars have mainly focused on the study of news stylistic while rarely on advertising stylistic .

  25. 的限制,这份报告是只能区分广告的标题为基础的。

    A limitation of this report is that it can only differentiate ads based on the headline .

  26. 我把这称之为当每个建议只会改变你(广告)标题的一个字。

    That 's what I call it when each suggestion changes just one word in your headline .

  27. 有些私人广告只用标题和联系电话,广告就做好了。

    It will be ok that only heading and contact phone number are applied in private advertising .

  28. 这是一则广告的标题,最近开始出现在常春藤联盟名校的校园内,如耶鲁大学和哈佛大学。

    This is a sample heading from one of the ads that has begun to appear at Ivy League schools such as Yale and Harvard .

  29. 英文征婚广告的标题从文体学角度分析,具有独特的形式美和修辞美;

    This thesis mainly takes the title of the English lonely-heart advertisement from the aspect of stylistics , specifically analyzes about its forms , rhetoric methods ;

  30. 报纸药品广告的标题多为短小精悍型,并配以引人注目的字体,基本符合注意力规律;

    The title of the newspaper drug advertising is often short and can fit in with the principle of attention , especially accompanied with noticeable letterform .