
  • 网络generalized velocity
  1. 采用Cayley-Rodrigues参数及修正的Rodrigues参数来描述机器人末端执行器的姿态,提出了两种控制律,一种为状态反馈控制律,另一种为不需测量广义速度的输出反馈控制律。

    We employ the Cayley Rodrigues parameters or the modified Rodrigues parameters to parameterize the end effector attitude space of the robot . Two classes of control laws , one with state feedback and the other without the generalized velocity , are presented .

  2. 利用机器人控制系统固有的无源性,在作业空间中,采用Rodrigues参数描述末端执行器的姿态,设计了用于机器人末端执行器位姿控制的输出反馈控制律,消除了控制器中的广义速度。

    In the task space , the attitude space of the robot end-effector is parameterized by Rodrigues parameters , and an output feedback controller without the generalized velocity is designed for controlling the position and attitude of the end-effector of a rigid robot .

  3. 利用雅克比矩阵将各部分惯量影响投影到平台广义速度方向,运用凯恩方程建立了考虑支链液压缸惯性影响的系统完整的动力学模型。

    Through projecting the inertia of the components to the velocity direction of the platform by using Jacobian matrices , the complete dynamics model with actuators ′ inertia considered is derived from Kane ′ s equation .

  4. 用相对坐标法得到的系统动力学方程的个数是最简数量,但要建立刚体的速度变分与系统广义速度变分之间的约束关系,这种关系有时是非常复杂的。

    By this method , the number of the dynamic equations is least , but it is necessary that the constraint relations are established between the velocity variation of every rigid body and the generalized velocity variation , the relations are often complicated .

  5. 本文采用对应于广义速度或准速度的偏速度概念,根据分析力学中的动力学普遍方程,提出了完整和非完整质点系的牛顿定律的广义形式,并运用该广义形式的定律作了例解。

    In this paper , generalized forms of Newtonian Laws of particles system , holonomic or nonholonomic , were formulated proceeding from the Generalized Equations of Dynamics by using the concept of Partial Velocities corresponding to Generalized Speeds or Quasi Speeds . Some examples were given .

  6. 粒子超(广义)非线性速度、时间的相对不对称性效应和随体动力学公式

    Relative Nonsymmetry Effects of the Super ( Generalized ) Nonlinear Velocity , Time of a Particle and Its Kinetic Formulae for Followed Body

  7. 求解多自由度复杂平面机构广义位移、速度和加速度一直是机构分析中的难题。而简化求解多自由度复杂机构分析的繁琐过程是设计者们努力的目标之一。

    In general , the processes of calculating the displacement , velocity and acceleration of complicated multi-DOF planar mechanisms are quite complicate in mechanisms analysis .

  8. 通过误差修正模型发现我国狭义货币流通速度相对于产业结构变动的弹性为2.7,广义货币流通速度相对于产业结构变动的弹性为1.2。

    By the ECM analysis , the elasticities of the narrow and the broad monetary velocity which are caused by the industrial structure are 2.7 and 1.2 .

  9. 实证分析表明,我国M2/GDP畸高的原因是:金融市场不完善,总储蓄率高居不下,广义货币流通速度急剧下降以及国家债务负担沉重。

    The empirical study reveals the factors that cause the unusually high M_2 / GDP are : undeveloped financial market , high deposit ratio , low velocity of money circulation and heavy national debt .

  10. 该控制器在存在的参数不确定性与外界干扰的情况下,能使系统的广义坐标与广义速度收敛到预先给定的界内。

    The new controller can make the generalized co-ordinates and the generalized velocities of the closed-loop system converge to preset bounds .

  11. 经典的质心轨道根数,以及系绳在质心轨道面内与轨道面外的摆动角,均可由上述六个广义坐标及其广义速度确定。

    All classic orbital elements and usual angular motion parameters can be calculated with the new set of generalized coordinates and their rates .

  12. 分析了慢层和快层对相速度频散的影响,给出了不同层厚-波长比和不同涂层-基体密度比情况下广义瑞利波相速度的理论解。

    The theoretical solutions of the phase velocity are obtained for the cases of different ratios of the coating thickness to the wavelength , and different density ratios of the coating to the substrate , by considering respectively the influence of low layers and fast layers on the phase velocity .

  13. 作为例子,本文最后还具体地讨论了Timoshenko梁中广义应力和广义速度的间断条件。

    Finally , these discontinuity conditions expressed in terms of generalized stress and generalized velocity on Timoshenko beam are used as an illustration .

  14. 基于线性变换方法,研究混沌线性广义同步问题,提出了混沌线性广义同步新方法,该方法可以任意配置广义同步速度;

    In this paper , the author studies the linear GS based on linear transformations and presents a novel approach to linear GS , which can configure any desired GS speed .