
  1. EVA估价改进模型在企业并购定价过程中的运用

    Improved EVA Model for Valuation of Corporate M & A and Applications

  2. 基于实物期权与博弈的并购定价决策

    M & A Pricing Based on Real Option and Game Theory

  3. 企业并购定价及交易策略研究

    Research on the Pricing and Trading Strategy in Merger and Acquisition

  4. 企业并购定价决策研究数字产品动态定价方法

    Study on the M & As Pricing Strategy Pricing of Digital Product

  5. 基于协同效应的并购定价策略研究

    Studies on the Price Strategy of Merge Based on the Synergy Effect

  6. 我国上市公司并购定价风险的动态控制

    Dynamic Controlling about the Risk of M & A Evaluation of Chinese Listed Company

  7. 现金并购定价分析

    An Analysis on Cash Merging Pricing

  8. 我国上市公司并购定价中资产价值法的应用及改进

    Applying and Amend about Asset Value Appraise in Enterprise Value of Chinese Listed Company 's MA

  9. 现金并购定价分析最后,对并购交易价格按现金并购和换股并购两种方式进行研究。

    An Analysis on Cash Merging Pricing Finally , the two types of transaction value are researched .

  10. 最后本文结合两个算例对股票市场误定价和经理人过度自信驱动并购定价模型应用进行了说明。

    At last , we explain the application of the two pricing model by citing two examples .

  11. 我国企业并购定价策略与并购融资安排研究

    A Study on the Strategy for Setting the Price and Financing Arrangement of M & A in China

  12. 上市公司的并购定价是上市公司并购中的中心环节。

    The M & A of list price for listed company is the center point in the listed company merger and acquisition .

  13. 再次,根据并购定价的四个阶段,即目标企业选择、企业价值评估、定价区域确定和价格谈判等四个阶段分别提出了风险控制方法。

    Thirdly , this thesis brings forward the methods of controlling risk based on the four steps of M & A evaluation .

  14. 第一章,绪论。主要阐述目标企业价值评估的重要性以及影响并购定价的因素,在此基础上,从理论与实践两方面说明目标企业价值评估在国内外的研究现状。

    Chapter one is introduction which mainly explains the importance of the evaluation of target corporate value and factors that affect merging price .

  15. 全流通实现了同股同价,使企业并购定价基础得到统一。

    Entire Circulation makes the equal stock with equal price come true and also enable the pricing foundation of enterprise MAs to obtain the unification .

  16. 本文采用规范研究的分析方法,以实物期权理论和博弈论为主要分析工具,对企业并购定价决策进行分析研究。

    Based on the normative analysis method , the thesis make research on the pricing decision of merger and acquisition with the measure of real option and game theory .

  17. 全流通下的企业并购定价机制应该是以证券市场价格为基础,以现金流贴现法、收益资本化法为主要价值评估方法的定价机制。

    The suitable pricing mechanism in Entire Circulation times should be follow by the price formed in the securities market with the method of cash flow discounting or the income capitalized .

  18. 最后研究了企业并购定价风险的控制策略,并且用两个案例来分析说明我国企业并购的定价风险及控制建议。

    Finally , we studied the control strategy of the risk of evaluation in M A , and used two case of Chinese enterprise M A to analyzed how to control the risk of evaluation in M A in china .

  19. 然后分析了并购定价的直接风险及间接风险这两种具体表象,并且将影响并购定价风险的因素分为估价主体、估价方法、估价环境等七个方面。

    Then we analyzed the concrete representation about the direct risks and indirect risks of the risk of evaluation in M A. We divided the influence factor of the risk of evaluation in M A into subject of appraising , appraising method , appraising environment etc.

  20. 第三部分简单介绍了并购定价机制&投标竞价机制、拍卖机制及讨价还价机制,对定价博弈进行了详细分析,并着重指出我国乳制品行业较合适的定价机制。

    The third part simply introduces pricing mechanism of M & A-tender offer mechanism , auction mechanism and bargaining offer mechanism , and game playing of pricing are analyzed in detail , it also pointed emphatically out that the most appropriate pricing mechanism on our country dairy industry .

  21. 其次,运用模糊数学的理论和方法以及VaR风险管理技术对企业并购的定价风险进行度量。

    Secondly we used fuzzy mathematics theory and technology of VaR to calculate the risk of evaluation in M & A.

  22. 基于实物期权理论的并购企业定价研究

    Research on the Pricing of Corporation in M & A Based on the Real Option Theory

  23. 并购交易定价实际上就是并购双方不同企业价值理念动态博弈的结果。

    The valuation for M & A is actually the result of dynamic bargains between seller and buyer about different idea of corporate value .

  24. 第四部分概述了我国乳制品行业并购及其定价现状,对其存在的问题进行了总结分析,并尝试性的提出了一些建议。

    The fourth part summarizes the M & A activities and pricing situation on dairy industry , the existing problems and attempts to put forward some suggestions .

  25. 本文提出的核电项目价值评估方法,对于未来中国核电行业的并购重组定价,具有重要的参考意义。

    The nuclear power project evaluation method proposed by this thesis has an important reference value for the future nuclear power industry M & A pricing practice .

  26. 首先从并购估值与定价入手,介绍软件企业并购估值的常用方法折现现金流法。

    The first part introduces the valuation methods , and discounted cash flow method is widely used in valuation of software companies .

  27. 第五部分对并购目标企业定价进行案例分析,主要针对中粮入股蒙牛乳业案例进行具体分析。

    The fifth part analysises the pricing of M & A by a case , mainly concrete analysis that cases of cofco becoming a shareholder of Mengniu .

  28. 文章对并购、并购定价理论作了引述,略述了信号博弈的基本概念。

    The article summarize the theory of Merger Acquisition , and the theory of Pricing for Merger Acquisition , and the same time give a simple presentation of Signaling Game .

  29. 企业价值作为一个概念,早在20世纪50年代中期在国外就被明确提了出来,并逐渐被广泛运用于企业并购和股票定价上。

    As a concept , Enterprise 's value has been carried out clearly abroad as far back as the middle period of the fifties of the 20th century , and was applied to enterprise 's merger and fixing the stock price extensively .

  30. 项目价值的不确定性和信息的不对称性是并购公司进行并购定价决策时面临的两个问题。

    The uncertainty of project value and the asymmetric information are the two main problems facing by the acquiring company .