
  • 网络AAGR;compound annual growth rate;annual growth rate
  1. 在过去的10年,信息产业年均增长率保持在20%以上,是全国GDP增长速度的三倍左右。

    In the past 10 years , the information industry maintained an annual growth rate of over 20 % of the national GDP growth rate tripled .

  2. 研究公司SandlerResearch赞同这一观点,该公司预计,到2018年底,4K电视市场的年均增长率将达到106.84%。

    SandlerResearch agrees , estimating 4K sets will have an annual growth rate of 106.84 percent through 2018 .

  3. 塔吉克斯坦或许很贫穷,但该国经济在快速增长:过去3年其GDP年均增长率为7.4%。

    It may be poor , but it is growing fast : GDP growth has averaged 7.4 per cent over the last three years .

  4. 1990年到2010年期间,中国GDP年均增长率达到了令人敬畏的10.5%,但年均就业增长却仅为1%。

    Between 1990 and 2010 , GDP growth averaged a formidable 10.5 per cent a year but employment growth was just 1 per cent .

  5. 根据国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTrafficAssociation)估计,未来20年全球的航空客运量将翻一番,达到73亿人次,其中主要客流来自中国,预计中国的航空客运量年均增长率将达到5.6%。

    The International Air Traffic Association expects global air passenger numbers to double within 20 years to 7.3 billion , mainly due to China , where numbers will grow by an average rate of 5.6 % a year .

  6. 不过IMF上周四确认,其对全球经济的中期预测为,到2015年全球经济年均增长率将为4.6%。

    But it confirmed on Thursday its medium-term view that the world economy can grow by an average of 4.6 per cent a year until 2015 .

  7. 结果:10年来,AMI死亡率、减寿率均呈持续上升趋势,年均增长率分别为11.88%和5.67%。

    Results : In recent 10 years AMI death rate and YPLL rate were increasing , the yearly rising rate was 11.88 % and 5.61 % respectively .

  8. 统计数字表明全球商品贸易额(1990-1999)平均年增长6.3%,而同期全球GDP年均增长率为2.1%。

    Data reveal an average annual increase of6.3 percent in the volume of global merchandise trade ( 1990-1999 ) compared to global GDP growth of2.1 percent per year over the same period .

  9. 汇丰(HSBC)本月预测,下个十年内,中国经济的年均增长率为6.5%;2020-2030年期间则为5.7%。

    HSBC this month predicted that Chinese growth would average 6.5 per cent a year over the next decade , then 5.7 per cent from 2020-2030 .

  10. 整体来看,GHA的NPP从1975年以来,28年间年均增长率达1.22%。

    Since 1975 , NPP of GHA has average annual growth rate of 1.22 % in 28 years .

  11. 中国自1978年实行经济体制改革和对外开放政策以来,经济建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,GDP年均增长率达到9.4%,创造了经济增长和发展的奇迹。

    Since the economic reforms and open-door policies began in 1978 , China has become the fastest growing economy in the world . The average annual growth rate of GDP in the past decades was 9.4 % .

  12. 人均C02排放量年均增长率为12.02%。

    The average growth rate per annum of per capita CO2 emission is 12.02 % . 4 .

  13. 结果表明:近20年太湖流域GDP年均增长率为11.6%,城市化率提高31个百分点,工业总产值增长了13倍,作物播种面积和有效灌溉面积逐年减少;

    The annual growth rate of GDP reached 11.6 % , the rate of urbanization increased 31 % and the gross output value of industry increased 13 times . However , the crop area and effectively irrigated area decreased year after year .

  14. 2000~2020年,SO2排放量将基本保持在2000年的水平,CO2排放总量的年均增长率将由基础情景下的2.7%减小到能源政策情景下的1.1%~1.2%。

    In energy policy implemented scenarios , SO2 emission during 2000 to 2020 will keep as the level in 2000 , and the increasing rate of CO2 emission will be reduced to 1.1 % - 1.2 % , which would be 2.7 % in BAU scenario .

  15. 1978~2003年的二十五年间,我国真实GDP增长了8.35倍,年均增长率高达9.36%。

    China 's real GDP has grown 8.35 times during 1978 and 2003 with an annual growth rate of 9.36 % . The Chinese growth miracle has attracted great attention all around the world , and inspired people 's curiosity to find the forces behind it .

  16. 结果BMD随年龄增长而增加,全身各部位BMD都是第二次高于第一次(Ρ<0.01~0.001),其BMD的年均增长率为5.4%~11.3%。

    Results BMD was increased significantly with their age . BMD of each part in whole body at the second measurement were higher than that at the first (Ρ < 0.01 ~ 0.001 ), annual growth rate of BMD was 5.4 % ~ 11.3 % .

  17. 结果600例少女前臂远端110、13处BMD年均增长率分别为39%和106%,年增长率以正常组最快,超重组次之,偏轻组最慢。

    Results Annual growth rates of BMD were 3 ^ 9 % and 10 ^ 6 % at distal 1 / 10,1 / 3 of left forearm , the fastest in the normal group , the second in the overweight group , and the lowest in the underweight group .

  18. 富达国际的机构业务总裁西蒙•弗雷泽(SimonFraser)表示:未来几年,多重经理人掌管的资产预计将增长更快,到2009年,年均增长率将达18%,将比共同基金整体资产增速快3倍。

    Simon Fraser , president of institutional business at Fidelity International , says : Multi-manager assets are forecast to grow even faster over the next few years , averaging an annual rate of 18 per cent between now and 2009 – three times faster than mutual fund assets overall .

  19. 预计2001~2006年全球对EDC需求的年均增长率为3.4%,到2004年亚洲(不包括日本)EDC仍具有每年9%的最高增长潜能。

    The global demand is to increase at a 3.4 % per year from 2001 to 2006.Asia ( excluding Japan ) will still have the highest EDC growth potential of 9 % by 2004.The future growth of EDC consumption will depend on the demand for VCM and PVC .

  20. 2020年前的年均增长率可能会达到8%。

    Growth could average 8 per cent until 2020 .

  21. 同时还发现第三产业对经济增长的贡献也较大,1978-2010年第三产业年均增长率为10.1%,仅比第二产业少1.1个百分点。

    The third industry with an average annual growth rate is 10.1 % during 1978-2010 .

  22. 我们力争在不久的将来,将年均增长率提高到10%。

    We are aiming to raise it to10 % per year in the near future .

  23. 全要素生产率年均增长率在3.7%~3.9%之间。

    The average annual growth rate of total factor productivity is between 3.7 % and 3.9 % .

  24. 从1967年到1980年,巴西的年均增长率为5.2%。

    From 1967 to 1980 , Brazil grew at an average annual rate of 5.2 per cent .

  25. 增长率为9.9%,对外贸易的年均增长率为16.3%。

    Growth is 9.9 per cent and the average annual growth of foreign trade is 16.3 per cent .

  26. 1991~1998年中国石油需求年均增长率为7%。

    From 1991 to 1998 , oil demand in China increased at the rate of 7 % per year .

  27. 2000年至金融危机爆发前,俄罗斯经济年均增长率为7%。

    Between 2000 and the financial crisis , the Russian economy expanded an average of 7 % a year .

  28. 在中国,上个世纪九十年代以来,港口集装箱吞吐量迅速增长,年均增长率超过30%。

    In China , since 1990 , the port container throughput grows as more than 30 % average annual .

  29. 该机构预计,中国市场未来五年的年均增长率将超过40%。

    It expects the next five years the average annual growth rate of the Chinese market will exceed 40 % .

  30. 国际知识产权贸易出口额近十年内增长了近两倍,2001-2010年全球知识产权贸易出口年均增长率为12%。

    Last decade exports of international intellectual property trade nearly tripled , and had an average annual growth rate of12 % .