
  • 网络equilibrium phase
  1. 结论:PLC血供丰富、增强快,平衡期达最高,瘤肺界面清晰;良性结节增强慢,与肺界面关系模糊。

    Conclusion : PLC 's blood supply is rich , enhancement is quick , and crest value in the equilibrium phase is the highest , interface of the tumor-lung is clear , innocence nodule enhances slowly and the peripheral of innocence nodule is vague .

  2. 结果动脉期、非平衡期及平衡期可见病灶分层情况分别为35.5%、19.4%及12.9%。

    Results The focal stratification was seen in aterial phase , non equilibrium phase and equilibrium phase ( 35.5 % , 19.4 % and 12.9 % , respectively ) .

  3. 结果3DMRI扫描表现:动脉期至平衡期呈轻度至中度逐渐明显异常强化7例;

    Results On the 3D MRI images , peri-ampullaris carcinoma showed mild or moderate enhancement in seven cases from the artery phase to balanced phase .

  4. 所以,我们今天即将度过的是一个静态平衡期(aperiodofstasis),而不是一个两极分化意识有所提高或者可以界定的两方真正出现激烈冲突的时期。

    So what we 're going through today is a period of stasis , rather than a period with any heightened sense of polarisation or any real sharp clash between definable sides .

  5. 平扫后行三期动态增强扫描,动脉期开始于注射对比剂后30s,60s后为实质期,2min后为平衡期。

    Triphasic , dynamic contrast - enhanced scanning was adopted .

  6. 分别观察3D薄层动态增强MRI图像、2DT1WI增强扫描平衡期图像和MRCP图像3种MRI序列对肿瘤的显示及分型情况。

    The depiction of the tumors , as well as the morphological classification of hilar cholangiocarcinoma were compared with 3D thin-section dynamic enhanced MR images , 2D T_1W enhanced images and MRCP images respectively .

  7. 纳入标准:经过两周的平衡期(包括行为、运动、平衡饮食控制)后BMI≥27kg/m2;

    Inclusion criteria : body mass index ( BMI ) ≥ 27 kg / m2 through the balance period ( including behavior , sports and balance of diet control ) for 2 weeks ;

  8. 平衡期初期的受体菌用溶菌酶和溶葡萄球菌素处理,所获得的原生质体与质粒DNA混合,以PEG诱导,涂布于含药的双层DM3再生培养基上,即可获得Tc~r或Cm~r转化子。

    Protoplasts were prepared by treating recipients at early stationary phase with lysozyme and lysostaphin . Mixed protoplasts and DNA , then treated with polyethylene glycol ( molecular weight . 6000 ), Tc ~ r or Cm ~ r transformants were obtained .

  9. 汾河水体中原生动物平衡期与水体污染指数相关性的研究

    Research of Interrelation between Equilibrium Period of Protozoon and Pollution Index in Fenhe River

  10. 平衡期结束检测大鼠血液学指标。

    At the end of the balance period , their hematological indices were tested .

  11. 注射速度和延迟扫描时间不同,肝脏增强的各参数值亦不同。平衡期出现的时间与注射方式、注射速度和延迟扫描时间有关。

    Each parameter of hepatic enhancement was also different in different injection rate and delay times .

  12. 早熟种脱毒薯的平衡期早于未脱毒薯。

    The equilibrium stage of early maturing virus-free cultivars was earlier than that of the cultivars infected ;

  13. 大鼠在平衡期结束,各检测指标无显著性差异。

    The indices of grown-up rats at the end of the balance period showed no significant differences .

  14. 仔鼠断乳后均饲喂富铁饲料至平衡期结束。

    Thereafter , the weaner rats were fed with iron-rich diet until the end of the period .

  15. 甘油对平衡期细胞增殖有促进作用,提高比生长速率和生物量;

    Glycerol can promote the cell proliferation in the stationary growth phase by enhancing cellular specific growth rate .

  16. 高中生处于青春期中后期,面临身心发展的动荡和不平衡期,攻击性较高,攻击行为所带来的后果也更为严重。

    High school students who are in the adolescent stage are facing an instable physical and mental development .

  17. 同时,每一条曲线都有先下降,再有一个平衡期,最后上升的趋势。

    And every curve was it dropped first , had again one balanced issue , raise trend finally .

  18. 2例动脉期强化不明显,门脉期至平衡期整个瘤体呈渐进性同步中度强化;

    Artery phase without enhancement but portal vein phase to blance phase whole lesion progressive enhancement ws ween in 2 patients ;

  19. 中熟种脱毒薯平衡期延长,适当晚收,可以高产增收。

    The equilibrium stage of middle maturing virus-free cultivars was later , so higher yield could be achieved if they were harvested late .

  20. 动态观测仔鼠在哺乳期及生长发育期(平衡期)体重变化。

    Dynamic observations were made of the weight changes of the weaner rats in the lactation and the growth period ( balance period ) .

  21. 细胞悬浮培养的第0-3天为延滞期,3-18天为对数生长期,18-30天为平衡期和衰亡期。

    In the cell suspension culture , 0-3 d was lag phase , 3-18 d was exponential phase and 18-30 d was stationary phase .

  22. 将该模型应用于考察氯化钠和甘油对细胞增殖行为的影响,结果揭示,氯化钠显著抑制指数生长期和平衡期细胞分裂,降低酵母比生长速率和生物量;

    Cell culture trial indicates that sodium chlorine significantly inhibits cell proliferation in the exponential and stationary growth phase via decreasing cellular specific growth rate and biomass .

  23. 平衡期按定义说为稳定期,区域内人口的短期变动都是由于当地各种情况所造成。

    Say , by definition , a balanced view for the stability period , the region 's population because of the short-term changes are caused by local circumstances .

  24. 在平衡期,某具体县的人口随本地情况而变化,与同一大区其他县的长期发展趋势关系不大。

    At the balance period , a specific county population change with local conditions , with the same region in other counties has little to do with long-term development trends .

  25. 结果:生长板演变可分4期,即生长板形成前期、形成期、平衡期和闭合期;

    Results : The evolution of growth-plate was classified into 4 development stages : the earlier forming stage , the forming stage , the maintaining stage , and the closing stage .

  26. 另外肝内胆管癌3例平扫与肝癌难于鉴别,但增强后延迟平衡期扫描出现特征性改变而确诊。

    Cases of intrahepatic cancer of biliary duct were difficult to distinguish from hepatic carcinoma by CT plain scanning , which was confirmed by characteristic features in enhanced delay - equilibrium .

  27. 结果表明,表面层的生长过程具有凝固溶解期→扩散增厚期→过渡平衡期三个不同阶段,过渡层的生长符合指数增长规律。

    After hot-dip by flux method , it showed that the growth process of surface layer experiences three different periods , i. e. " solidification-disolution period "→" diffusion-accretion period "→" transition-equlibrium period ", the growth of transition layer coincides with exponent law .

  28. 结果28例中19例动脉期边缘不规则环形轻、中度强化,门脉期及平衡期轻、中度向心性强化,延迟7分钟呈持续强化;

    Results : In all 28 patients , artery phase irregularly gyrose light to moderate enhancement at the adge of the lesions and portal vein , balance phase light to moderate concentric enhancement and continuous enhancement in delay 7 minutes scanning were observed in 19 patients ;

  29. 敏感者高盐负荷后与平衡饮食期相比,葡萄糖负荷试验后的1h及曲线下面积亦有升高倾向。

    After salt loading , the glucose levels in 60 minutes OGTT and the area under curves of glucose in SS were higher than those in the balanced salt diet .

  30. 再次,平衡服务期劳动合同双方的责任分配,这是文章主要的创新点。

    Thirdly , it should be balanced for the responsibility of the both sides of the labor contract . This is the main innovation of this article .