
  1. 平等站方式下循环等待协议中站点进出等待环方法

    On Network of Equal Stations According Circular Waiting Protocol Method of Computer Station Getting in or out Waiting Ring

  2. 在简要回顾循环等待协议的基本思想的基础上,对计算机站点如何进、出等待环的问题进行了讨论,并提出了一种在平等站方式下,计算机站点进、出等待环的方法。

    Based on the mechanism of Circular Waiting Protocol proposed , has discussed the problem which is about how a computer station get in or out the waiting ring , and proposed a solution which is based on the network of equal stations .

  3. 不久,你们将平等地站在我们一旁。

    Soon , you will stand beside us as equals .

  4. 就如你我走过坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。

    I like your grave , equality and walked stand before god .

  5. 他是一个新手,但是他希望成为一个成功者,有一天能和那些伟大的汽车人战士平等的站在一起。

    He 's an unproven rookie who wants to be a player , to one day stand as an equal with other great AUTOBOT champions .

  6. 但是,真正的平等只能出现在最高层级的形而上学意义上,即我们颤抖的和赤裸的灵魂将来某一天要平等地站在上帝面前。

    And yet , true equality is discovered only on the highest level of transcendence in the sense that our souls , quivering and naked , will someday stand equal before God .