- give-and-take;equal exchange;exchange on an equal basis

Economic trust is the special expression in particular social ethnical relation , its key is the exchange justice of the equal exchange of the right and duty .
Family support for the elderly thus transits from a supra economic action to an equal exchange action as same as market economy . That is the root of the problem of the family support for the elderly in countryside .
A Study of the Inequality of Exchange in International Trade
On the Inequality Exchange Relation of Chinese Marriage
22 . A more balanced allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas will be promoted .
Part of Mr. Sandel 's appeal is tied to the glimpse that his TV show provided into the give-and-take style of teaching at U.S. colleges .
And such a relationship should be embodied during the whole course of public sectors economic behavior and be ensured and protected by the form of laws .
Accumulation of capital is realized by means of unfair exchanges between the central and the marginal sections of the world system . It is the existence of semi-proletarians that makes the exchange possible .
Although some Marxists studied the international unequal exchange from different angles , most of that are scattered and superficial . Due to the lack of comprehensive research frame , the existing theory of international unequal exchange is not complete .
Through the data sorting of Chinese international trade in the recent years to introduce unequal exchange on issues of international classification . Combined with theoretical analysis and practical conditions to identify our international unequal exchange causes , classified factors explain according to different .
In Blua . P 's opinion , it is the ability of imposing will on others for individual or organization in the process of exchanging .
In the tax price theory , tax is the price that taxpayers pay for consuming public goods , so the exchange relationship of the two sides of tax administration is equal in essence .
Israel has carried out lopsided prisoner swaps in the past , but critics , like Rabbi Stuart Weiss , say the policy is a grave mistake .
According to the theory of education industry , there is an equal and free exchanging relationship between education organization and students , which is an education serving - consuming contract .
The relationship between a school and its students is an equal and free exchange one according to the theory of education industry , as well as that of the education market .
Moreover non-alienation work and non-alienation division cooperation can cause true free and equal exchange of market economy .
In this paper teaching and learning are put into consideration in the background of contract society , which emphases that two parties of teachers and students are equal in academic communication , where they are equal to exchange ideas with contract relationship .
It opened out the behave of inequality and its causes in the marriage exchange relation and put forward advices on establishing and developing equal marriage exchange relation to the unmarried and married women .