
pínɡ tái jiǎ bǎn
  • platform deck
  1. Poisson-Logistic二元复合极值模型在平台甲板标高设计中的应用

    Poisson - Logistic compound bivariate extreme distribution and its application in designing of platform deck clearance

  2. 今天下午我在平台甲板上看了它两个小时。

    I was upon the platform two hours this afternoon looking at her .

  3. 目前欠平衡钻井技术在海上推广应用中存在的主要问题涉及平台甲板空间、安全环保、组织管理模式等方面。

    The main problems for wide application of UBD offshore are the platform space , HSE , organization and management model , etc.

  4. 在第一章中,作者基于Mindlin假设推导了六结点二维三角形板壳单元,该单元将用于模拟平台的甲板结构;

    Then in Chapter 1 , the 6-node triangular shell element , used to simulate the platform deck , is deduced according to the Mindlin assumption .

  5. 在平台顶部甲板安装半主动控制装置后,平台甲板的加速度标准偏差平均降低21%。

    The analysis shows that the mean value of the deck acceleration standard deviation can be decreased by 21 % compared with that of without the device .

  6. 对所设计的粘弹性阻尼器,平台顶层甲板位移均方根差下降32.3%,加速度均方根差下降38.9%。

    It can reduce displacement and acceleration response standard deviation of the top of platform by 32.3 % and 38.9 % respectively , compared with those of without dampers .

  7. 为保证风险分析的准确性,采用模糊综合评价法对主要事故进行定量分析,确定海洋生产平台下层甲板油气处理系统安全运行水平。

    In order to ensure the accuracy of risk analysis , apply the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for quantitative analysis to judge the safety operation level of offshore oil and gas processing system .

  8. 平台象船甲板一样的层面在按钮式平面台上操纵踏板。

    A platform or surface likened to a ship 's deck . operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument .

  9. 首先,将平台本体(甲板,立柱,浮筒)简化成一个顶端集中质量,把张力腿简化成一根空心的柔性梁结构,并与基础通过一扭簧铰接。

    Firstly , the platform ( Deck , Column and Pontoon ) is simplified by a hollow flexible beam supported by a torsional spring at the base and attached with a mass at the tip .

  10. 浅海重力式平台的整个结构大致由三部分组成:底部沉箱、支撑立柱和平台甲板。

    The gravity platform in shallow sea consists of three parts : the bottom caissons , the columns and the upper deck .

  11. 试验结果表明:导管架式海洋平台结构的磁流变阻尼隔震方案对于减少导管架结构的振动、平台甲板的加速度和隔震层相对位移是非常有效的。

    The results show that : the scheme of offshore platform jacket structure with MR damper as isolator is of efficiency for reducing vibration of jacket structure , mitigating acceleration of platform duck and decreasing drift of isolation layer .