
chánɡ shí kè
  • general knowledge course
  1. 在常识课上,我们了解了周围的人及发生的事情。

    In our general knowledge lessons , we learn the people around us and the things that are happening .

  2. 因此,对于那些通过经济学常识课第一周课程的人而言,该交易的逻辑显而易见。

    The logic of the deal is thus obvious to anyone who got past the first week of Economics 101 .

  3. 高中哲学常识课在培养学生科学思维特别是创造性思维能力方面有着其它学科难以比拟的优势。

    Philosophic course for senior high school has great superiority than any other subjects in developing the students ' scientific thinking ability , especially in innovative thinking abilities . What is Philosophy ?

  4. 有一个时期,为了彼得的缘故,她努力不让自己越来越痛苦。当她在常识课上得了奖时,她觉得自己是对彼得不忠实。

    For a little longer she tried for his sake not to have growing pains ; and she felt she was untrue to him when she got a prize for general knowledge .

  5. 所以改革法律常识课传统的教学方法,提高法律常识课的实效性是每位在教学第一线工作的教师必须面对的问题。

    Therefore , common sense legal reform and traditional teaching methods courses , courses to enhance the effectiveness of legal knowledge is the first line of each work in teaching the teachers must face .

  6. 思想政治课是一门以德育为主要目标的综合性的人文社会科学常识课,是一种规范性较强的教育。

    The thesis , based on moral and politics course is a general humanism social subject which sets moral education as its main goal . It is a kind of education with strict standard .

  7. 情节记忆是个人事件的记忆,语义记忆是独立于时间和地点的常识。这门课是把情节记忆和语义记忆区分开来的研究。

    This course is an investigation to distinguish episodic memory , which is memory of personal events , from semantic memory , which is general knowledge independent of time and place .

  8. 何况现在不是学的孔夫子,学的是新鲜的国语、历史、地理和自然常识,这些文化课学好了,到处有用。

    Nowadays we no longer study the Confucian classics but such new subjects as modern chinese , history , geography and elementary natural science , which , once learned , are useful everywhere .