
  • 网络Market penetration;penetration rate;Market penetration rate
  1. 但从长远来看,由于竞争加剧和市场渗透率的上升,我们不可能一直保持如此高的利润率。

    But in the long term , as competition intensifies and penetration rate rises , it won 't be possible for us to keep such a high margin .

  2. 而我国2009年租赁和商务服务资产投资为1888亿元人民币,市场渗透率仅为3.43%。

    However , in 2009 , the investment of lease and commercial service in China is only 188 billion RMB . and its penetration rate is a mere 3.43 % .

  3. 阿里巴巴已经比亚马逊(Amazon)和eBay加起来还大了,而他们的市场渗透率依然相对不高。

    Alibaba is already larger than Amazon and eBay combined , and their market penetration is still relatively low .

  4. 据市调机构高德纳公司(Gartner)估算,像Badgeville和Bunchball等公司开发的游戏化技术的市场渗透率大概只有5%到10%。

    The market research firm Gartner estimates market penetration of gamification technology , exemplified by enterprise developers suchas Badgeville andBunchball , at just 5 % to 10 % .

  5. 他补充说:“WhatsApp在南非的市场渗透率,可能是全球所有国家中最高的。作为一个新入者要与其竞争是非常困难的,但在非洲其他国家,智能手机的渗透率几乎还不存在,那是一个开放的市场。“

    He added : " WhatsApp has possibly the highest market penetration of any country on earth in South Africa . Fighting that as a newcomer is really tough , but in other African territories , smartphone penetration is pretty much non-existent : that 's an open market . "

  6. 但我们的市场渗透率并没有达到百分之百。

    We don 't have one hundred percent market penetration .

  7. 多目标路径诱导下平衡市场渗透率的确定

    Determination of Equilibrium Market Penetration under Multi-criteria Route Guidance Systems

  8. 但与美国超过30%的租赁市场渗透率相比,我国的渗透率不足1%。

    Compared with American leasing penetration over 30 % , the penetration in China is less than 1 % .

  9. 本文利用混合网络随机用户均衡建模理论,研究了多目标路径诱导下平衡市场渗透率的确定方法,并设计了一个求解模型的算法。

    This paper utilizes the mixed stochastic user equilibrium modeling approach to study the determination of the equilibrium market penetration under multi-criteria route guidance .

  10. 以2009年数据来看,我国手机用户数达到7.47亿,而手机支付用户数只有约7200万,手机支付市场渗透率仅为9.6%。

    According to data of 2009 , mobile users reach 0.747 billion , mobile payment users are 72 million , only 9.6 % of the whole market .

  11. 平衡市场渗透率随信息质量是递增的,但其边际影响是递减的。

    In addition , the better the quality of information , the greater the equilibrium market penetration , but the marginal effects of the quality of information are decreasing .

  12. 然而,该报告称,由于促进本土行业的国内规定,市场渗透率的增长如蜗牛般缓慢。

    But , the Create report states , market penetration has progressed at a snail 's pace , thanks to national regulations that promote an indigenous industry over outsiders .

  13. 我国租赁市场渗透率(通过租赁实现的设备投资占设备总投资的比例)只有2%左右,远低于17%世界平均水平,而现代租赁经济最为发达的美国已达到33%。

    The penetration of lease market of China is about 2 % which is much lower than that of world average level as 17 % , but in USA the penetration of lease market has arrived at 33 % .

  14. 另一家研究集团StudentMonitor的调查显示,去年租赁对纸质教科书市场的渗透率达到13%。

    Student Monitor , another research group , put rentals ' penetration of the print textbook market at 13 per cent last year .

  15. 该行业在2007年的全球产值为1650亿美金,但对潜在市场的渗透率只有19%,未来的发展前景十分广阔。

    The overall revenue of the industry in 2007 is 165 billion USD , however , the penetration to available market is only 19 % , the future growth opportunity is significant .

  16. 为了估算潜在收益,团队考虑了市场大小,渗透率和价格点。

    To estimate the potential revenue , the team looked at market size , penetration rates , and price points .

  17. 服务在通信企业中占据越来越重要的地位,中国联通在市场进入平稳发展,市场渗透率趋于饱和的情况下,提出更多创新服务举措,更加注重服务与业务协调一致。

    Services in the communications industry are becoming increasingly important . China Unicom proposed service initiatives in case of Market beginning into a smooth development and the Market penetration becomes saturated .

  18. 通过数据分析,在线度假旅游市场发展速度高于在线商务旅游市场,且行业渗透率较低,发展空间较大,处于良好的战略发展机遇期。

    Based on the data analysis , the development of online vacation travel market is faster than online business travel market . There is huge potential with low market penetration in online vacation travel business .