
  • 网络market-positioned strategy
  1. 物流企业可以通过SWOT分析,从经营的商品种类、供应链中地位、客户对象、物流功能、服务范围等方面进行市场定位策略选择。

    By means of SWOT analysis , logistics corporations can make market positioning strategies on merchandise categories , position in supply chains , clients , logistics functions , service scopes and so on .

  2. 国际花园项目市场定位策略的研究

    Research on Market Positioning Strategy of " International Garden "

  3. 江西民办高校生源市场定位策略分析

    On the Matriculate Market Orientation Strategies of Private Colleges and Universities in Jiangxi

  4. 北京住宅群商业设施市场定位策略研究

    A Research on Position Strategy of Commerical Facilities in Beijing 's Residential Group

  5. 市场定位策略;

    Security Strategy Selection of Housing Security market selection ;

  6. 品牌故事&针对个别品牌介绍其来龙去脉及市场定位策略等。

    Brand Story & introduces an individual brand 's evolution and market positioning .

  7. 关于市场定位策略的思考

    Thinking on the Positioning Strategies of the Market

  8. 试论商品房市场定位策略

    Market Positioning Strategies of Commodity Buildings

  9. 市场定位策略;并行工程在高速民用运输机方案选型中的应用

    Market selection ; The Application of Concurrent Engineering in Selection of High Speed Civil Transport Concepts

  10. 第二、通过对华远房地产公司的经营现状和竞争环境的阐述,对华远公司目前市场定位策略进行了分析。

    Analyze the present positioning strategy of Hua Yuan Co. after studying its operation and competitive environment .

  11. 房地产企业市场定位策略包括产品定位策略、品牌定位策略和企业战略定位策略。

    The market positioning strategy of real estate include product positioning strategy , brand positioning strategy and the enterprise strategy .

  12. 本文的写作正处于酒店经营理念产生之际,着重对酒店的市场定位策略进行研究。

    It will put into operation at the end of 2006 . This article was writing on the time that the hotel management idea was producing , which emphasized on studying market positioning strategy of the hotel .

  13. 并在市场定位策略的基础上,为企业制定搬迁后的发展战略,包括降低成本策略、新产品开发策略、关系营销策略等,目的是为企业能够在竞争激烈的市场中占领一席之地。

    Based on the market positioning strategies , this paper sets down a series of development strategies for companies to develop after the removal , including cost-reduction strategy , new product development strategy , relationship marketing strategy , aiming to occupy a place in the fierce competition .

  14. 首先,关于科技期刊广告的市场竞争定位策略,通过SWOT分析法,确定科技期刊只能作为广告市场的补缺者而寻求自身的发展空间。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix . ① Using the SWOT means , ascertain the Scientific and Technical Periodicals ad as a stopgap .

  15. 本文以上述理论研究成果为依据,探讨了科技期刊进行广告经营的市场竞争定位策略、目标市场选择策略与市场营销组合策略。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix .

  16. 通过各方面的分析,从市场定位、品牌策略、价格策略、服务策略等方面阐述SCI集团核岛主设备在中国市场上应该运用的营销策略。

    Finally describes the marketing strategy should be used by SCI Group in China from marketing positioning , brand strategy , price strategy and service strategy respectively .

  17. 通过SWOT分析后,总结出公司在ND销售方面存在的关健问题。然后是运用营销的STP和4P理论从市场定位和营销策略方面进行了改进,最后提出了一些营销策略实施方面的建议。

    Through the SWOT analysis , the ND sale key issues which exist were summarized and then they were improved in the market positioning and marketing strategy aspects using STP and the 4P marketing theory . Finally , some advices were brought forward in marketing strategy and implementation .

  18. 分析香港服装公司Kitterick的成功经验,从品牌形象,市场定位,品牌策略,设计风格,促销方式,卖场及业务拓展等方面进行剖析,为设计师及经营者提供借鉴。

    This paper analyses the successful experiences of Hong Kong fashion company " Kitterick " and gives some suggestion about brand image , market orientation , brand tactics diversification , style designing , sales promotion , merchandising shops and business expan -

  19. 内容包括市场定位、竞争策略、营销组合。

    Contents include market positioning , competitive strategy , marketing mix .

  20. 淮南市旅游市场定位与营销策略分析

    Analysis on the Positioning of Tourist Market and Marketing in Huainan

  21. 我国大型百货商场的市场定位与发展策略

    The market position and developing strategy of large-sized department stores

  22. 上海瑞金-哈佛心脏中心市场定位和营销策略

    Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies for Shanghai Ruijin-Harvard Heart Center

  23. 河南省南太行山旅游客源市场定位与营销策略研究

    Study on Tourist Market Positioning and Market Strategy in Southern Taihang Mountains

  24. 高校体育产业的市场定位及发展策略

    The Market Positioning and Sports Industry Strategy at College

  25. 蒙山旅游客源市场定位及营销策略

    Mengshan Tourism Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies

  26. 因此,准确的市场定位和营销策略是明珠家园项目开发成功的关键因素。

    Therefore , the determining factor for the success of the Pearl Homestead Project is the precis market selection and sales strategy .

  27. 接下来,详细阐述了珠子肝泰胶囊药品的市场细分及定位策略、价格策略、招商策略、市场推广策略和服务营销策略。

    After that , we state the subdividing of the market and orientation strategy , price strategy , beckon strategy , market generalization strategy and serve marketing strategy .

  28. 对此,笔者认为与存款有关的服务收费与否以及多少取决于商业银行自身的市场定位与营销策略,存款定价可以用来为银行的各种服务形成特定的客户基础。

    The authors think that deposit service charge depends on sale strategy and the market position of commercial bank itself , deposit pricing can be used to form specific customer foundation for various services of bank .

  29. 本文认为,实施价格策略的目的在于取得竞争优势,价格策略目的在于主动权和控制权,市场定位是价格策略选择的核心,成本控制与产品差异化是价格策略的重要环节。

    The purpose of the price policy is getting initiative and domination . The core of the price policy selecting is market 's orientation . The important tache of the price policy is controlling cost and the difference of products .

  30. 通过对目标市场及市场定位策略的研究,进行了产品策略分析、价格策略分析、促销价格分析和渠道策略分析,提出了平安财险重庆分公司的整合营销策略。

    Through the target market and market orientation strategy research , the product strategy analysis , pricing strategy analysis , promotion price analysis and channel analysis , put forward the integrated marketing strategy of Ping An Property Insurance Company of Chongqing Branch .