
  1. 国际市场营销与市场营销之间最主要的差别是范围上的不同,国际市场营销是企业超越本国国界进行的市场营销活动。

    The most important difference between International Marketing and Marketing is the scope , and international marketing is carried out beyond the national borders of marketing activities .

  2. 零售业是微观市场营销与宏观市场营销的统一体。

    Retailing industry is the unity of micro-marketing and macro-marketing .

  3. 本文中,笔者试图通过深入调查和分析我国老牌国有硬质合金企业&株洲硬质合金集团有限公司的市场营销环境与市场营销的现状,发现该公司存在的优、劣势以及面临的市场机会和威胁。

    This paper makes good investigation and analyses ZCC 's management environment and practical situation of marketing and finds out the company 's advantage and disadvantage , market opportunity and threatens .

  4. 本文对区域市场营销与企业市场营销进行了比较分析,指出二者在营销实质上是相同的,但在具体操作中既有联系又有区别。

    By comparatively analyzing the regional marketing and the enterprise marketing , this article points out that they are same in terms of substance , while there are both connections and differences in material operation . 3 .

  5. 针对组织市场营销管理与消费者市场营销管理之间的差异,以4Ps理论为主线对组织市场营销管理进行了分析。

    Then towards the differences between organizational market and customers market , the author analyzes the management of organizational marketing using " 4ps " theory .

  6. 市场营销的国际化与市场营销的本土化问题,在经济全球化趋势日益明显的今天已成为企业关注的焦点之一。

    Nowadays , the internationalization and localization of marketing has been one of the focuses under the influence of the global economy .

  7. 市场营销审计可以把市场营销理论与市场营销实践有机地结合起来,有效地提高企业的市场营销效率,改善企业的市场营销效果。

    The marketing audit can combine the marketing theory and the practice , enhance the marketing efficiency , and improve the marketing effect .

  8. 本文以上述理论研究成果为依据,探讨了科技期刊进行广告经营的市场竞争定位策略、目标市场选择策略与市场营销组合策略。

    Then analyses the choosing of strategies about market competition position and marketing matrix .

  9. 深入研究了期货市场营销的特点,将期货市场营销与其他行业市场营销的不同之处,做了归纳与总结。

    Further investigate characteristic of futures marketing , summarize the differences between futures marketing and other marketing of trade .

  10. 第一部分:从市场营销以及银行市场营销的基本概念入手,分析银行市场营销与一般企业市场营销相比具有的特殊性;概要阐述银行市场营销发展变化历程。

    The dissertation consists of five parts : Part I , beginning with the basic concepts of marketing and bank marketing , analyzes the uniqueness of bank marketing compared with ordinary business marketing , and examines briefly the history of bank marketing .

  11. 商业银行市场营销的基本内容是商业银行在市场细分的基础上形成的市场营销组合与市场营销战略。

    The basic contents is about the combination of financial sales and marketing strategy which are built on the foundation of financial market subdividing .

  12. 市场营销环境的复杂多变使企业市场营销的难度加大,企业日益重视市场营销活动,但由于市场营销理论与市场营销实践的脱节,导致很多企业没有取得令人满意的市场营销效率和效果。

    The changeable and complicated marketing environment makes the enterprises ' marketing more difficult . Although enterprises attach importance to marketing , many enterprises can 't get satisfactory marketing efficiency and effect because of the disjoint between the marketing theory and the marketing practice .