- the Left;the left wing;leftist

(1) [the Left;leftist]
(2) 发表反对观点或主张变革,主张通过改良或革命改变现有秩序(尤指政治体制)的个人或团体
(3) 倡导这种观点的人占据的象征地位;不同于保守立场的激进立场
The left have seen the work as an apologia for privilege and property .
The left opposes the new taxes .
Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists .
His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left .
The book is a diatribe against the academic left .
The far right is now a greater threat than the extreme left
The government 's industrial policy has been fiercely attacked by the left .
They make no secret of their leftist sympathies .
But we must not think of Chekhov as a leftist , much less a revolutionary .
We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution .
There is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party .
The left has been vocally against .
This curious coalition37 is building from the right and the left , made up of former prisoners and fiscal38 conservatives , of civil rights activists39 and libertarians , of young people taking to the streets to protest police violence against unarmed black teenagers , and older ,
wealthier people -- some of you are here in the audience -- pumping big money into decarceration initiatives In a deeply divided Congress , the work of reforming our criminal justice system is just about the only thing that the right and the left are coming together on .
In his view the new left is really debating neoliberalism , and he suggests the term " critical intellectual " is more precise .
The most powerful description of what has gone wrong in Western societies was recently laid out by the German sociologist Wolfgang streeck in the New Left Review .
NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the Vatican says the charges stem from a leftist anti-clerical campaign .
Yet , so far , all this rage – whether on the left or the Tea Party right – has been expressed in the media or at the ballot box , but not by disorder on the streets .
To this end , he made Bernard Kouchner , a left-wing former humanitarian champion , his foreign minister .
Barack Obama faces the dilemma that has confronted all politicians of the centre left since the demise of Socialism : to articulate a new progressive account of the relationship between the state and the market .
Iconic critics of capitalism - Che Guevara , Fidel Castro , Ho Chi Minh - kept alive the identification of facial hair with leftist politics .
The second generation of English New Left represented by Perry Anderson and Tom Nairn accepted Europe mainland theory and endeavoured to bring it into Britain , which was strongly against by Thompson .
So then he suggested the Third , but that was the " Eroica , " which the leftists said was " about " Napoleon .
Narayana Murthy , the co-founder of Infosys , was a former leftist who found himself on the wrong side of the Bulgarian police .
But the weakness of the modern European left has deeper roots . To a large extent it explains the emergence of the technocratic government in Italy led by Mario Monti , the former EU commissioner .
The FSLN is " a party of the left , but a very realist party ," according to Bayardo Arce , a revolutionary comandante who is now the president 's economic adviser .
Several top opposition figures were among the hundreds of people arrested during and after the May 6th demonstration , including Left-Front Leader Sergei Udaltsov and anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny . Both men were jailed for 15 days for disobeying police orders and remain in custody .
Nearby Collett 's might have been the left 's favoured bookshop but it was Foyles that retained the extraordinary Moscow-style triple queueing system : customers had to line up to receive a chit , then again to pay at an Edwardian-style till , then once more to collect the book from where they had started .
One-third to the left progressives , representing the petty bourgeoisie .
Morality and Revolution : Ethical Debates in the British New Left