
  • 网络Engineering quality acceptance;acceptance of engineerying quality
  1. 依据《建筑工程质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2001)中对建筑观感质量评定的规定,引入模糊综合评价法,给出了一条定性、定量相结合的建筑工程观感质量评价新方法。

    According to the " Unified standard for construction quality acceptance of building engineering ( GB50300-2001 )", The Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment method was given to evaluation the Quality of Architectural Appearance .

  2. 审核并签认承包单位工程质量验收资料。

    Review and endorse project quality acceptance material of the employer ;

  3. 园林绿化工程质量验收标准的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Acceptance Standard for Landscaping Constructional Quality

  4. 建筑居室装饰工程质量验收标准

    Standard for exanimation and acceptance for household decoration engineering quality

  5. 新编《地下防水工程质量验收规范》内容介绍

    Abstract of new version code for acceptance of construction quality of underground waterproof

  6. 施工质量:严格按照国家和北京市装饰工程质量验收标准要求进行施工。

    Construction quality : we 'll work following the National and Beijing decoration project standard .

  7. 公路隧道工程质量验收检测方法及评定标准有关问题的探讨

    A discussion on issues on the acceptance method and evaluation specifications for the quality of highway tunnel

  8. 这些成果对于隧道洞口绿化设计施工以及工程质量验收标准的制定都有一定的参考价值。

    This paper may contribute to the establishment of tunnel opening greening-design , construction and validation standard .

  9. 本文简要介绍横潦泾大桥悬臂浇筑箱梁中线偏差控制的方法以及对工程质量验收评定进行探讨。

    The paper mainly introduces the method of medium error control of cantilever concreting box beam of Hengliaojing Bridge .

  10. 介绍了自行研制的远程工程质量验收系统的开发背景、特点以及功能,并介绍了远程工程验收系统在具体工程中的应用。

    The development background , characteristics and functions of self-developed remote project quality acceptance system are introduced as well as its application .

  11. 分部(子分部)、分项作为施工质量验收体系中的重要内容,对如何合理地进行工程质量验收起到了关键的作用。

    As the important parts of the quality acceptance system , partialized and itemized project management are the keys in Construction Quality Acceptance .

  12. 施工中只要抓好事前控制、程控制,就能达到高级装饰装修工程质量验收的要求。

    If pre-control and process control is well performed in the construction , it can reach the quality requirement of high level decoration works .

  13. 从原材料、混凝土配合比、混凝土浇筑、混凝土工程质量验收等方面论述混凝土工程的质量控制。

    From the aspect of raw materials , proportioning of concrete , concreting , acceptance of concrete engineering quality , the paper discusses quality control of concrete engineering .

  14. 介绍了《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》编制工作的背景情况,以及规范内容的调整和章节设置,并对规范编制过程中的几个主要问题进行了论述。

    In this article , the author introduces some background situation of this code such as edition jobs , states adjustment of contents and chapters , and discusses several main problems happened in compilation .

  15. 由此形成与当前建筑法规和工程质量验收规范相配套的建筑工程质量评优管理模式和方法,有助于提高建筑工程质量和工程管理水平。

    In this way , we may found a new mode and method that is fit for rules and codes so that to got high quality of quality of building engineering and enhance level of engineering and management .

  16. 该软件是公路隧道病害治理方法和工程质量验收管理在电脑程序中的具体实现,使公路隧道病害治理工程规范化,验收标准化,计算现代化,操作简单化。

    This software is the highway tunnel disease treatment method and the project quality approval management in the computer procedure concrete realization , causing the highway tunnel disease to mend the project standardization , approval standardization , computation modernization , operation simplification .

  17. 基桩作为桥梁的重要组成部分,其安全性和施工质量也越来越得到关注。迅速、准确、经济地对桥梁基桩的安全性进行检测也成为了桥梁工程质量验收的重要组成部分。

    As bridge pile is an important part of bridges , its safety and construction quality is getting more and more attention and detecting safety of bridge piles quickly , accurately , economically also becomes an important part of acceptance of quality for bridges .

  18. 对某高速公路的水泥混凝土路面进行弯拉强度与劈裂强度的对比试验,建立了弯拉强度和劈裂强度的换算关系式,用作工程质量验收的评定依据。

    The experiment of bending strength with that of flexural tensile strength on a cement concrete pavement freeway is contrasted and established the conversion expression between bending strength and flexural tensile strength , which is the basis of this project 's quality checking and acceptance .

  19. 严格按照《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50205-2001)的要求组织施工。

    Construction should strictly follow Check & Accept Specification for Steel Structure Work ( GB50205-2001 ) .

  20. 《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》(GB50300-2001)讲座(1)

    Unity standard of check and acceptance for the quality of building and construction ( gb50300-2001 ) course of lecture ( 1 )

  21. 《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50205)强制性条文应用指南(2)

    Guidelines of using the mandatory provisions in " code of construction quality acceptance of steelwork engineering gb50205 " ( 2 )

  22. 备案制下市政工程质量竣工验收程序介绍

    Introduction of a Rule of Completion Acceptance on Municipal Engineering Quality

  23. 对《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》有关问题的探讨

    Discussion on " Unified acceptation standard of engineering construction quality "

  24. 公路隧道工程质量交工验收检测及评定方法体系

    Acceptance inspection and evaluation methods for highway tunnel engineering quality

  25. 对新的建筑工程施工质量验收规范的修改建议

    Suggestion of amendment of fresh Code for construction quality acceptance of building engineering

  26. 铁路光缆数字通信工程质量评定验收标准

    Standard for quality inspection and assessment of railway optical fiber cable communication engineering

  27. 学习新版《建筑工程施工质量验收规范》的体会

    Understanding of New-version Code for Building Construction Quality Acceptance

  28. 议现行建筑工程施工质量验收标准的几个问题

    Discussion on Several Problems of Current Construction Quality Check and Acceptance Standard of Construction Engineering

  29. 结构改造加固工程施工质量验收方法及实例分析

    Method of Acceptance of Reconstructive Structure and Consolidation Engineering Construction Quality and Analysis of Actual Project

  30. 对《石油天然气建设工程施工质量验收规范通则》的分析和探讨

    Analysis on Code for Quality Acceptance of Oil and Gas Construction Engineering and Its Implementation Status