
  1. 立足于企业管理平台与信息平台相匹配的选型方法,是工程机械行业集团企业进行ERP选型的一种很好的评价工具。

    It is a good evaluation tool to construction machinery group corporations .

  2. 工程机械行业ERP实施方案

    ERP Implementation Scheme in Construction Machinery Industry

  3. 初步完成面向工程机械行业的PI手册构建理论和操作方法的研究。

    Thus , this dissertation accomplishes the method of construction and operation of the PI manual for the construction machinery industry .

  4. 随后重点对远程接入网络技术中的接入模式和接入网络的选择进行分析研究,针对工程机械行业的特殊需求,提出适合工程机械野外作业的基于GPRS的远程监控网络方案;

    Secondly , the thesis focuses on analyzing and studying the choices of remote network access technology and accessing model , designing a GPRS remote monitoring network scheme suitable for construction machinery trade .

  5. 让BICES成为工程机械行业的盛大节日&访中国工程机械成套公司总经理助理王曼丽

    Let BICES to be the Royal Ceremony for Construction Machinery Industry

  6. 人民币升值拷问中国工程机械行业

    FORUM : RMB appreciation challenges the trade of Chinese construction machinery

  7. 21世纪中国工程机械行业的发展对策

    Development Strategy of Construction Machinery Industry in China in 21 Century

  8. 外资并购对中国工程机械行业的冲击

    Impacts of Foreign Acquisition and Merger on Chinese Construction Machinery Industry

  9. 工程机械行业

    FEATURES : The eleventh five-year plan for construction machinery industry

  10. 投资体制改革推动工程机械行业向纵深发展&解读国家投资体制改革的决定

    Reform of investment system will promote the development of construction machinery industry

  11. 徐州工程机械行业应用工业工程方法的分析

    Analysis of Industrial Engineering Application in Xuzhou Construction Machinery Industry

  12. 中国工程机械行业如何应对金融危机

    Chinese Engineering Mechanical Industry How to Respond to Financial Crisis

  13. 浅议我国工程机械行业火爆形势及其景气周期规律

    China construction equipment explosive sales situation and its slump-boom periodicity

  14. 2005建设工程机械行业关键词

    EXCLUSIVE : Key words of construction machinery industry in 2005

  15. 工程机械行业产品过程协作商务体系研究

    Research on Cooperation Business System of Production Proce-sses in Construction Machinery Industry

  16. 回转支承是工程机械行业的重要基础件。

    Slewing bearings are basic components widely used in construction machinery industry .

  17. 2001年中国工程机械行业十大新闻

    Top 10 Stories of 2001 in China Construction Machinery Industry

  18. 工程机械行业结构件涂装线的设计

    Design of structure coating line in engineering mechanical industry

  19. 工程机械行业融资租赁业务分析

    Analysis of Financing Lease Business in Engineering Machinery Trade

  20. 宏观调控对我国工程机械行业的积极意义和作用

    On Positive Meanings and Functions of Macro-Control in Construction Machinery Industries of China

  21. 回望2006自主创新成为中国工程机械行业主流意识

    Review of 2006 : Innovation Stands Out in Construction Machinery Industry in China

  22. 服务经济的兴起以及我国工程机械行业的对策

    Countermeasure of Chinese Construction Machinery Enterprises to Facing the Development of Service Economy

  23. 先进制造技术在工程机械行业的应用

    Application of advanced manufacturing technology to construction machinery production

  24. 工程机械行业2004年上半年数据抽样分析

    An Analysis of the Sampling Statistics of Construction Machinery Industry in 2004 First Half

  25. 2005上半年工程机械行业经济运行情况及展望

    Analysis on run status of construction machinery industrial economy in 2005 first half year

  26. 工程机械行业品牌务实(一)

    The construction machinery brand ( 1 )

  27. 关于建筑工程机械行业信心度调查报告

    The confidence report of construction machinery industry

  28. 工程机械行业近期走势分析

    Recent Tendency Analysis of Construction Machinery Industry

  29. 建筑工程机械行业主要上市公司2009年半年报分析

    The semi-annual report of the main listed company in China construction machinery industry in 2009

  30. 对我国工程机械行业的几点思考

    Consideration for China construction machinery industry