
gōng péng
  • work shed;bunkhouse;builders' temporary shed
工棚 [gōng péng]
  • [work shed] 工地上临时搭起来供工作或住宿用的简便房屋

工棚[gōng péng]
  1. 基坑支护技术住工棚市政府背后的故事

    City Government in Work Shed

  2. 今年8月,克莱恩开始分发比弗布鲁克的logo,那是他和库克为越来越大的工棚图书室设计的藏书章。

    In August , Mr. Klein sent around a Beaver Brook logo he and Mr. Cooke designed as a book stamp for their growing Bunkhouse library .

  3. 自2009年起,克莱恩就一直在收集各种工棚、棚屋和木屋的图片,并把它们收入一个Tumblr博客里,博客的名字起得很搞怪,叫CabinPorn。他还在上面发布大家拍的比弗布鲁克装饰品的照片。

    Since 2009 , Mr. Klein had been collecting images of sheds , shacks , cabins and huts into a Tumblr blog he called , cunningly , Cabin Porn , and he also posted Beaver Brook 's embellishments , captured in those photographs , there .

  4. 一群拉工棚的少年看着我们接吻。

    A group of teenagers pulling sheds was watching our kissing .

  5. 除此之外,建筑工棚是波多黎各中最孤单的建筑。

    After that , it is the loneliest building in PR.

  6. 直到羊毛打包在工棚,在二十多年前。

    To till the bales at Carmody 's , a score of years go .

  7. 我知道得很清楚,约翰尼加勒格尔在他的工棚里至少杀了一个人。

    I know very well that Johnnie Gallegher has killed at least one man at his camp .

  8. 这是给临时工棚准备的食物。签约人匆忙搭建工棚存放新设备。

    It 's bunkhouse food . The contractor flung up some temporary sheds to hold the new equipment .

  9. 签约人匆忙搭建工棚存放新设备。签约再雇用一批工人

    The contractor flung up some temporary sheds to hold the new equipment . sign on another group of workers

  10. 那只狗嚎叫起来,跑着穿过了草坪,跑向南方,铁匠工棚的方向。

    Howling , the dog now raced away across the lawn , going South , toward the blacksmith sheds .

  11. 他住的工棚位于北京南面的一个仓库里,和他同住在这一片的有上万农民工。

    His bunkroom is in a warehouse district in southern Beijing that is home to tens of thousands of migrants .

  12. 比弗布鲁克也有各种仪式,比如每年新年前夕在工棚里举办的才艺秀。

    There are Beaver Brook rituals , like the annual talent show , held New Year 's Eve in the Bunkhouse .

  13. 这所工棚,夏天炎热,冬天寒冷.下雨时,顶棚漏水。

    The shed was hot in summer and cold in winter , and when it rained , water dripped from the ceiling .

  14. 在签订合同以前,应澄清轨道的大概数量、工棚的一般尺寸、功能与规格。

    The approximate number of tracks and general sizing of the sheds , function and specification shall be clarified before contract signing .

  15. 那个园丁十分滑头,当他认为我不在时总是躲到工棚后面抽烟。

    That gardener is a sly boots ; he 's always behind the shed smoking when he thinks I am not about .

  16. 工棚的卧室是宽敞的开间,是绕着一个19世纪谷仓设计而成的,这些卧室采取先到先得的原则。

    Bedrooms at the Bunkhouse , an airy open-plan house designed around the frame of a 19th-century barn , are first come first served .

  17. 这种骨架可作为蔬菜大棚使用,还可以作为仓库、临时工棚的骨架使用。

    The utility model can be used as a vegetable greenhouse and can also be used as a framework of warehouses and temporary work sheds .

  18. 数以百万的四川人离开了家乡,许多人背井离乡,住在狭小的居所或临时工棚里,为的是能赚到足够的钱衣锦还乡。

    Many have lived for years in cramped dormitories or temporary construction barracks , separated from their families , hoping to make enough to return home .

  19. 诺尔的爱好是坐在自己的工棚里喝百利甜酒,然后把在路边找到的小鸟做成标本,

    Noel 's hobby was to sit in his and drink Baileys Irish Cream and stuff birds he 'd found on the side of the freeway .

  20. 带有轮子的小屋、工房或工棚,用牵引列车牵引,用作一个工作组食宿的小棚。

    A small house , bunkhouse , or shed mounted on skids and towed behind a tractor train as eating and sleeping quarters for a work crew .

  21. 三年前,他们在小溪对面的一块地上建起了工棚,前面有路,附近有井,还通了电。

    It was three years ago that the Bunkhouse was built , on a piece of land across the brook with road frontage , electricity and a well .

  22. 在省科技馆施工工地的简陋工棚里,周强与有关建设、施工、监理单位负责人座谈。

    In the temporary shed of the builders of Hunan Science & Technology Museum , Zhou had a talk with relevant chiefs of construction units , construction enterprises and project supervisory units .

  23. 克莱恩说,工棚也是他为了吸引妻子、雅各布斯和考平成为比弗布鲁克全职居民所设的诱饵。

    The Bunkhouse , Mr. Klein said , was also bait for a plan he was hatching to draw Ms. Klein , Mr. Jacobs and Ms. Kapin into full-time residency at Beaver Brook .

  24. 几个月前去了趟米兰,大工厂,到处是涂鸦,还有很多流浪者,贫民窟,工棚房,还看见了扒手。

    Went to Milan a few months ago . Huge factories , graffiti everywhere , lots of homeless people , shanty towns , boarded up houses , saw a guy attempt to pick-pocket someone .

  25. 根据各人交的会费高低,比弗布鲁克的居民被分到不同的住处:工棚里一个床位的月租费是150美元,在小溪对面搭帐篷的费用是每月75美元。

    Beaver Brook residents are divided by their dues into two categories : Bunkers pay $ 150 a month for a guaranteed bed in the Bunkhouse . Campers pay $ 75 a month for a spot across the brook .

  26. 但是车辆段也覆盖了操作控制中心大楼,该车辆段的运行由单独的大楼管理,即车辆段行政楼和各个车辆段地面上的维修办公室、仓库和工棚。

    Whereas the depot shall also house the operations control centre building , the operation of the depot will be managed from separate buildings , namely the depot administration building and the various maintenance offices , warehouses and sheds on the depot grounds .