
  • 网络worm tube
  1. 除了孢壁以外,微孢子虫的极管在孢子侵染宿主中也发挥着关键性作用。

    In addition to spore wall , polar tube played a crucial role in microsporidia infection .

  2. 这些细菌生活在管虫里面,管虫为他们提供硫化氢和二氧化碳。

    These bacteria that live inside the tube worms , the tube worms provide them with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide .

  3. 辐照没有影响棉铃虫雄虫复射精管中有核精子束的数量和雌虫精包中有核精子的数量,但影响了有核精子束成熟的过程。

    Gamma irradiation did not influence the quantity of eupyrene sperm bundles in duplex and that of eupyrene sperm in spermatophore , but affected the maturing process of eupyrene sperm bundle .