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  • insect;worm
  • 节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。

  • 动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。


(虫子) insect; worm:

  • 害虫

    destructive [harmful] insect;

  • 益虫

    useful [beneficial] insect


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 虫达

    Chong Da

  1. 单对汰选是快速选育棉铃虫抗Bt品系的有效方法。

    Single-pair selection is an effective approach to speed up insect resistance in laboratory .

  2. 结果表明:松油烯-4-醇对家蝇具有较强的触杀作用,24h的LD(50)为23.91μg/虫;

    The result showed that the contact LD_ ( 50 ) of terpin-en-4-ol was 23.91 μ g / insect .

  3. 你这上了当的可怜虫。

    You poor deluded creature .

  4. 你这个可怜虫!

    You poor bastard !

  5. 他的员工给他起了个“咕哝虫”的绰号。

    From his staff he earned the sobriquet ' Mumbles ' .

  6. 土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。

    The soil drains freely and slugs aren 't a problem .

  7. 所有的成年狗至少每半年要例行打一次虫。

    All adult dogs are routinely wormed at least every six months .

  8. 在非洲凡是有这种蝇虫的地方,几乎都会出现这一牛病。

    The cattle disease occurs more or less anywhere in Africa where the fly occurs

  9. 一种叫玉米根虫的害虫每年会让粮食减产10%。

    Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm .

  10. 萤火虫不散发热。

    Fireflies don 't emit heat .

  11. 慷慷慨慨!甭装可怜虫!

    Show some spunk . Quit pretending you 're being abused .

  12. 萤火虫夜间飞行时发出闪光。

    Fireflies give off flashes of light when they fly at night .

  13. 虫被脚踏扁了。

    The worm was crushed under the feet .

  14. 这些棉铃虫真可恶!

    What a curse those bollworms are !

  15. 萤火虫是一种甲虫。

    A firefly is a type of beetle .

  16. 他挖了些虫做鱼饵。

    He dug up some worms for bait .

  17. 萤火虫不是蠕虫。

    The glowworm isn 't a worm .

  18. 这附近一定有芽虫。

    There must be aphids somewhere around .

  19. 他是个胆小的、没勇气的可怜虫。

    He was a yellow gutless worm .

  20. 这些桃子生了很多虫。

    These peaches are full of worms .

  21. 萤火虫在黑暗中发光。

    Fireflies glow in the darkness .

  22. 杀虫剂可能会伤害花朵。我们用手把虫捉下来吧。

    The insecticide might harm the flowers . let 's pick off the insects by hand .

  23. 我咬了一下苹果,发现有虫,就把它扔掉了。

    When I bit into the apple , and finding it wormy , I flung it away .

  24. 该昆虫也叫番茄叶虫,以果实为食物,并钻入植株的茎内移动来破坏农作物。

    The insect , also known as the tomato leaf miner , devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks .

  25. 她几十年仔细观察的结果是对欧洲屁虫的详细描绘,其次是昆虫和动物的非传统视觉资料和故事,而这些昆虫和动物来自当时大多数人只能想象的地方。

    The results of her decades ' worth of careful observations were detailed paintings and descriptions of European insects , followed by unconventional visuals and stories of insects and animals from a land that most at the time could only imagine .

  26. 保姆出去了,只剩下我们两个瞌睡虫

    The nurse was out , and we two sleepers were alone .

  27. 多刺海胆虫是另一种蓝色经济资源。

    Spiny6 sea urchins7 are another blue economy resource .

  28. 在咖啡馆或公园这样的公共场所读书也可以赶跑睡虫。

    Reading in a public place like a coffee shop or park can also discourage dozing7 .

  29. 在同样情况下,其他种类的千足虫可能会蜷缩成较为松散的螺旋形圆盘,或者形成溜圆的圆球

    Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser , sloppier spiral or form a neat ball .

  30. 所涉及的大脑区域是初级听觉皮层,这也是人们清醒时大脑处理耳虫的相关区域。

    The brain region involved , the primary audio cortex , is also linked to earworm processing when people are awake .