
gōng rì
  • work day
工日 [gōng rì]
  • [work-day] 在农村集体劳动组织中,农民劳动一天为一个工日,是计算农民劳动量的时间单位

工日[gōng rì]
  1. 根据附录3b,服务暂定价格包括最大工日数。

    The provisional price of the services shall cover the maximum man-days , as specified in appendix3b .

  2. 任何超过最大工日数、或造成培训服务或技术支持服务变更的额外服务,将由业主根据本协议附录3c中规定的承包商专家的日息率向承包商支付。

    Any additional services exceeding maximum man-days or causing the change in training services or technical support services shall be compensated by the customer to the Contractor by applying per diem rates of the specialist of the Contractor as defined in appendix3c of the agreement .

  3. 基于人工神经网络与主成分分析的建筑工料(工日)估算方法

    Estimation of Building Material Consumption Based on ANN and PCA

  4. 人工工日单价平均每增加一元,单方造价增加四元。

    Artificial man-days per unit increase of one yuan , a unilateral price increase is 4 yuan .

  5. 随着我国人口老龄化、农村劳动力向城市转移和劳动力价格的升高,果园用工日趋紧张。

    With the aging population in China , the moving of rural labor to urban areas and the increasing of the price of labor , the need of orchard labor is becoming increasingly strained .

  6. 在建设期,提出了考虑不同工况下将劳动工日转化成直接就业机会的设想和方法,然后结合高速公路建设时相关设计文件、投入产出产出表以及统计年鉴等资料,计算间接就业机会。

    In construction periods , proposing assumption and methods of transforming man-day into direct job opportunities considering different conditions . Then combining with designing information of highway construction 、 input-output table 、 yearbooks and other related data , indirect job opportunities can be estimated .

  7. 本文主要分析造价指标与材料价格、人工工日单价、建筑物参数之间的相关性,得出一系列别墅安装工程造价规律,最后希望得到能给实际工程参考的计算规则。

    In this paper , analysis the parameters between cost targets and materials prices , price of artificial man-days , the correlation of building , come to a series of laws of the installation project cost , hope for the rules of calculation guide to practical engineering .