
  • 【煤】"又称 :工作面回风巷(tailgate,return airway) "
  1. 采煤工作面回风巷沉积煤尘分布规律的研究

    Research on Distribution Regularity of Deposited Dust in Return-air Way of Coal Face

  2. 粉尘在通风除尘管道内沉积行为的研究采煤工作面回风巷沉积煤尘分布规律的研究

    The Proceedings for the Sedimentation of Dust in Ventiduct ; Research on Distribution Regularity of Deposited Dust in Return-air Way of Coal Face

  3. 神华集团神东矿区哈拉沟煤矿在长壁工作面回风巷中采用了一种新型自移式超前支护支架组。

    A new type self-walking advance timbering support set is adopted in longwall coal mining face of Halagou Coal Mine , Shendong Coal District by Shenhua Group Co.