
  • 网络Resume;working experience;Work Experience;EMPLOYMENT HISTORY
  1. 当你变换职业时,作为推销工作的简历就不再那么有用了。

    When you 're changing careers , your resume is less useful as a marketing tool .

  2. 如今就业市场依旧一片低迷,求职者人数往往多于职位空缺数,因此,雇主在筛选求职者的时候,很容易会将那些在十年内更换过五次工作的简历排除在外。

    In a job market still struggling to recover from the doldrums , applicants often outnumber openings , so it 's tempting to narrow the field by turning thumbs down on anyone whose resume lists , say , five job changes in a decade .

  3. 说明工作经验的简历。

    Curricula vitae demonstrating your experience .

  4. 另外,如果你现在已经入职,最好不要用工作邮箱发简历。

    Also if you 're still at your current job , don 't list your work email .

  5. 并为大学生推荐工作机会、简历辅导、行业专家及人力资源见面会、大学校园职业规划讲座等公益服务项目。

    Furthermore , we have arranged career fair where college students could interact with professional experts and human resource specialists .

  6. 如果你刚刚毕业,还没有什么工作经历,简历可以集中介绍自己的志愿者工作。

    Center your resume around your volunteer work if you are a new graduate with little or no work experience .

  7. 你不找工作给我简历干嘛呢

    So , well , what 's the point of handing in your CV if you 're not looking for work ?

  8. 不过我也好奇,这些暑假工作在为简历增砖添瓦的同时,是否也能影响他们的性格。

    But I also wonder whether their summer jobs are as likely to build their characters as their r é sum é s.

  9. 25岁的刘雨辰在北京市大兴区做村官。他甚至考虑过将这段工作经历从简历中抹去。

    Liu Yuchen , 25 , a village official in Beijing ` s Daxing district , has even considered removing the village experience from his resume .

  10. 行动调查相关培训、教育资源制定找工作计划写简历搜集公司信息写求职信准备面试

    Action Investigating sources of additional training and education Developing a job search strategy Writing your resume Gathering company information Composing cover letters Preparing for job interviews

  11. 如果转正无望,而你又担心长期实习工作会给简历带来不利影响,只需要告诉你的潜在雇主们,这只是你职业发展规划的一部分。

    If things don 't work out and you 're worried that an extended internship will look bad on your resume , simply tell potential employers that it was part of your career development plan .

  12. 如果你为了应聘某个工作而在简历上修改了你的住址的话,那么在面试的时候,如果说到住处的问题,你最好还是不要隐瞒。

    If you 've used a different address on your r é sum é to tailor it to where the job is based , don 't lie about it when it comes up in the interview .

  13. 如果学历与现在申请的工作相关,简历上不要提及你的大学文凭,把以前的工作头衔“经理”改为“项目领导”。

    Drop advanced college degrees if they don 't relate to the job you 're applying for , and revise your former title from " manager " to " project team leader , " for example .

  14. 但是夏天就是一年里最适合找个新工作、润饰下简历的时间哦。

    But summer is an awesome8 time of year to try out a new job and boost your resume .

  15. 现附上反映我的学历和工作经历的个人简历。

    I have enclosed a resume of my educational background and employment history .

  16. 这些工作可以增加你简历上的相关经历,并且让你在新的领域中有个初步的体验。

    Such work builds your resume and lets you test the waters in your new field .

  17. 然而并不是唯有像做义工这种可以作为工作经验写进简历的事情才是重要的。

    But it 's not just the things that you can add to your resume that matter .

  18. 为了申请您梦想的工作,您的简历必须清晰,准确和体面。

    Before you can apply for your dream job you need to make sure your resume is clear , concise and presentable .

  19. 找工作时多发简历是很关键的一点,不过,对于申请的那些工作你还是需要有选择性。

    Sending out several applications is key to finding a job , but you also need to be selective about the jobs to which you 're applying .

  20. 他表示,这有助于获得正确的匹配,即使一份工作发布时,简历或其它文件使用了不同的单词来表达相同的意思。

    He says this helps it get the right match even if a job posting , resume or other documents use different words to express the same idea .

  21. 他说,这有助于获得正确的匹配,即使一份工作发布时,简历或其它文件使用了不同的单词来表达相同的意思。

    He says this helps it get the right match even if a job post in g , resume or other documents use different words to express the same idea .

  22. 即使你没能有丰富的相关工作经历写上简历,你也仍能加上之前做过的个人项目来充实简历。

    Even though you might not have a ton of relevant work experience to put on the resume , you can still beef up your resume by adding personal projects on it .

  23. 想到自己能来到美国最美丽的地区之一,为一家非常成功的跨国公司工作,并在简历里添上一块荣誉勋章,这感觉十分美妙。

    It was pretty cool to think I could move to a beautiful part of the U.S. , work for a global and massively successful company , and basically add a badge of honor to my resume .

  24. 想到自己能来到美国最美丽的地区之一,为一家非常成功的跨国公司工作,并在简历里添上一块“荣誉勋章”,这感觉十分美妙。

    It was pretty cool to think I could move to a beautiful part of the U.S. , work for a global and massively successful company , and basically add a " badge of honor " to my resume .

  25. 但是如果志愿工作和申请的工作无关而且简历已经超过两页了,删去这部分然后把它写进领英网站的个人资料中。

    However , if the volunteer work is unrelated to the job youre pursuing and your document is more than two pages , strike this and include it in your LinkedIn profile instead .

  26. W:你可以选择辞职,而不是被终止工作。如果你辞职的话,再找工作时,简历上这样说明会好看一些。

    W : We can give you the option of resigning rather than being eliminated , because it will look better on your resume when you apply for another job if you resign .

  27. 有一个明确的工作目标:防止陷进因为没有明确理想工作目标,为寻找工作写行政简历,封信封,准备其他职业性文件的疯狂活动中。

    Have A Clear Job Target : Resist jumping into a frenzy of writing activities for executive resumes , cover letters , and other career documents without being crystal clear about your ideal job target .