
  • 网络industrial census
  1. 本文运用第三次全国工业普查资料分析了出现民工荒的劳动密集型制造业的职工年龄结构。

    With data from The Third National Industrial Census , labor 's age structure of labor-intensive manufactures in which rural immigrant labor shortage appeared is analyzed .

  2. 过去的一些研究极大的依赖于研究者自己进行的问卷调查所得出数据,而本文利用政府的工业普查数据,数据更为客观。

    While past research has relied heavily on self-report questionnaire data , this paper utilizes more objective data from a recent government industrial census in China telecommunication equipment industry to test the issue .

  3. 重庆工业普查中经济指标的关系

    Interrelation among the Economic Target Aim of the General Industry Investigation of Chongqing

  4. 本文用第二、三次工业普查的数据考查中国工业在区域上的集中程度。

    This paper investigates spatial concentration of Chinese manufacturing using the data collected in both the second and third national industrial censuses .

  5. 本文借助于重庆的实例,系统研究了工业普查中主要工业经济指标的的相互关系及存在的问题。

    Recurring to the example of Chongqing , this paper studies by the numbers some problems and interrelation among the main industrial economic target aim of the general industry investigation .

  6. 根据第三次全国工业普查林业系统工业企业有关数据,我国林业系统独立核算工业企业资产分布和运营状况呈现出三大特点:一是资产分布过于集中。

    On the basis of analyses on data of forestry industrial enterprises in the third natural industry general survey , the results about the distribution and operation of assets have three features .

  7. 就重庆市第三次工业普查所收集的大量数据资料,运用主因素分析法对工业经济投入和效益进行了分析,并对主要经济形式进行了综合评价

    Based on the data collected from the third general industry investigation in Chongqing , this paper uses the factor analysis to industry economic input and benefit Some main economic forms have also been discussed synthetically

  8. 冶金企业工业污染源的普查和评价

    General survey and evaluation of industry pollution sources in metallurgy enterprises

  9. 中国工业企业的所有制结构对效率差异的影响&1995年全国工业企业普查数据的实证分析

    The Impact of the Structure of China 's Industrial Enterprise 's Ownership on Its Efficiency