
  1. 这个问题一直是限制工业品品牌塑造的桎梏。

    This issue always is a shackle which confines the brand building of industry product .

  2. 一直以来,品牌理论研究和实践的重点主要是一般的消费品品牌,而对工业品品牌关注度较低。

    Since always , theoretical research and practice for brand focused mainly is the general consumer . Brands of industrial products get lower attention .

  3. 在全球化背景下的中国市场,工业品品牌是企业重要地无形资产,是企业竞争优势地集中体现。

    Execution of brand strategy is more and more important . In China market , industrial product brand is the invisible asset and competitive advantage for an enterprise .

  4. 工业品公司品牌和市场战略

    MARKETING Product of Industry Corporation 's Branding Strategy

  5. 指出工业品的品牌要素与消费品的区别在于产品和服务本身。

    The difference of the brand elements between the industrial products and consumer goods are the products and services .

  6. 总体来看,这些西方品牌战略理论和本土的品牌管理思想基本上针对大众消费品,对工业品的品牌战略理论深入的研究寥若晨星。

    Overall , the western brand strategy theory and local brand management thinking are basically for the mass consumer market , research on industrial brand strategy theory is very rare .

  7. 工业品的品牌资产形成过程中品牌的认可度是建立品牌忠诚度的关键,决定品牌资产价值高低的与消费品一样是消费者对品牌的差异性认可。

    Brand recognition during industrial brand equity formation process is key point for building brand loyalty , the key to determine the level of the industrial brand value is same as consumer brand , that is the difference of cognition .

  8. 第五章是内部策略的研究,其核心内容是工业品技术营销、品牌营销、关系营销。

    Its core content is technical marketing strategies of the industrial product .

  9. 但随着市场秩序的进一步规范,品牌在工业品购买决策中将发挥着越来越大的影响力,工业品品牌越来越受到重视。

    But along with the further standardize market order , brand in industrial goods purchase decisions will play a more and more important influence , industrial brand more and more attention .