
  • 网络industrial product design;industrial design
  1. CAD技术发展已经渗透到工业产品设计的每一个阶段,这使得传统的设计方法发生了巨大的变化。

    The development of CAD technology has affected every phase in the process of industrial product design , and this brought great changes to traditional design method .

  2. 基于中小型企业的工业产品设计评价体系研究

    Study of Product Design Evaluation System Based on Small and Medium Enterprise

  3. 本文探讨的重点是近年来在工业产品设计行业日益受关注的CMF研究,这方面的研究在产品设计中扮演着愈发重要的角色。

    The paper focuses on CMF study , a research attracting increasing attention and playing a more and more important role in industrial products design in recent years .

  4. 本文采用VPN技术,构建出基于VPN的网络化协同设计平台,为在不同的企业间安全地进行复杂工业产品设计提供了集成的建模和仿真环境。

    The research takes the VPN technology and make up a cooperation platform based on VPN , which provides a model and simulation environment from products ' design to manufacture for the different corporations safely , which designs and manufactures complex .

  5. 和而不同视野下的工业产品设计

    A View of Industrial Design from a Perspective of Harmony with Differences

  6. 这种三维重构方法能快速高效的进行工业产品设计,实现设计自动化。

    Therefore realized the design automation and more efficient industrial design process .

  7. 中国传统文化元素融入工业产品设计研究

    The Research on Traditional Chinese Culture into the Design of Industrial Products

  8. 工业产品设计中复杂形态的建模及真实感显示

    Complex Surface Modeling and Realistic Demonstration of Product Design

  9. 在英国,设计委员会给优秀的工业产品设计颁奖。

    In Britain , the Design Council gives awards for good industrial design .

  10. 为工业产品设计提供了更为方便的造型手段。

    Thus provided a more convenient means of modelling for industrial product design .

  11. 论工业产品设计中材料的合理组合

    The Reasonable Combination of Materials in Product Design

  12. 绿色工业产品设计与制造

    Design and Manufacture of Green Industrial Product

  13. 设计理论和设计对象是工业产品设计领域所研究的两个重要问题。

    Design theory and design objects are two important aspects of Engineering Product Design research .

  14. 工业产品设计的抽象与具体

    Abstract and Concrete in Industrial Product Design

  15. 全球化语境下中国工业产品设计的发展趋势

    Chinese Industry Design Under the Universalized Tendency

  16. 现代工业产品设计的趋势

    Modern Trends in Industrial Design

  17. 工业产品设计中的非物质形态&汽车梦的实现

    The Non-material Form in the Design of the Industrial Products & Realization to the Dream of Automobile

  18. 总结和分析了基于人机工程学原理的工业产品设计方法,提出了今后该领域的发展方向。

    With the development of man-machine systems , the requirements for industrial production design are more strict .

  19. 结果可直接应用于各工业产品设计及加工领域中。

    The obtained curve can be directly applied in the area of industry product design and milling machines .

  20. 文章分别从这两个方面系统研究了工业产品设计的基本原则和主要思路。

    On the bases of these work , paper study the essential principle and route that support to design .

  21. 并且本文首次探讨了将环境心理学引入产品设计的可能性和应用方法,这对于重卡设计乃至整个工业产品设计领域,都是一种新颖而有益的尝试。

    For heavy-duty truck design and even the entire product design , it is a kind of new beneficial attempt .

  22. 以CAD/CAE集成为核心的分析驱动设计方法在工业产品设计中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Analysis-driven-design method with CAD / CAE integration as its core plays an increasingly important role in the design of industrial products .

  23. 虚拟现实技术的不断更新与发展,使其在工业产品设计领域中的作用变得日益重要。

    With its unceasing updating and developing , virtual reality technology becomes more and more important in the field of industrial product design .

  24. 排样优化技术则是工业产品设计、制造及使用中如何节约原材料、优化利用资源的重要手段。

    Packing optimization technology is an important method to economize and optimize the use of resources and materials in industrial product design and manufacture .

  25. 现代工业产品设计和制造过程中,产品的测试问题已成为决定产品性能、成本等的重要因素。

    Test has become a key element which affects the function and cost of a product in the design and production of modern industry products .

  26. 反向工业产品设计(以下简称反向设计)是一门快速发展的新技术,是各学科交叉的前沿,成为当前研究的热点。

    As a new technology that is becoming attractive , Reverse Industrial Products Design ( RIPD ) is developed rapidly and relates to many disciplines .

  27. 同时,从设计方法的角度出发对木塑的工业产品设计模式进行探讨,全面、系统地对木塑复合材料在工业产品设计中的应用进行研究。

    Meanwhile , the paper also discussed the industrial design mode of WPC products , and comprehensively researched the application of WPC in industrial products .

  28. 在强调个性化设计的今天,不论是产品设计还是首饰设计的风格均呈多元化发展,传统的工业产品设计已不能满足消费者的需求。

    In a emphasizing personalized design society , whether product or jewelry design shows great diversity , because the traditional design cannot meet consumers ' demand .

  29. 仿生设计作为一种极具特色的设计方法在工业产品设计中得到非常广泛的应用。

    The two new mini-motorcycles based on the above bionics design have displayed not only chic new shape but also the structure of scientific and rational .

  30. 二战后,现代工业产品设计的趋势,呈现了一些新特点:1.设计风格的多样化;

    After the second war , the modern trends in industrial design took an appearence of new style and characteristics , such as : 1 . Diversity of design style ;