
yán shí suì dào
  • rock tunnel
  1. 在隧道和地下工程施工中,全断面岩石隧道掘进机(TBM)具有自动化程度高、安全高效和在超长隧道中连续作业的特点,代表了当代隧道掘进技术的发展方向。

    In the constructions of tunnels and undergrounds , the full-face rock tunnel boring machine ( TBM ) has the characteristics of high degree of automation , security , efficiency and continuous operation in long tunnels , and it represents the contemporary direction of tunneling technology .

  2. 砾石隧道之设计施工与岩石隧道有著明显的不同,如在岩体分类方面无法使用岩石隧道常用的南非CSIR-RMR及挪威Barton-Q值之定量评估方法。

    The design and construction of gravel tunnel and rock tunnel are different . Rock classifications , such as CSIR-RMR method and Barton-Q system , are not suitable for the gravel tunnel .

  3. 重庆地铁岩石隧道环境振动衰减规律

    Study of environmental vibration attenuation rule in Chongqing underground rock tunnel

  4. 轴向应力和膨胀对岩石隧道稳定性的影响

    Influence of Axial Stress and Dilatancy on Rock Tunnel Stability

  5. 同时还讨论了风险分析的方法在岩石隧道工程中的应用,提出了一种实用的风险分析方法。

    Finally , a practical case study of risk analysis is presented .

  6. 利用关键块体理论估计岩石隧道的塌方部位

    An Estimation of Removable Block Positions in Rock Tunnel by Key Block Theory

  7. 岩石隧道衬砌外水压力问题的讨论

    Discussion on external hydraulic pressure upon rock tunnel lining

  8. 岩石隧道全断面开挖技术

    The Full Section Excavation Technology for Rock Tunnels

  9. 岩石隧道掘进机的施工预测模型

    Performance prediction of Hard Rock TBM tunneling

  10. 岩石隧道衬砌裂缝机理分析及治理措施

    Analyses of the mechanical properties and its remedial measures of the crevices in rock tunnel lining

  11. 岩石隧道工程风险浅析

    Risk analysis of rock tunnel engineering

  12. 浅谈岩石隧道施工测量技术

    Construction measurement technology of rock tunnel

  13. 对岩石隧道衬砌结构防水问题的讨论

    Discussion on Waterproofing in Tunneling

  14. 矿工在救生舱中通过半英里的岩石隧道被升到地面。

    The miners are being hoisted to the surface in a capsule through half a mile of rock .

  15. 然后,模拟了岩石隧道破坏区的损伤演化过程,模拟结果与现场岩爆观测事实非常一致。

    Then , the damage evolution process of rock tunnel damage area was simulated and simulation results are very consistent with field observations of rock burst .

  16. 在隧道与围岩介质相互作用的基础上,推导了岩石隧道温度应力的计算式,并给出了由温度应力引起的裂缝间距和宽度的计算公式;

    On the basis of interaction between tunnel and the geologic medium , the formula of thermo stress on tunnel is deduced . The formulas of line fissure space and width brought by thermo stress are also given .

  17. 他们凿出一条穿过坚固岩石的隧道。

    They drove a tunnel through the solid rock .

  18. 总结了岩石公路隧道塌方发生的几大因素及发生机理。

    Collapse is the common disaster during the construction of rock highway tunnel .

  19. 他们凿通一条穿过岩石的隧道。

    They drove a tunnel through the rock .

  20. 例如密实坚硬的岩石使得隧道挖掘过于艰难,造价惊人,令人望而却步。

    For example , intensely hard rock might well make tunneling extremely difficult and far too costly to even contemplate .

  21. 工程师须要在坚实的岩石中开凿隧道。

    The engineers had to tunnel through solid rock .

  22. 岩石地层水底隧道合理覆盖层厚度研究

    Study on the Reasonable Overburden Depth for Subaqueous Rock Tunnel

  23. 岩石掘进机隧道管片衬砌的结构分析

    Structure Analysis on Rock Tunnel Boring Machine Pipe Liner

  24. 基于厚板理论的水平煤层顶板临界厚度的分析岩石地层水底隧道合理覆盖层厚度研究

    Determination of Critical Thickness of Stiff Roof in Coal Mine Based on Thick Plate Theory Study on the Reasonable Overburden Depth for Subaqueous Rock Tunnel

  25. 考虑岩石扩容性质的隧道围岩塑性区位移分析

    Displacement Analysis in Plastic Zone of Tunnel Considering Rock Dilatancy Behavior

  26. 考虑岩石应变软化特性隧道的弹-塑性分析

    An elasto-plastic analysis of a tunnel in consideration of the strain softening behaviour of rock

  27. 岩石掘进机是隧道施工最有效的专用大型工程机械。

    Rock tunnel boring machine is the most effective special engineering machinery and is used in tunnel engineering .

  28. 最后根据工程类比和数值分析结果,确定象山港海底隧道最小岩石覆盖厚度和隧道选线位置。

    The affection of the seepage flow on the stability and the rock cover thickness of the NingBo XiangShan subsea tunnel project is researched .