
  • Geotechnics;Geotechnical Engineering;geotechnique
  1. 我国加入WTO后,岩土工程面临新的社会环境,新的市场形势,新的经济技术体制,新的竞争格局,从而进入全面创新的新时代。

    Joined the WTO , geotechnical engineering is faced with new social environment , new market situation , new economic technology system , new pattern of competition , going to the new times of overall innovations .

  2. 岩土工程(GeotechnicalEngineering)源远流长,穴居便是人类最早的岩土工程实例,但是其作为一门技术学科并被国际学术界公认至今不足50年的时间。

    Though Geotechnical Engineering has a very long history , such as the cave dwelling house were one of its earliest examples in history of people , it was regarded as a technology by international academic circles less then fifty years .

  3. 利用Fuzzy数学理论研究岩石力学中的岩体移动问题是一新的尝试。本文在岩土工程的基础上,提出了关于金矿开采岩体移动的Fuzzy数学模型。

    It is a new trial to study the rock mass displacement by Fuzzy Mathematics .

  4. 奥地利岩土工程软件FINAL的应用与开发

    Development and Application of the Austrian Software FINAL in China

  5. GIS支持下的岩土工程勘察设计区域化

    The Regionalization of Geo-technology Survey and Design Based on GIS

  6. 土中矿物的X射线衍射分析及在环境岩土工程中的应用

    X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Minerals in Soil and its Applicatons on Geo-environmental Engineering

  7. 该工作对于推动岩土工程CT图像定量化描述具有一定意义。

    The work is important to advance the quantitative analysis of CT image in geotechnical engineering forward .

  8. 用ANSYS软件分析不同岩土工程问题的若干思考

    Thinking about application of ANSYS in some geotechnical project problems

  9. 岩土工程快速检测仪的USB接口设计

    USB Interface Design for Fast-testing Instrument Used to Rock / Soil Engineering

  10. 介绍一种采用USB(通用串行总线)接口的岩土工程快速检测仪器。

    A new type of USB based fast testing instrument used in Rock and Soil engineering is introduced .

  11. 经过多年的探索和研究,BP神经网络在岩土工程测井反演中有广泛的应用前景。

    Through many years of exploring and studying , BP neutral network has been applied in geotectonic engineering logging inversion in many ways .

  12. OO编程方法及在岩土工程勘察软件开发中的应用

    Application of OO - Programming in the Software Developing of Rock and Soil Survey

  13. 本文以地基中附加应力的计算和加筋土挡墙的验算两个例子,介绍Matlab编程语言在岩土工程中的应用。

    The application of language Matlab in geotechnical engineering is presented by two examples of the calculation of affixation stress and checking computation of reinforced retaining wall .

  14. FLAC在岩土工程参数反演中的应用

    Application of FLAC in Back Analysis of Geotechnical Parameters

  15. 本文将新准则引入到大型通用有限元程序ANSYS中,并与强度折减系数法相结合用于分析岩土工程中的边坡稳定问题。

    Connecting the strength reduction of finite element method , the paper used the new criterion to analyze slope stability problems by importing it into ANSYS program .

  16. 通过对工程勘察信息管理的需求分析,提出采用GIS技术和大型商用数据库管理技术开发城市岩土工程勘察管理信息系统的技术方案。

    To meet the demand for the geotechnical information system management , this paper has put forward a plan to develop the management information system by using GIS and commercial database management technology .

  17. Rayleigh波具有许多重要的特性,在地球物理学,地震工程,和岩土工程等领域有着重要的价值。

    Rayleigh wave has a number of important features , it is of significant interest in earthquake engineering , geophysics , geotechnical engineering and other fields .

  18. 基于M-C准则的D-P系列准则在岩土工程中的应用研究

    Studies on Drucker-Prager yield criterions based on M-C yield criterion and application in geotechnical engineering

  19. 详细介绍了数值模拟中的有限单元法理论及其在岩土工程中的应用情况,对大型通用有限元软件Marc的特点及其有限元理论做了简要概括。

    Detailed introduce FEM theory and its application in geotechnical engineering , at the same time , generalizes simply the characteristics of Marc and its FEM theory .

  20. 在解决岩土工程非连续变形问题的数值方法中,非连续变形分析方法(DDA)无疑是一种高效、精确的算法。

    Among all the numerical analysis methods , the Discontinuous Deformation Analysis ( DDA ) method is an efficient method with high accuracy .

  21. 岩土工程中常用的Goodman单元就是一种类型的接触模型,但其参数的确定及计算的收敛性都存在着一定的困难。

    The conventional Goodman element is the most frequently used model in the numerical simulation of structural planes ; but there are some difficulties in parameter determination and computing convergence .

  22. 在岩土工程领域的数值分析中,一般引入接触面单元对接触面问题进行处理,常见的有Goodman单元、Desai单元等。

    In the field of numerical analysis of geotechnical engineering , contact elements , such as Goodman element and Desai element , are often used to solve the contact problems .

  23. 岩土工程安全评价和预测ES-TOOL中面向对象的规则与方法

    Object-oriented Rule and Methods in the Es-Tool of Geotechnical Engineering Security Valuation and Forecast

  24. 并研究实现了基于VR-GIS的地质灾害静态特征和动态特征的可视化模拟,进一步发展了岩土工程中的可视化技术。

    Studies and realizes the visual simulation of the static state and dynamic state of geology disaster based on the VR-GIS , develops the visual technology in the geotechnical engineering as well .

  25. 该文首先介绍了所设计开发的一个专用于岩土工程安全监测领域的专家系统开发工具GSIES-TOOL的结构。

    In this paper , the development process of GSIES-TOOL used in the domain of geotechnical engineering security inspection is introduced . First , the structure of GSIES-TOOL is stated .

  26. 岩土工程数字照相量测软件系统研发与应用

    Development and application of digital photogrammetry software package for geotechnical engineering

  27. 我国岩土工程标准规范现状

    Present Situation for Codes and Standards of Geotechnical Engineering in China

  28. 入世后我国岩土工程发展新趋势

    New Tendency of China 's Geotechnical Engineering Development Joined the WTO

  29. 岩土工程可视化及砂土液化评价可视化的探讨

    Preliminary discussions on geotechnical visualization and visual evaluation of sand liquefaction

  30. 长春地区岩土工程勘察技术规程有关条文解析

    Analysis About Articles of Geotechnics Reconnaissance Technology Rules in Changchun Area