
dǎo hú
  • island arc;arc-shaped group of islands
  1. 在岛弧型的火山岩岩浆演化的早期,Cu、Au和Re均表现为中度不相容元素,含量随SiO2含量的增加而增加。

    In the early stage of magma evolution , Cu , Au and Re increase with increasing SiO2 content .

  2. 古生代岛弧区与富钠高碱玄武岩拉斑玄武岩有关的Au(Cu、Ni、Cr)成矿亚系列;

    Au ( Cu , Ni , Cr ) subseries related to Na-rich and high-alkaline basalt and tholeiite of paleozoic arc island (ⅱ);

  3. 岛弧地带由板块缝合线朝大陆方向的完整金属矿化分带模式是Fe→Cu→Mo。

    It is outlined tha the complete zoning of mineralization in an island are is Fe → Cu → Mo from the suture to the continent .

  4. 其后由于洋内俯冲作用,早先形成的低熔橄榄岩被消减到岛弧之下再度发生熔融形成高Cr(尖晶石)橄榄岩。

    Subsequently , the peridotites with low melting degree were subducted beneath the arc area and re-melted , and peridotites with higher Cr # of spinel formed .

  5. 稀土含量特征及球粒陨石标准化模式与岛弧拉斑玄武岩的特征相似,w(∑ree)值高,且富轻稀土,稀土配分模式为右倾型。

    The REE distribution patterns with high value of Σ REE , enrichment of LREE and incline to the right are similar to the island-arc tholeiite .

  6. 层序IV,在陆坡和岛弧地区都有分布,但是在海槽盆地内部区域缺失该层序,为上新世沉积物。

    We found that sequence IV , which is Pliocene sediments , only exists in the slope and island arc slope and not distributes in the trough basin .

  7. 两种岩石均有与岛弧玄武岩类似的地球化学特征,如较高的Ba,Pb,Sr和较低的Nb、Zr、Ni含量等。

    Geochemical characteristics of both plutonic rocks are similar to those of island-arc basalts , such as higher Ba , Pb and Sr and lower Nb , Zr and Ni contents .

  8. 该成矿带位于北祁连加里东优地槽的东南缘。这里是向南俯冲敛合板块残留的岛弧。CAB插槽42和地、CAB插槽5。

    Being the residual island are of the convergent plate subducted to the south , the central Baiyin Minerogenetic Belt is located at the southeast edge of the north Qilian Caledonian eugeosyncline .

  9. 琉球岛弧地区的地震分布、Benioff带形态及应力状态

    The distribution of earthquakes , behavior of the subduction zone and stress state in the Ryukyu Island Arc

  10. 青河片麻岩的元素地球化学和Nd-Sr同位素组成特征表明其原岩形成于岛弧构造环境。

    Geochemical characteristics and Nd-Sr isotopic compositions of gneisses show formation in island arc setting .

  11. 富Nb玄武岩以相对高的TiO2含量、低的LILE/HFSE和LREE/HFSE比值以及(La/Nb)MN<2为特征,是岛弧环境的典型产物。

    Nb - enriched basalts are characterized by relatively higher TiO2 contents , lower LILE / HFSE and LREE / HFSE , and ( La / Nb ) MN < 2.They are typical productions of island arc environment .

  12. 埃达克岩(adakite)是一种特殊的岛弧安山岩、英安岩、流纹岩(以英安岩最常见)或英云闪长岩和奥长花岗岩。

    Adakite is a special kind of island arc andesite , dacite and rhyolite ( mainly dacite ) or tonalite and trondhjemite .

  13. 对于那些具有消减带信号的基性熔岩,可以根据Zr含量和Zr/Y比值,或利用Zr/Y-Zr图解,判断它们是否真正是岛弧或活动大陆边缘玄武岩。

    For the basic lavas with subduction-type signatures , we can judge whether they are really island-arc or active continental margin basalts by studying Zr contents and Zr / Y ratios or Zr / Y-Zr diagram .

  14. 热水流体系统和贱金属成矿作用发育于义敦岛弧碰撞造山带上的弧间裂谷盆地内,并受其内部的一系列局限盆地及SN向基底断裂-裂隙系统控制。

    The hydrothermal fluid system and base metallic mineralization were developed in interarc rift basins of Yidun arc-collision orogenic belt . The emplacement of orebodies was controlled by a series of restricted basins and SN-trending fault-fissure systems .

  15. Sr-Nd-Pb同位素显示其来自于具有岛弧岩浆岩地球化学特征的下地壳。

    Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes indicate that the magmas are derived from the lower crust , which inherit the arc magma geochemistry .

  16. LaThSc和ThScZr10判别图清楚地表明,刘老碑组页岩形成于大陆岛弧构造环境,岛弧可能位于研究区的南部边缘。

    La Th Sc and Th Sc Zr / 10 discriminatory diagrams suggested that LF shales were formed in a tectonic setting of continental island arc , and the island arc might locate south margin of the studied area .

  17. 微量元素主要显示MORB的特征,部分判别图显示MORB和岛弧拉斑玄武岩(IAT)的过渡特征,推测可能产于弧后盆地环境。

    The trace elements main manifestation MORB characteristic , manifestation MORB and IAT transition characteristic in the part differentiate diagram , guess may generate from back-arc basin environment .

  18. 富铌的岛弧玄武岩则是中等到高碱的镁铁质熔岩,它们相对于正常的岛弧玄武岩含有较多的高场强元素(HFSE)。

    Niobium-enriched arc basalts are mildly - to highly-alkalic mafic lavas that contain relatively higher amount of high field-strength elements ( HFSE ) than normal arc lavas .

  19. 结合熊店榴辉岩样品具有类似于MORB的微量元素特征和εNd值(450Ma时为+6.56),说明该古生代年龄应代表古生代洋壳和岛弧物质俯冲经高压-超高压变质作用的产物。

    Together with the MORB like trace element characteristics and ε Nd ( + 6.56 at 450 Ma ), the age suggests an early Paleozoic high and ultrahigh pressure metamorphic event probably related to the subduction of oceanic crust and associated arc materials .

  20. 辉长苏长岩的稀土和微量元素地球化学特征在100MgO/(MgO+TFeO)图解上显示岛弧型特点,且UMA表明其堆积特性。

    Major element geochemistry of the gabbronorite and the UMA , plotted on the variation diagram of 100 MgO / ( MgO + TFeO ) versus oxides , is explained by cumulate and non - cumulate model .

  21. 喜马拉雅期发生陆内造山作用(65~15Ma),岛弧碰撞造山带出现逆冲-推覆和大规模走滑平移,伴随喜马拉雅期花岗岩的侵位和拉分盆地的形成。

    During the Himalayan ( 65-15 Ma ) intra-continental orogenic movement a large-scale strike-slip thrusting induced the intrusion of granites and development of pull-apart basins .

  22. 利用岩石化学方法判别及ESCORT专家系统分析可知,独山岩体属于发育在秦岭洋洋壳上的岛弧火山岩,它为独玉的形成准备了物质条件。

    It can be known by means of petrochemistry differentiation and ESCORT expert systematic analysis that the Dushan lithosome belongs to island are volcanic rock breeding on the oceanic lamella of Qinling Ocean , which gets the material conditions ready for the formation of Dushan jade .

  23. 同时存在岛弧型和MORB型两种熔岩,可能是弧后盆地(特别是早期扩张弧后盆地)岩浆作用的一个共同属性。

    During the earlier stage of evolution , there coexist the two MORB-like and ARC-like lavas , it may be the nature of the magma in back arc basins ( especially in the earlier stage ) .

  24. 结合麻粒岩的锆石U-Pb测年结果认为,同德麻粒岩的原岩形成于新元古代(844±12Ma)扬子陆块西缘活动大陆边缘的岛弧环境。

    Based on the above-mentioned features of geochemistry and U-Pb data , the author considers that the Tongde granulites were formed in the island-arc environment of an active continental margin at Neoproterozoic ( 844 ± 12 Ma ), to the western border of Yangtze block .

  25. 应用Ar-Ar精确测年技术手段厘定了中甸岛弧侵入岩的时空分布关系,了解了不同构造体系构造-岩石组合分布与演化序列,研究了成岩成矿时代及成矿作用过程。

    Use the Ar-Ar accuracy dating technology to determine the Zhongdian island arc intrusive rocks in the relationship between spatial and temporal distribution , understanded the different tectonic system structure-distribution and evolution of rock sequences , studied the diagenetic ore-forming epoch and the mineralization process .

  26. 据此推测该安山岩类属蛇绿岩成员,其可能产于俯冲带之上(SSZ)的岛弧环境。而该蛇绿岩则属于某种弧间构造背景的蛇绿岩。

    It is suggested in this paper that the andesite is a member of the ophiolite suits , which were most probably formed in an island-arc environment of supra-subduction zone ( SSZ ) and the ophiolite belongs to the type of arc tectonic setting .

  27. 培雷火山(法语名MontagnePelee,意为秃头山)坐落在名为马提尼克的小岛上。马提尼克岛是加勒比海小安地列斯群岛的岛弧:这一带因其频繁的火山和地震活动而闻名。

    Mount Pelee ( Montagne Pelee in French , which translates to Bald Mountain ) stands on the small island of Martinique , which is in the island arc of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean : an area known for frequent volcanic and seismic activity .

  28. Qm-F-Lt,Qt-F-L三角图解显示,南部坳陷的砂岩颗粒组分落入再旋回造山带,极少量落入再旋回造山带与岩浆岛弧混合带,说明古近纪南部坳陷构造活动整体比较强烈。

    Qm-F-Lt , Qt-FL triangular diagram show that sandstone componental particles mainly falling into recycling orogenic zone , a very small amount into recycling of orogenic belts and volcanic arc mixing zone , indicating that there were overall more intensive tectonic activities of south depression in the Paleogene . 5 .

  29. 三江地区义敦岛弧安山岩成因

    Origin of the Andesite in Yidun Island Arc , Sanjiang Region

  30. 浙西北晚元古代岛弧火山岩的地球化学研究

    Geochemistry of Proterozoic Island - arc volcanic rocks in Northwest Zhejiang