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shān mén
  • Mountain Gate;Buddhism;gate of a Buddhist temple;gate to a monastery
山门 [shān mén]
  • (1) [gate of a Buddist temple;gate to a monastery]∶佛寺的大门

  • (2) [Buddhism]∶指佛教

山门[shān mén]
  1. 他一个人住在诺丁山门的一套整洁干净得出奇的公寓里。

    He lives alone in a suspiciously tidy flat in Notting Hill Gate

  2. 旧金山门-它的消失有机今年,从烟熏鲑养殖osetra鱼子酱pizzas数组的tapas,海鲜,寿司及最后,有机巧克力雕像。

    San Francisco Gate-It 's gone organic this year , from the smoked salmon and farm-raised osetra caviar pizzas to an array of tapas , seafood , sushi and finally , organic chocolate statues .

  3. 那山门外面的女人你给我留着。

    Let 's leave the girl outside for me .

  4. 寺坐西朝东,山门两侧各放两只石狮子和两只石鼓。

    Temple sitting West headed east , on both sides of the gate-two stone lions and two Shek Kwu .

  5. 从而认为山门矿床成矿物质主要来自赋矿地层。

    It is thus known that most ore-formng substances were derived from the ore-hosting strata in the Shanmen deposit .

  6. 本文着重论述了山门银矿地球化学特征;水系沉积物,土壤及原生地球化学异常特征和分带性。

    This paper mainly describes the geochemical characteristics , primary geochemical anomaly characteristics of water-laid deposits , soil and the zonation .

  7. 山门前耸立着一块巨石,名曰飞来峰。特别是前人未曾到过的顶峰。

    Right in front of the temple gate stands an enormous rock known as is Fei'Lai'Feng or Peak That Flew Here .

  8. 祖庙山门呈皇城阙状,这是因为妈祖被民间尊为天上圣母,是至高无上的女神。

    That of the Mazu Temple is an imperial watchtower , because Mazu is respected in folk as Saint Mother , the supreme goddess .

  9. 一般位于第一进院落内两侧,即山门和天王殿之间两侧。

    Generally the towers are located on both sides of the first courtyard , that is , between the temple gate and the Tianwang-dian .

  10. 狮子是中国的吉祥物,山门两旁的石狮,更是增添了几分喜庆气氛。

    Lion is the mascot of China ; the stone lions on the two sides of the temple gate bring a joyous air to the temple .

  11. 四平山门早白垩世流纹岩,具有典型的古火山机构的分布特征,保存着罕见的发育完整的柱状节理。

    In Shanmen , Siping , Jilin province , the early Cretaceous rhyolite has typical distributive characteristics of the paleovolcanic apparatus , preserving rare , well-developed prismatic joint .

  12. 山门前,矗立着黄墙照璧,门首悬挂着古寒山寺匾额。

    Before the temple gate stands a saffron yellow screen wall . On the gate is hung a horizontal board inscribed with Gu'Han'Shan'Si or the Ancient Cold Mountain Temple .

  13. 牌坊前由一对铁狮子镇守,山门内有一条百米长的青石甬道,两侧是威武雄壮的“帅神”相封守护。

    Paul ago by a pair of iron lions guarding the mountain inside a100 meters long Qingshi connected , the two sides is magnificent ," Shuai God " relative guardian .

  14. 山门银矿铅同位素地质特征的研究结果表明,矿石铅为年轻、稳定的正常铅,成矿时代为燕山晚期;

    The study on geological characteristics of lead isotopes in the Shanmen silver deposit suggests that ore lead is young , stable normal lead , and minerogenetic epoch belongs to late Yanshanian ;

  15. 山门银矿区出露的中生代侵入岩是一套由基性岩、中性岩、酸性岩组成的复式侵入体。具有规模大、侵入期次多、演化时间长的特点。

    The outcropped Mesozoic intrusive rock is a composite intrusion which consists of basic , intermediate and acid rocks , characterized by the large scale , multiphase intrusion , and with long evolution .

  16. 小女孩接过鸡腿,小心翼翼地包在小布片里,又往前走。走啊走,好不容易走到了玻璃上。山门紧琐着。

    The girl took the leg , wrapped it up well in a piece of cloth , and set off again and went on and on until she came to the glass mountain .

  17. 山门紧琐着。她想拿出小鸡腿来,可是,打开小布包一看,空空的。

    The gate was locked , and she tried to take out the chicken 's leg ; but when she unwrapped the cloth it was empty , and she had lost the gift of the kindly stars .

  18. 传说其中的中元洞曾是道教祖师张三丰的修炼之处,假如确有其事,那么这里许多的特别之处也许就不足为奇:山门由两块巨石斜搭形成;

    Legends of the Middle-dong was the practice of Taoism founder of the Master , if true , then there may be special about a lot of surprising : Shanmen by the formation of two huge ramps up ;