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  • 网络landscape garden;Hill-and-Pond Garden
  1. 总体上看,中国园林由于受儒,道,佛的影响而崇尚自然,并在禅宗和宋明理学的影响下发展成自然写意山水园的风格。

    The former has been seeking natural beauty and appears to be the natural landscape garden style in symbolism by the influences of Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism , especially by Zen and the Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties .

  2. 通过对自然式水体景观设计最具代表性的中国自然山水园和英国自然风景园理水艺术特点的研究和对比,为课题研究奠定坚实的理论基础。

    The research and comparison of natural waterscape artistic features of the most representative Chinese natural landscape garden and English natural scenery garden laid a solid theoretical foundation for this study .

  3. 中国古典园林以自然山水园为主要类型。

    Landscape garden is the main type of Chinese ancient garden .

  4. 中国自然山水园的理水艺术

    Water-making Art of Natural Mountain-water Gardens in China

  5. 试论以画入园在中国古代文人写意山水园中的体现

    On " Garden as Painting " Reflected in the Literati Impressionistic Gardens of Ancient China

  6. 中国山水园虽源于自然,却高于自然,反映了对自然美的高度概括,而英国风景园则更多地模仿自然,是自然的再现。

    Boring in nature , Chinese hill-water garden surpasses nature , reflecting the highly generalization of nature beauties .

  7. 总的来说,中国的山水园与英国的风景园虽然同为自然式园林,但从本质上看,中、英自然式园林仍然是两种完全不同风格的园林艺术。

    Although Chinese and English garden both belong to natural style garden , they are still two kinds of totally different garden styles .

  8. 山地园林植物景观呈现出的某些独特面貌,是人工山水园没有或难以模拟的,所以说山地园林植物景观的独特性正是使其文化表现出独特性的主要原因。

    The special terrain of mountain will present its unique plants landscape which is nonexistence or hard to simulate in artificial landscape , so the unique plant landscape of mountainous garden is the main cause for its unique cultural .

  9. 中国是东方园林乃至世界自然山水园的发源地,悠久的人文历史和深厚的文化积淀反映在造园艺术中,产生了自然山水园最成熟的形态&人文山水园。

    China is the cradle of the Eastern , and even global natural gardens . Her long and everlasting history and compound cultural accumulation reflected in gardening art has brought about the most mature form of natural garden & humanistic natural garden .