
  • 网络shielding effectiveness
  1. 基于VectorFitting的金属薄壳电磁脉冲屏蔽效能的计算

    Evaluation of EMP shielding effectiveness for metallic shells based on the vector fitting method

  2. 转移阻抗法测试EMI衬垫屏蔽效能

    Study on the Measurement of Shielding Effectiveness of EMI Gasket Using Transfer

  3. Fe2O3/泡沫镍复合材料电磁屏蔽效能研究

    Study on Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Properties of Fe_2O_3 / Foam Ni Composites

  4. 基于FDTD方法的脉冲磁场屏蔽效能研究

    Investigation of shielding efficiency against pulse magnetic field based on FDTD method

  5. Al-Si闭孔泡沫铝电磁屏蔽效能

    Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of Al - Si closed - cell aluminum foam

  6. 负介电常数集成材料对HPM和UWB的屏蔽效能影响

    Effect of Shielding Effectiveness of Negative Permittivity Composite Materials for HPM and UWB

  7. 基于快速傅里叶变换(FFT)本文还对带孔金属盒的强瞬态电场频域屏蔽效能进行了分析。

    Based on FFT analysis , the shielding effectiveness of the metal enclosure in frequency domain is also investigated .

  8. 并行FDTD方法结合加窗技术分析屏蔽效能

    Analysis of Shielding Effectiveness of Metallic Cavity with Aperture by Combining Parallel FDTD Method with Windowing Technique

  9. 结果表明:使用圆形开孔、增加PCB板尺寸都能有效增加壳体屏蔽效能。

    The results show that using the circular slot and increasing PCB board size can effectively increase the shielding effectiveness .

  10. 目的探讨微囊化处理后大鼠松果体细胞5羟色胺N乙酰转移酶(NAT)mRNA的表达及细胞微囊的免疫原性,进一步明确人工松果体组织的功能活性与免疫屏蔽效能。

    Objective To explore the expression of serotonin N-acetyltransferase ( NAT ) mRNA in encapsulated rat pinealocytes , and evaluate the immunogenicity of pinealocytes microencapsulation .

  11. 考察了织物的几何参数、纤维的电磁参数和入射场极化方向与屏蔽效能(SE)之间的关系。

    Effects of geometries and conductivity of the fibers , and direction of the polarization of the incident wave on SE are investigated .

  12. 测试了试样的镀层成分、初始磁导率、电导率、X射线衍射、镀层与基体结合强度以及低频磁屏蔽效能。

    Some experiments , for example composition , electric conductance , permeability , X-ray diffraction , the binding strength and the magnetic shielding efficiency at low frequency have been carried through .

  13. 在铜及硅钢上镀覆非晶态Ni-P合金后,低频磁屏蔽效能提高。

    Coating the copper and silicon steel with Ni-Fe and Ni-P alloy can improve the magnetic shielding efficiency at low frequency .

  14. ITER气体加料阀门箱磁屏蔽效能的有限元分析

    Analysis of magnetic shielding performance for ITER gas valve boxes by finite element method

  15. 基于TLM的机箱孔缝电磁屏蔽效能数值分析

    Numerical Analysis for Shielding Effectiveness of Computer Enclosure with Apertures Based on TLM

  16. 将测试夹具、测试仪器通过RS232总线与PC机连接,构建屏蔽效能的测量系统。

    The measuring system of Shielding Effectiveness is constructed by connecting the test fixture and test instruments with PC through RS232 .

  17. 对于不同直径、不同间距的钢筋网的电磁屏蔽效能进行了对比分析得出具有实用价值的结论。最后在Visualc++/MFC开发环境下,开发轨旁楼宇电磁环境评估仿真。

    The electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of different diameter , different spacing of the steel mesh are analysed . Useful conclusions is obtained . Finally , electromagnetic environment assessment software is developed of trackside buildings in Visual C + + .

  18. 笔者重点研究了不同目数的铜丝网和木材纤维压制具有电磁屏蔽效能的复合MDF的生产工艺。

    The manufacturing technology of wood fiber-copper wire net composite MDF , which have electromagnetic shielding effectiveness ( ESE ), was studied in this paper .

  19. 采用FDTD法和MPML吸收处界条件,对无限大钢筋网、钢筋混凝土层和素混凝土层的电磁脉冲屏蔽效能进行了时域全波分析。

    It presents a time domain full wave analysis of infinity wire mesh reinforcement , reinforced concrete layer and concrete only layer in FDTD method .

  20. CONSIL-A提供高的屏蔽效能,并且电化腐蚀最小。

    CONSIL-A provides the high shield potency , and the electrochemical corrosion is smallest .

  21. 研究了将导电聚吡咯(PPy)薄膜制备在绝缘环氧模塑料(EMC)电子封装材料表面的方法,及导电PPy薄膜的电磁屏蔽效能。

    The method of polypyrrole ( PPy ) films being synthesized on the surface of insulating epoxy molding compound ( EMC ) electronic packaging materials and the shielding effectiveness of PPy film were studied .

  22. 研究了镀镍碳纤维(NCF)增强工程塑料(PC/ABS)的制备和影响其屏蔽效能的因素。

    In this paper , the preparation method and shielding effectiveness ( SE ) of PC / ABS composite engineering plastics with nickel-coated carbon fiber ( NCF ) are researched .

  23. 加装印刷电路板的圆孔阵矩形机壳屏蔽效能如果A是mxn矩阵,那么nxm矩阵为A的转置矩阵。

    Shielding effectiveness of PCB loaded rectangular enclosure with circular-aperture array If A is the mxn matrix , then the nxm matrix is called the transpose of A.

  24. 上述方面本文已取得了主要创新点及研究成果如下:1.介绍了Robinson,M.P等人有孔矩形腔传输线模型的基本理论及计算有孔矩形腔体屏蔽效能的计算公式。

    The major research results are as the following : 1 . The Robinson , M.P basic theories of transmitting line model has been introduced to calculate the shielding efficiency of rectangle with holes .

  25. 在介绍电磁蔽原理的基础上,分析了金属填充聚合物复合材料屏蔽效能的主要影响因素,并讨论了屏蔽EMI包装材料的研究现状与发展。

    On the basis of introducing the principle of electromagnetic shielding , the main factors which affect the shielding effects of metal-filled polymer composites were described , the study situation and the development di - rection of packaging materials for shielding EMI were also discussed in the paper .

  26. 当炭黑含量达到15vol%时,厚度为7mm的复合平板在150~1500MHz内的屏蔽效能可以达到-35dB。

    When the CB content is 15 vol % , a plate with a thickness of 7 mm gives a SE of - 35 dB . There is a critic content in CB filling composite for wave absorbing .

  27. 此木材-金属复合材料的电磁屏蔽效能在9kHz~1.5GHz的频率范围内可达到60dB,导电性和导热性能较素材有显著提高。

    Electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of the wood-metal composite is up to 60 dB at frequencies from 9 kHz ~ 1.5 GHz , and it 's electroconductivity and thermal conductivity were improved much .

  28. 镀后杨木单板的表面电阻率很低,而电磁屏蔽效能较高,在9kHz~1.5GHz,可达到60dB左右。

    The surface resistance of electroless plated poplar veneer was very low . However , the electromagnetic shielding effectiveness was high and close to 60 dB at frequencies from 9 KHz to 1.5 GHz .

  29. 钢筋混凝土层对高功率电磁环境的屏蔽效能研究

    Study on Shielding Effectiveness of Reinforced-Concrete in High Power Electromagnetic Environment

  30. 多芯电缆屏蔽效能的仿真计算与测试

    Simulation and testing of the shielding effectiveness of multicore cables