
  1. 另一方面热处理抑制了果实中PPO活性的升高,减少了果实的褐变和腐烂,延长了尖椒果实的贮藏期。

    On the other hand , PPO activity increase was inhibited , this will be beneficial to reduce the incidence of fruit decay and brown and prolong storage period of pepper .

  2. 利用创建的RSAP技术,联合SRAP,以鲜食尖椒类2个优良自交系杂交产生的93株F2代为群体,构建了一张辣椒种内分子连锁图谱。

    Using RSAP and SRAP techniques , a pepper genetic linkage map was constructed based on 93 F2 plants from two elite breeding inbred lines cross .

  3. 研究热处理对尖椒果实贮藏特性及冷害的影响。【结果】热处理抑制了贮藏过程中尖椒的腐烂率,冷藏30d时处理果的腐烂率仅为对照果实的37.5%。

    [ RESULTS ] The rot index of peppers was inhibited by hot treatments and the rot rate of which was 37.5 % than CK after 30d .

  4. 鲜食尖椒类(Capsicumannuumvar.longum)品种是我国辣椒生产的主要品种类型之一,高产育种是其重要的育种目标之一。

    Of these , long-fruit hot pepper ( Capsicum annuum var. longum ) is one of the main variety types in China . High-yield breeding is main breeding objectives of pepper .

  5. 尖椒叶片叶绿素含量的近红外检测分析实验研究

    Measurement of Chlorophyll Content in Pepper Leaves by Near Infrared Analysis

  6. 尖椒长期贮藏的研究

    Studies of Long-term Storage on Pepper

  7. 存放5年的尖椒种子发芽率只有20%多,出苗率仅为20%。

    The germination rate of hot pepper seed stored for 5 years was 26 % , but the seedling emergence rate was only 20 % .

  8. 采用优化的培养基培养,不定芽诱导率达到100%,不定芽伸长率达83%,生根率达到100%.在此基础上建立了保加利亚尖椒的子叶离体高效再生体系。

    By optimizing the culture conditions , the rate of adventitious bud induction , elongation and rooting reached to 100 % , 83 % , and 100 % , respectively .

  9. 对不同年度采收的白菜、萝卜、尖椒种子采用吸湿培养法、玻板直立发芽法、盆栽出苗法测试了发芽率、生活力和出苗状况。

    Germination , vigor and seedling emergence of Chinese cabbage , radish and hot pepper seeds harvested in different years were investigated by hygroscopic culture , glass plate vertical germination and pot culture methods .

  10. 【研究目的】研究热水处理对尖椒果实贮藏冷害的影响,为尖椒的冷藏提供理论和应用依据。

    [ OBJECTIVE ] The objective of this experiment is to study the effect of hot treatment on chilling injury of Pepper in order to offer the base of both theory and application for the cold storage of the pepper .