
  • 网络Metorchis orientalis;metorchis orentalis
  1. 三种异形科吸虫和东方次睾吸虫的生活史研究

    Studies on the life histories of three species of heterophyid trematodes and Metorchis orientalis tanabe , 1921

  2. 东方次睾吸虫(Metorchisorientalis)人体实验感染报告

    Report on Human Body Experimental Infection with Metorchis orientalis

  3. 东方次睾吸虫电镜研究(吸虫纲:后睾科)V.雌性生殖器官人工感染鸭东方次睾吸虫病的病理组织学研究

    Electron microscope studies on Metorchis orientalis ( trematode : ophisthochiidae ) v. ultrastructure of the female reproductive organs

  4. [结果]受试者吞服316个东方次睾吸虫囊蚴后,第10d出现腹痛、腹胀、食欲减退、肝区不适等症状。

    [ Results ] There were the stomache ache , abdominal distension , decreased appetite and uncomfortable in the hepatic region on the 10th day after infection .

  5. 丹顶鹤东方次睾吸虫病的诊断与防治

    Diagnosis , Prevention and Cure of Red-crowned Crane Metorchis Orientalis

  6. 人体自然感染东方次睾吸虫的发现及其疫源地的调查研究

    The discovery of natural infection of human with Metorchis orientalis and the investigation of its focus