
shào nián
  • juvenile;lad;young person;early youth (from ten to sixteen);early youth;teen-age youths
少年 [shào nián]
  • [early youth (from ten to sixteen)] 古称青年男子,现在指人大约十岁到十五岁这个阶段

  • 少年儿童读物

少年[shào nián]
  1. 打从少年时代我们就是好朋友了。

    We have been close friends since early youth .

  2. 神经系统疾病少年儿童患者的脆性X综合征检查与临床诊治研究

    The study of clinical diagnosis , treatment and cytogenetics of fragile X syndrome ( FraX ) in early youth and children with nervous system diseases

  3. 这些街头少年团伙使得周围邻里谈之色变。

    These street gangs have become the terror of the neighbourhood .

  4. 一些儿童进入少年期会完全变成另一个人。

    Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers .

  5. 这场打斗是一伙少年挑起来的。

    The fight was started by a gang of youths .

  6. 他被判处在少年犯拘留所拘禁两年。

    He was sentenced to two years ' youth custody .

  7. 两个少年偷唱片时被保安录像机拍摄了下来。

    Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video .

  8. 人们对这个失踪少年的安全越来越担心。

    There is growing concern over the safety of the missing teenager .

  9. 这次夏令营是为8至14岁的少年儿童安排的。

    The camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14 .

  10. 使从事有意义的劳动是管理少年犯的重要方法。

    Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders .

  11. 一名男子因与该谋杀少年案有关而被捕。

    A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager .

  12. 她未被送上少年法庭,而是受到了警告。

    She wasn 't sent to the juvenile court ; instead she was cautioned .

  13. 大家对那一周前失踪少年的安危越来越担忧。

    Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago .

  14. 因救起一名溺水儿童,少年马特∙布朗被誉为英雄。

    Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning .

  15. 两个少年闯进了琼斯先生的母亲家里行窃。

    Two teenagers burgled the home of Mr Jones 's mother .

  16. 亨德里克斯在台上的风采吸引了成千上万的叛逆少年。

    Hendrix 's stage presence appealed to thousands of teenage rebels .

  17. 地方法官将可以在少年犯送押时提出附加条件。

    Magistrates will be able to attach conditions when juveniles are remanded .

  18. 当那两名男子还击时,袭击他们的少年逃之夭夭。

    The teenage attackers fled when the two men fought back

  19. 英国法院渐渐地不再将少年犯送进监狱。

    British courts are increasingly moving away from sending young offenders to prison

  20. 每一站都喧闹地播放着十几岁少年所喜爱的劲爆迪斯科音乐。

    Teenage disco music pumped out at every station .

  21. 年届六十的男人们和少年小伙们并肩作战。

    Men aged 60 are fighting alongside young boys .

  22. 入选美国国家少年体育队的选拔赛

    tryouts for the U.S. junior national athletics team .

  23. 他表现得像个害单相思的少年。

    He was acting like a lovelorn teenager .

  24. 这个少年被处以9个月的管教。

    The youngster got nine months ' youth custody

  25. 曼女士正在从事帮助少年犯的工作,试图打破犯罪的恶性循环。

    Ms Mann is working with young offenders and trying to break cycles of offending .

  26. 内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。

    Suddenly Ned swerved the truck , narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard .

  27. 很大一部分案件乃是十几岁的少年和二十多岁的青年男子所为。

    A high proportion of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties .

  28. 绝大多数十几岁少年的恋情都转瞬即逝。

    Most teenage romances are transitory .

  29. 总人口中少年所占比例在过去10年中下降了1/5。

    The number of juveniles in the general population has fallen by a fifth in the past 10 years .

  30. 军方消息称,这个少年说他正在为这次运动执行“自杀性任务”。

    According to the army , the teenager said he was on a ' suicide mission ' for the movement .