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  1. 虎妞不但不安慰小福子,反倒愿意帮她的忙:虎妞愿意拿出点资本,教她打扮齐整,挣来钱再还给她

    Tigress , far from commiserating , offered her a loan ( repayable later on ) to make herself more presentable .

  2. 祥子不在家,小福子是好朋友;

    When Xiangzi was out , joy was a good friend ;

  3. 他进了大门,一直奔了小福子的屋子去。

    He went in and made straight for joy 's room .

  4. 什么也没有了,连小福子也入了土!

    Everything was gone , even joy was dead and buried !

  5. 小福子也起得晚,可是她另有理由。

    Joy also rose late , but for other reasons .

  6. 我们的请愿白费唇舌。小福子连嘴唇全白了。

    Our petitions have been slighted . She was white to the lips .

  7. 小福子露出些牙来,泪落在肚子里。

    Joy 's lips parted to show her teeth as she swallowed her tears .

  8. 二强子走后,祥子和小福子一同进到屋中。

    Once he had gone , Xiangzi and joy went back into the room .

  9. 他扯开大步,去找小福子。

    Off he strode then to find joy .

  10. 小福子连嘴唇全白了。

    She was white to the lips .

  11. 二强子的女儿小福子回来了。

    Er Qiangzi 's daughter Joy returned .

  12. 小福子长得不难看。

    Joy was not bad looking .

  13. 不敢看小福子,他低着头一气说完这些。

    He dared not look at her as , head lowered , he rattled this off .

  14. 莫非小福子已经不在了么?

    Could joy be dead already ?

  15. 祥子,小福子,收生婆,连着守了她三天三夜。

    Xiangzi , joy and the midwife watched over her for three days and three nights .

  16. 这样解释开,她们又成了好友,她照旧给小福子维持一切。

    After these explanations , they made it up and Tigress helped Joy in everything as before .

  17. 越寂寞越恨,她以为小福子的减价出售是故意的气她。

    This only increased her bitterness and she felt that Joy was selling herself cheaply just to spite her .

  18. 每次小福子用房间,虎妞提出个条件,须给她两毛钱。

    She made only one condition : Joy must pay her twenty cents each time she used the room .

  19. 虎妞“成全”了小福子,也要在祥子身上找到失去了的青春。

    Since Tigress had started " helping " joy , she wanted to recapture her lost youth through him .

  20. 虎妞催着他出去,怕他在家里碍事,万一小福子拉来个客人呢。

    Tigress urged him to go out , not wanting him around in case joy brought back a customer .

  21. 这绝不会是小福子的坟,他知道,可是他的泪一串一串的往下落。

    He knew very well that this was not where joy was buried , but his tears fell thick and fast .

  22. 小福子晓得这么下去,全院的人慢慢就会都响应虎妞,而把自己撵出去。

    Joy knew that at this rate , the other tenants would soon join with Tigress to run her out of the place .

  23. 他不敢想小福子要是死吃他一口,可是她这一家人都不会挣饭吃也千真万确。

    He did n 't think joy would live off him , but it was a fact that her family was unable to earn anything .

  24. 小福子就是把铺板卖了,还上房租,只穿着件花洋布大衫,戴着一对银耳环,回到家中来的。

    Joy sold the bed , paid the rent and came home with nothing but a gown of imported cloth and a pair of silver earrings .

  25. 本文主要从韵梅、小福子等女性形象入手分析了老舍对传统女性的认同和赞美,通过她们完成了老舍对心中女性形象的建构。

    And analysed Lao She 's praise and identification with traditional women mainly , and finish the building and constructing of women image of Lao she in the heart through them .

  26. 食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。祥子把这个托付给小福子去办。小福子给买来热芝麻酱烧饼和酱肘子;

    Dietotherapy : Milk , oaten , bean curd , sesame paste , earthnut , kelp , laver , black agaric , dried small shrimps , river shrimp . He entrusted this to Joy , who bought some hot sesame griddle cakes and a jellied pig 's leg .