
  • 网络Small Theatre;Little Theatre;little theater
  1. 这小剧院很快就已经盛不下观众了。

    The audience easily overflowed the small theatre .

  2. 预算经费有限的小剧院。

    A small theatre with a modest budget .

  3. 嗯,你可能在这里找不到一个大屏幕,但这个小剧院是从由120W的太阳能电池板充电的四块大的锂离子电池处接收能量的。

    Well , you may not find a big screen here , but this petite theatre receives its power from four large lithium ion batteries , charged up by 120W solar panels .

  4. 《猜猜谁来吃晚餐》低调地在洛杉矶的一家小剧院里上演。

    It opened quietly at a small theater in Los Angeles .

  5. 村里还有一座漂亮的小剧院,是新不久前刚刚建成的。

    It contains a beautiful little Theatre , newly built ;

  6. 在开罗她仍然装扮成男孩在几个小剧院演出。

    In Cairo , she was still dressed as boys in several small theater .

  7. 许多引人注目的实验剧目也在社区中心和近郊的小剧院演出。

    Many exciting and experimental things in theater are also being done in university theaters , community centers , and small neighborhood theaters .

  8. 然后晚上免费到小剧院表演白天我还在第二城市接受课程培训

    And perform to these little theaters at night for free And I was taking classes during the day at Second City as well

  9. 爱国歌曲点燃了来到南佛罗里达州棕榈滩县一个小剧院观看总统辩论的居民们的情绪。

    Patriotic songs set the mood in a small theater in South Florida 's affluent Palm Beach County where residents gathered to watch the presidential debate .

  10. 马克:嗯,如果看戏剧的话,你可以去二环内的一些小剧院,有两三个不错。

    Mark : Well , as for drama , you could check out some of the small theaters inside the second ring . There are two or three .

  11. 船上有一个小剧院,每天下午给孩子们表演木偶剧,而且甲板上有一足够的空间让孩子们奔跑玩耍。

    There is a little theatre where there are puppet shows for children every afternoon , and there is plenty of room to run and play on the decks .

  12. 过去六年里,他在芝加哥与自己的小剧院团队“窥镜剧院公司”共事,致力于开辟电影导演的生涯。

    He has spent the past six years working with his own small theatre group , the Looking-glass Theatre Company , in Chicago and has been trying to launch a career as a movie director .

  13. 这些替补剧作大都在一些破旧的小剧院、废弃的地下室、酒吧、阁楼、教堂等非百老汇剧院里上演,这些地理位置具有巴赫金狂欢化的广场性意义。

    Most of the alternative plays are played at the small old theatres , abandoned basements , bars , mezzanines , churches and other non-Broadway theater stages , whose location carries the meaning of what Bakhtin calls the Carnival plaza .

  14. 小的剧院将首当其冲,第一批被迫歇业。

    The small theatres will be first for the chop .

  15. 画廊?还是…当然啦一小间剧院

    An art gallery ? Or , of course , a little theater .

  16. 突然一个小男孩从剧院的楼厅站起身来,大声喊道:“爸爸,你真棒!”

    Suddenly , from the balcony , a little boy stood up and shouted ," Daddy , I think you are wonderful !"

  17. 没有一个人鼓掌。突然一个小男孩从剧院的楼厅站起身来,大声喊道:“爸爸,你真棒!”随之观众中爆发出雷鸣般掌声。

    No one applauded . suddenly , from the balcony , a little boy stood up and shouted ," daddy , I think you are wonderful !" the crowd broke into thunderous applause .