
  1. 建立了气固两相流的控制方程和封闭方程;介绍了数值模型的建立、网格划分、边界条件和初始条件的设定;采用SIMPLE算法对射流技术进行压力和速度耦合。

    The control equations and the closed equations of gas-solid two-phase flow are established . The setting of the numerical model , meshing , boundary conditions and initial conditions are described . Using SIMPLE algorithm to establish pressure and velocity coupling of jet technique .

  2. 显微射流技术应用的例子包括生物靶子的筛选、组合文库的形成、DNA寡聚体的合成,蛋白质多态性研究所有这些都因为显微射流技术而可以大规模进行。

    Examples of microfluidics-based applications include screening of biological targets , synthesis of combinatorial libraries , synthesis of DNA oligomers , and analysis of polymorphic proteins , all of which can be performed in large high-throughput parallel arrays because of microfluidics .

  3. 以微电子机械系统(MEMS)、混沌论及非线性复杂大系统不稳定理论为基础,一种全新的流场主动控制技术&微射流技术应运而生。

    A new method for active control of flow field appears . It is the so-called microjet technology . Its fundamental principle is based on the MEMS , the chaotic theory and non-linear complicated system theory .

  4. 方法采用微射流技术在射流直径50μm和压力120MPa条件下制备莪术油纳米脂质体制剂。

    METHODS Zedoary nano-liposomes were prepared by micro-jet technique ( jet dia . 50 μ m , pressure 120 MPa ) .

  5. 现改用高压射流技术对油管内外壁进行同步清洗试验,取得良好效果。在70MPa压力下,可清除管内的全部垢层,除去管外的油漆印字和螺纹上的积垢,露出金属本色。

    Under 70 MPa pressure , all inner surface stain , outer surface paints and dirt accumulated on the screw are removed and the steel base is visible .

  6. 脉冲射流技术的原理及其应力特性研究

    The principle of pulse jet technology and its stress characteristic study

  7. 高压水射流技术及其在航空发动机上的应用

    On High Pressure Water Jet Technology and its Application in Aero-Engine

  8. 物元分析方法评价高压水射流技术的清洗质量

    Applying material-units-analysis method to evaluate cleaning quality of high-pressure water-jet technology

  9. 毛细管等离子体射流技术研究现状及应用前景

    Research status quo and application prospect of capillary plasma jet technique

  10. 利用水射流技术对煤粉进行超细粉碎

    Ultra-fine pulverizing of coal fines by use of water - jet

  11. 高压水射流技术在有色金属工业中的应用及前景

    Applications and prospects of high pressure waterjet in Nonferrous Metals Industry

  12. 高压水射流技术与油田管道的清洗

    Technology of High Pressure Water Jet and Cleaning of oilfield Pipeline

  13. 水射流技术在多环扩孔中的应用及试验研究

    Experimental Research and Application of Water Jet Technology in Multi-ring Hole Reaming

  14. 射流技术在建筑施工泵送混凝土中的应用

    Application of Jet Technique in the Field of Pumping Concrete

  15. 磨料浆体射流技术及其切割性能试验研究

    Abrasive suspension jet technology and experimental study on cutting performance

  16. 高压水射流技术在钢坯热态除鳞中的应用

    Application of High Pressure Water Jet Technology in Descaling of Hot Billets

  17. 超高压射流技术对白酒催陈有积极的效果。

    The Ultra-high pressure jet have a positive effect on aging liquor .

  18. 介绍了微射流技术的原理及其初步应用。

    The principle and initial applications of the microjet technology are introduced .

  19. 射流技术在饮料前处理物料调配中的应用

    The Application of the Jetting Technology in the Beverage Pre - treatment

  20. 磨料水射流技术在高速公路快速修复中的应用

    Application of Abrasive water jet in Hasty Expressway Reparation

  21. 超高速脉冲水射流技术的研究及应用

    Research on Ultra-High-Speed Pulse Water Jet and Its Application

  22. 高压水射流技术可以实现地雷的有效切除。

    High press water jet can eliminate mines effectively .

  23. 合成射流技术&一种全新高效的流动控制技术

    Synthetic jet : a new , effective and efficient method for flow control

  24. 磨料浆体射流技术及其机理研究

    Research on Abrasive Suspension Jet Technology and Its Mechanism

  25. 利用雾化射流技术治理输煤皮带转运点粉尘污染

    Use of atomized jet technology to eliminate dust contamination at coal conveyor points

  26. 液体射流技术在油田开发中的新应用

    New Applications of Fluid Jet Technology in Oilfield Development

  27. 应用合成射流技术增强燃气/氧气掺混

    Enhancing fuel / oxygen mixing using synthetic jet actuators

  28. 动态高压微射流技术对乳清蛋白性质和结构的影响

    Effect of Dynamic High Pressure Microfluidization on Properties and Structures of Whey Protein

  29. 高压水射流技术在高校公寓下水管道清洗中的应用

    Application of High Pressure Water Jet Technology to Sewer Cleaning in University Apartments

  30. 高效射流技术与小型水采模式

    High efficient Jet Technology and Small-scale Hydromining Mode