
  • 网络aleatory;Aleatory Contract
  1. 射聿合同的射幸性决定了其订立必须遵循最大诚信原则。

    The uncertainty nature of aleatory contract determines that the principle of utmost good faith should be applied .

  2. 射幸合同创设并在当事人间分配射幸性风险时,引发了一些社会问题,需要立法予以规制。

    As the aleatory risk is created and allocated by aleatory contract , it triggers some social problems that need to be regulated by legislation .

  3. 可是,由于保险行业天然的射幸性、技术性以及附合性,具体规则的实践结果往往冲击着利益平衡价值并阻碍其实现。

    But because the insurance has its nature of technical , coincidental , as well as it involves lucky , the practice of concrete rule often attacks the benefit balance value and hinders its realization .

  4. 保险欺诈是经济欺诈这种违法现象中的一类,它既具有经济欺诈的共性,又具有保险关系的射幸性,且涉及到信息经济学原理,因而保险欺诈也具有相当的特殊性。

    Insurance fraud is only one of these economical frauds , and it has quite a lot of peculiarity on account of its similarity to other economical frauds , and it is related with informational knowledge .

  5. 判断射幸合同合法性的一般标准是:射幸合同是否严重损害当事人一方利益、他人利益或社会公共利益;

    The general standards to judge the legitimation of aleatory contract are as follows : if the contract damages the interests of one party , interests of others , or public interests ;