
  • 网络shooting
  1. 你似乎全面地了解了奥运会射击运动。

    You seem to have known the Olympic shooting out and out .

  2. 浅谈身体训练与射击运动

    Talking about the Physical Training and the Shooting Sports

  3. 我从事射击运动已经16年了,很喜爱这项运动。

    I have been a shooter for 16 years and enjoy my sport .

  4. 目前对射击运动的科学研究已取得了巨大成就。

    The present scientific research has made tremendous achievements .

  5. 我国射击运动竞技水平现状分析与对策研究

    Analysis on Current Situation of Our Shooting Performance

  6. 运动心理学在射击运动中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Sports Psychology in Shooting

  7. 谈谈视觉在射击运动中的作用

    On Function of Visual Sense in Shooting

  8. 射击运动技术是衡量运动员水平的关键,它对运动员姿态控制的稳定性有相当高的要求。

    For stability controlling attitude is a key to judge level of athlete in shooting .

  9. 然而,选手们对射击运动的激情也推动了其快速发展。

    But it can also be ascribed to the passion shooters have for their sport .

  10. 一种提高射击运动自动判靶系统精度的方法

    An approach to improving the scoring precision of the automatic scoring system for shooting sports

  11. 射击运动激活水平的研究

    Research on Activating Level of Shooting

  12. 纽镇是国家射击运动基金会的总部,这个基金会也是一个枪支倡导组织。

    Newtown is the headquarters of the National Sports Shooting Foundation , a gun advocacy organization .

  13. 判靶精度是衡量射击运动自动判靶系统性能的重要参数之一。

    Scoring precision is one of the important parameters to evaluate the performance of Automatic Scoring System for Shooting Sports .

  14. 在老将结束了他的冲刺,并成为一个什么会是一个开放开枪射击运动跳下。

    The veteran guard ended his sprint and jumped into a shooting motion for what would have been an open shot .

  15. 射击运动可能在史前时代原始人捕食或者保护自己的时候就出现了。

    Some form of Shooting has been around since prehistoric times , when men hunted prey to secure food or protect themselves from enemies .

  16. 同时论述了身体训练与射击运动的关系从而加速射击运动的发展。

    It also states thoroughly about the relationship between the physical training and the shooting sports and to speed up the development of the shooting sports .

  17. 随着射击运动枪支的更新换代,利用淘汰小口径运动枪支进行违法犯罪活动的案件也越来越多。

    With the replacement of new sport shooting guns , there are more and more criminal cases that utilize smallbore sport shooting guns as weapons . Exercise .

  18. 系统的整套设备重量轻,便于安装、携带,并且使用安全,费用低,可大大促进射击运动的推广。

    The devices used in this system are light in weight , and easy to be installed and carried . Further more the system is low cost and safe to use .

  19. 射击运动的特点都是肌肉特定收缩方式的表现,射击运动员良好的肌肉用力稳定性和一致性是取得好成绩的关键因素之一。

    The features of shooting are the certain ways of muscle strain , so the stability and consistency of shooters muscle strain is one of the key factors for good performance .

  20. 本文即是在误差相关性理论在兵器火控系统误差处理中应用这一研究方向上的初步探试。本文的一个重要任务是对高炮在行进间射击运动目标时的误差数据处理。

    The dissertation is pilot study of " The application of error correlation theory in error processing of weapons fire control system . " An important task of the dissertation is to process error data of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery shooting moving targets .

  21. 影响射击运动员运动成绩心理因素的分析

    Analysis of the Psychological Factors that Affect Shooters ' Sports Result

  22. 用一个弓的箭头进行射击的运动。

    The sport of shooting arrows with a bow .

  23. 针对射击比赛运动,出现了基于激光、超声波、图像图影技术的射击辅助训练系统。

    The shooting sports , for example , there exist assistant shooting training system based on laser , ultrasound , and image technology .

  24. 本文阐述了手提式肩射武器射击时运动测量的特点,介绍了一种可行的肩射武器运动测量系统。

    The intention of this article is to analyze the distinguishing features of motion of hand-held shoulder arm under firing and to introduce a feasible system for measuring this motion .

  25. 自行火炮射击时车体运动分析

    Analysis of Chassis Movement when Self-propelled Gun Firing

  26. 不同年龄射击运动员的运动水平与神经系统特性及其气质类型的关系

    The Relationship among Performance Level , Characteristics of Nerve System and Temperament Type of Shooter at Different Age

  27. 最后根据测量结果总结了手提式肩射武器射击时的运动规律。

    Finally the regularities of the motion of hand-held shoulder arms under firing are summarised based on the measurement results .

  28. 本文对我国射击与射箭运动发展中的3个热点问题:优秀运动员运动寿命、备战奥运会科研工作、外脑进行了初步探讨。

    The issues that should be paid attention to the development of shooting and archery in China , such as sport life span of elite athletes , external brain , and scientific research for winning the gold medal in the future Olympic Games , are studied .

  29. 火炮射击时全炮运动测试方法

    A Test Method of the Movement of an Artillery on Fire

  30. 这可以鼓励青少年把射击作为一项运动来参加。

    This should encourage young people to take up shooting as a sport .