
dǎo dú
  • guide to reading
  • introduced by
导读 [dǎo dú]
  • [give guidance to reading;tutor to reading] 辅导阅读

  1. 此书由某教授导读。

    The introduction of this book was written by a certain professor .

  2. 基于Web技术的图书馆导读系统的实现

    Realization of Library 's Reading Guidance System Base on Web Technique

  3. 基于Web方式的高校图书馆导读书目体系的实现

    Implementation of Web-based Undergraduate Reading-navigation System in University Library

  4. 基于ASSURE模式的英语文学名著导读网设计

    The Design of ASSURE Model-based Guidance Web for Classic English Readers

  5. 通过对图书馆导读功能的分析与研究,构建了基于Web技术的导读系统。

    Through analysing and researching library 's function of the reading guidance , this paper constructs the reading guidance system based on Web technique .

  6. 要了解更多内容,请访问本网络的GMcrops和intellectualproperty资料库和sciencepublishing快速导读。

    To read more about these topics , visit SciDev . Net 's GM crops and intellectual property dossiers and science publishing quick guide .

  7. 在了解当前多媒体技术在图书馆应用背景的前提下,运用大型多媒体开发软件Authorware编程,开发了图书馆多媒体新生导读系统。

    Based on applications of the multimedia technology in library , this paper uses software of Authorware , studys the library multimedia freshman guide system .

  8. 网络阅读与高校图书馆的导读对策新探

    New Exploration in Methods of Internet Reading and University Library Instruction

  9. 浅谈高校图书馆流通部的读者导读工作

    The Reading Guidance for Readers in University Library 's Circulation Section

  10. 序,导读,第一章《公共政策的内在矛盾与政治理由》。

    Stone . Preface , introduction & chap.1 in Policy Paradox .

  11. 论现代参考咨询工作与导读网页制作

    Modern reference inquiry and the making of homepage for guided reading

  12. 《高等职业院校人才培养工作评估方案》导读

    Introduction to The Evaluation Program of Personnel Training in Higher Vocational Colleges

  13. 信息素养教育与导读医学院校教师科学素养现状及提高策略

    Present Situation and Improvement Tactics of Scientific Attainment of Medical College Teachers

  14. 第四部分以具体的导读书目、影响书目、研究书目为例,进行了个案分析。

    The forth part introduces some practical cases of the recommended bibliography .

  15. 导读是现代图书馆的一项重要的工作之一。

    The guidance to reading is an the important work in library .

  16. 浅议学校图书馆导读工作五年制专科生的阅读指导

    Guided Reading for Five Year College Students Directly from Junior High Schools

  17. 高校图书馆阅览信息资源的聚类导读管理

    Cluster Introduction Management of Reads Information Resources in University Library

  18. 浅谈少儿图书馆文学图书的导读工作

    Reading Guidance of Literary Works in the Libraries for Children

  19. 根据借还历史,提高导读水平网上借还系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the System For Borrowing-Returning Based on the Web

  20. 从导读书目看鲁迅思想变迁

    To Observe the Formation of Lu Xun 's Thought from Guide-reading Bibliography

  21. 完善我校图书馆导读工作之我见

    My Opinions on the Perfect of the Guide Reading of Our library

  22. 构建公共图书馆期刊导读体系

    Constructing the Reading Guidance System for Periodicals in Public Libraries

  23. 浅析新环境下高校图书馆导读工作

    On Universities ' Libraries Guided Reading Work under New Environment

  24. 论文的第一章是整个论文的导读部分,包括文献综述和论文大致框架的介绍。

    The first chapter is the literature review and introduction .

  25. 新文化格局下的大学生阅读与导读

    Reading and Pre-reading for College Students in New Culture Structure

  26. 如何做好毕业生撰写论文的导读服务工作

    How to Serve the Graduates for Their Paper Writing in the Reading-Guidance

  27. 高校图书馆外文书库的导读工作

    Reading - Guide in Foreign - Language Book Stacks in College Libraries

  28. 学术导读是以读物内容为基础的。

    Academic reading guidance is based on the contents of reading materials .

  29. 第一部分为绪论,本部分对全文起导读作用。

    The first part plays the guidance role to the full text .

  30. 图书馆多媒体新生导读系统的研制与开发

    Research and Exploitation of the Library Multimedia Freshman Guide System