
dǎo hánɡ yí
  • navigator
  1. 基于双台链罗兰C导航仪的双曲线导航定位算法

    The calculation research of hyperbolic navigation position fixing based on double station chains Loran C navigator

  2. GPS仿真导航仪训练软件的设计与开发

    Designing and Development of Training Software for Simulated GPS Navigator

  3. 关于潜艇装备劳兰C导航仪技术问题的研究

    Research on Technical Problem of Loran-C Navigation Instrument on Submarines

  4. GPS导航仪在狭水道航行中的定位精度分析

    Inaccuracy Analysis of GPS Position to Sailing on the Narrow Channels

  5. 汽车行驶记录仪,GPS接收器,导航仪。

    Vehicle traveling data recorder , GPS , Navigation .

  6. 自学习式GPS车辆自主导航仪的研究

    Research of self-study type GPS vehicle autonomous navigation instrument

  7. GPS卫星导航仪是为我制造的。

    GPS satellite navigation was made for me .

  8. 虚拟舰船航行环境,仿真GPS导航仪

    Simulation of Virtual Navigation Environment and GPS Navigator

  9. 嵌入式LINUX在车载导航仪设计中的应用

    Embedded LINUX and Its Application in Automatic Navigator Design

  10. 基于WINDOWSCE的嵌入式手持GPS导航仪

    Embedded portable GPS navigation instrument Based on Windows CE

  11. 其中GPS汽车导航仪产品就是近些年出现的十分受欢迎的新产品。

    GPS navigation system is one of the very popular products emerged in recent years .

  12. 用GPS导航仪测定舰船运动要素

    Determing Ship 's Moving Factors with GPS

  13. 介绍了罗兰C定位的一种迭代算法,计算速度快、精度高,可用于罗兰C导航仪的定位计算。

    This paper deduces a group of formulas with fast calculating speed and high precision , which can be used in Loran-C navigator for locating calculation .

  14. GPS汽车导航仪作为新一代的信息产品,其应用越来越广泛。

    GPS automobile navigator , as a new generation of information products , its application is becoming more and more widely .

  15. 的问题。系统主要有三部分组成,空间星座部分、地面监控站和用户端设备(主要有车载GPS导航仪和装有GPS芯片的手机两种)三部分。

    The system is made up of three parts mainly , including space constellation ,, ground control station and user end equipment .

  16. 车载导航仪与发动机ECU的通信设计

    Communication Design of Vehicle Navigator and Engine ECU

  17. 结果本组236枚螺钉术后均进行了CT检查,位置不满意4枚(1.7%),位置误差率0.23~0.56mm(导航仪自动计算);

    Results 4 screws ( 1.7 % ) were not in good position , and the position error rate was 0.23 to 0.56 mm ( automatically calculated by the computer ) .

  18. 基于虚拟仪器技术的罗兰C导航仪检测硬件包括计算机、USB接口及其干扰抑制、单片机、信号发送接收、被测设备等。

    The Loran-C testing system based on the virtual instruments includes computer unit , USB interface unit and interference restraining unit , SCM unit and sending and receiving signal unit .

  19. 本文提出了一种改善潜艇现有天线接收性能的方法,从而解决了在潜艇上安装使用劳兰C导航仪的关键技术问题。

    This paper has proposed a method to improve the receptive performance of existing submarine antenna . As a result , the key technical problem of installing and using Loran-C navigation instrument on submarine has been solved .

  20. 在一面墙上挂着巨大的展示屏,揭示你所需要了解的关于这座城市的天气情况:500个装载着GPS导航仪的运雪车队行至哪里了;

    On one wall vast display-screens reveal everything you might need to know about the city 's weather conditions : the whereabouts of the fleet of up to 500 GPS-equipped snow-moving trucks ;

  21. 详细给出了PDA系统与GPS导航仪通讯解决方案、轨迹跟踪推算定位算法和嵌入式GIS集成等关键技术。

    The author gives detailedly in PDA resolving-scheme in communication with GPS , the arithmetic of a track-tail pointing , and the key-technology of the integration at embedded GIS atc .

  22. 产品介绍:虽然在本仪器上没有添加海图内容,但它是全力推出的一款GPS导航仪,其功能与其它型号的GPS相比,有过之而无不及。

    Product Description : Although this instrument does not have to add chart content , but it is the full launch of a GPS navigation device , its function with other types of GPS heavier .

  23. GPS导航仪自动化程度高、操纵简单、功能强、定位精度高,广泛应用于军、民舰船海上航行导航保障。

    GPS navigator has been widely applied for the security of navigation in navy and civil ships due to its features of high automation , simple operation , strong function , and high positioning precision .

  24. 通过这四个方面深入分析了GPS导航仪界面交互设计的流程及各阶段的设计策略,阐述了引入智能模式的关键点,并总结出界面交互设计的主要原则。

    It analyzed steps and strategy of interactive interface design of GPS navigator , proposed key points in designing intelligent mode , and summarized the main principles of interactive interface design through these four aspects above .

  25. 你进入驾驶室,对着GPS导航仪说出你的目的地,就会有数字化模拟人声简单明了地给你指明路线…21世纪的生活真是让我们尝遍了甜头。

    You can hop into your car and shout your destination at your GPS navigation system , and a digitized and disembodied voice issues easy-to-follow directions . We have it pretty sweet here in the 21st century .

  26. 威廉姆斯参与的八分钟动力民谣,一段搭配65人管弦乐团的合唱,以及一些沉郁的合成民谣(像一台安非他酮抗抑郁药吃完了的GPS导航仪在演奏一)。

    an eight-minute power-ballad featuring Paul Williams , a choir and a 65-person orchestra ; and a handful of downer synth ballads that sound like they 're being performed by a GPS device that 's gone off its Wellbutrin .

  27. 如今,几乎所有曾经需要一台小型专用设备的东西相机、便携式游戏机、GPS导航仪、音乐播放器等许许多多东西作为手机的一个应用程序,能有更好的表现。

    Today , just about everything that once required a small , dedicated electronic device from cameras to portable game consoles to GPS navigators to music players to too many others to name works better as an app on a phone .

  28. 如今,几乎所有曾经需要一台小型专用设备的东西——相机、便携式游戏机、GPS导航仪、音乐播放器等许许多多东西——作为手机的一个应用程序,能有更好的表现。

    Today , just about everything that once required a small , dedicated electronic device - from cameras to portable game consoles to GPS navigators to music players to too many others to name - works better as an app on a phone .

  29. 基于微机电技术的微型飞行器(MAV)由电机、摄像机、导航仪、陀螺仪、数据传输设备等构成。

    Micro Air Vehicle ( MAV ) based on micro-electromechanical technology is composed of motor , vidicon , navigating instrument , gyroscope and data transmission equipment etc.

  30. 通过以GARMINGPS导航仪为例,介绍了导航仪的主要功能特点、参数设置等,并对其在测绘工程中的应用进行了探讨。

    In this paper , according to GARMIN GPS-navigator , most of the fuctions and parameter setting of GPS-navigator have been introduced and with the discussion of its applications in surveying project .