
duì xiànɡ shǔ xìnɡ
  • object property
  1. 发送到出站复制伙伴的对象属性值数目。

    Number of object property values sent to outbound replication partners .

  2. 升级数据库之前关闭所有知识库对象属性页。

    Close all repository object property pages before upgrading the database .

  3. 这一Web页面上的对象属性符合以下条件

    The properties of the object on the Web page follow

  4. 一种基于对象属性关注度的QoS传输控制方法

    A Method Based on the Degree of Object Attributes Attention for Transmission QoS Control

  5. 对于先前的示例来说,RationalFunctionalTester在运行时查看了对象属性,并发现.classIndex、.text和.tabIndex的属性不符合。

    In the earlier example , Rational Functional Tester reviews the object properties at run time and finds mismatches on . classIndex , . text and tabIndex .

  6. 参考资料中的N-TierGuide提供服务器对象属性和隐式参数的完整列表。

    The N-Tier Guide in Resources can provide a comprehensive list of server object properties and implicit parameters .

  7. ORM工具让您可以配置关系数据库内的数据元素与Java对象属性之间的映射。

    ORM tools allow you to configure the mapping between data elements in a relational database with Java object properties .

  8. 各种对象属性的设置对JMS应用程序的行为和性能有重要影响。

    The settings of the various object properties have a significant impact on the behavior and performance of the JMS application .

  9. 我们还可以直接引用子数据对象属性中的属性,例如第一个地址中的zip代码

    We can also directly reference properties within child data object properties , such as the ZIP code from the first address

  10. 不同用户关注的数据对象属性可能不同,由此产生多个Skyline查询子空间。

    Users may concern about different attributes of data objects , which brings multiple subspace for skyline queries .

  11. GIS是在对图形管理的基础上,链接对象属性来完成其各领域的应用,这方面的研究较多。

    GIS was used on the basis of the management of the graphics with a way of the link object properties to complete their applications in various fields , more research focus on this area .

  12. 设置完这些对象属性后,insertEvent()方法将事件保存到Google服务器。

    Once these object properties are set , the insertEvent () method actually saves the event to the Google servers .

  13. 最后介绍了DDM已知的实现方法和我们的实现方法,同时详细地给出了对象属性和交互的请求应答机制。

    At last , the DDM 's techniques which have been implemented and the Request / Response mechanism of object attributes or interaction are presented .

  14. Javabean是带有默认构造函数(不获取参数的构造函数)的Java类,它将公开允许调用者读取和设置对象属性的getter和setter方法。

    A Java bean is a Java class with a default constructor ( one taking no arguments ), that exposes getter and setter methods that let the caller read and set properties on the object .

  15. Firefox对XUL文档提供的严格的安全模型意味着,如果您试图访问一些敏感的对象属性,包括contentview.contentDocument,JavaScript将抛出一个异常。

    Firefox 's strict security model for XUL documents means that if you try to access some sensitive object attributes , including contentview . contentDocument , your JavaScript will throw an exception .

  16. ExternalState是一个外部性对象属性的容器。

    ExternalState is a container for the properties of an external object .

  17. 您可以添加、编辑或删除对象属性。

    You can add , edit or delete the object properties .

  18. 对象属性目前可以在模板替代字符串之中使用。

    Object properties can now be used in template replacement strings .

  19. 从入站复制伙伴接收的对象属性总数。

    Total number of object properties received from inbound replication partners .

  20. 对象属性,将个体与其他个体关联在一起。

    Object properties , which relate individuals to other individuals .

  21. 而且,开发员可能会更改一些对象属性或者对象的层级结构。

    Furthermore , developers might change some object properties or object hierarchies .

  22. 对象属性范围(全局还是本地)的使用不当。

    Misuse of the scope for object attributes ( global versus local ) .

  23. 图8显示了一个未能识别对象属性的示例。

    Figure 8 shows an example of failing recognition properties for an object .

  24. 首先对客车骨架参数化简化模型进行检查并实现梁对象属性的完整设置。

    First check simplified bus frame model and complete the beam object attribute set .

  25. 查询并设置对象属性的值

    Querying and setting values of object properties

  26. 接着探讨了信息提取方法在对象属性提取和关系挖掘中的应用。

    In addition , we discussed the application of information extraction techniques for mining attributes and relations .

  27. 因而,如果只有两个对象属性发生改变,考虑其在识别评分中的差别。

    However , if only two object properties change , consider the difference in the recognition score .

  28. 映射业务对象属性类似于映射参数:将源属性连接到目标属性。

    Mapping business object attributes is similar to mapping parameters : you connect source attributes to target attributes .

  29. 所需的要求就是将构建时对象属性与运行时属性分离开来。

    All that is required is to separate out the build time object attributes from the run time attributes .

  30. 随着对象属性和数组项数的增加,使用直接量的好处也随之增加。

    As the number of object properties and array items increases , so too does the benefit of using literals .