
duì kànɡ cuò shī
  • Countermeasures;counter measure
  1. CMOS集成电路闩锁效应的形成机理和对抗措施研究

    Study on the mechanism of Latch-up effect in CMOS IC and its countermeasures

  2. 目的研究不同时段间断性45°头高位对抗措施(intermittent+45°headuptilt,IHUT)对尾吊大鼠承重骨的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of different intermittent + 45 ° head up tilt ( IHUT ) on tail suspended rats .

  3. 高原缺氧和睡眠剥夺会严重影响军事作业的绩效,因此,有必要在高原环境中探讨SD的有效对抗措施。

    Plateau hypoxia and SD exert a serious effects on the military effectiveness . therefore , it is highly necessary to study the effective SD countermeasures in plateau condition .

  4. 结论失重可能引起牙本质矿化不良,1.5G对抗措施可改善其对牙体组织矿物质代谢带来的不利影响。

    Conclusion Weightlessness might cause abnormal mineralization in dentin , and 1.5 G artificial countermeasures could eliminate the above changes of mineral metabolism .

  5. 在引战配合条件下,针对目标可能采取的对抗措施,推导了动能杆战斗部类反TBM导弹的杀伤概率数学模型,并根据仿真结果讨论了影响杀伤概率的主要因素;

    Thinking on fire cooperation and the possible anti-method of the target , the mathematical model of kill probability of anti-TBM missile with ke-rod warhead is deduced . And the main reasons which affect the kill probability are discussed according to the simulation result .

  6. 但基于运动的对抗措施(exercise-basedcountermeasures)尚存在效果局限、占时较长(2~4h/d)、过多消耗舱内的物资与能源等缺点。

    Although exercise-based countermeasures have been practiced with some success for years , these countermeasures have their own limitations , such as limited effectiveness , time-consuming ( 2-4 h / d ), exercise consumption of material and energy resources on board , and et al .

  7. 不久,我们的对抗措施有所改进,足以应付敌人的攻击了。

    Presently our counter-measures improved and caught up with the attack .

  8. 反辐射无人机雷达对抗措施研究

    A Study on Radar Countermeasures Against Anti-radiation Unmanned Aircrafts

  9. 紫外光通信及其对抗措施初探吸光度与光聚合动力学

    Ultraviolet Communication and Countermeasures Absorbance and Kinetics of Photopolymerization

  10. 失重导致骨丢失对抗措施的研究进展

    Progress of the Countermeasures on Weightlessness Inducing Bone Loss

  11. 关于高频开关电源的干扰及对抗措施

    Disturbances of High Frequency Switching Power and the Solutions

  12. 摄影的纪实与创造紫外光通信及其对抗措施初探

    Recording and Creativity of Photography Ultraviolet Communication and Countermeasures

  13. 国外反卫星武器技术及其对抗措施分析

    Research on Foreign Anti-satellite Weapon and its Countermeasures

  14. 对抗措施不是有益的动向。

    Counter-measures are not a helpful dynamic .

  15. 现在,一个新的缩写语来自美国:电子对抗措施的企业内容管理。

    Now a new acronym comes from the USA : ECM for Enterprise Content Management .

  16. 目的:比较三种间断性人工重力对抗措施对模拟失重大鼠的影响。

    Aim : To explore the effects of three intermittent artificial gravity on simulated weightlessness rats .

  17. 睡眠惯性对认知功能的影响及咖啡对抗措施的研究

    Effects of Sleep Inertia on Cognitive Functions and Study on Countermeasure of Coffee to Sleep Inertia

  18. 或许更令人惊讶的是,有如此之多并无偏见的经济学家也呼吁对中国采取对抗措施。

    More surprising , perhaps , are the many calls for confrontation from disinterested economic experts .

  19. 运动、痛、冷刺激也是有效的睡眠剥夺对抗措施。

    Besides , the stimulation of sport , ache and cold is also the effective couter measure .

  20. 为了能对干扰采取相应的对抗措施,必须对它进行及时而有效的检测。

    Jamming prompt and effectively must be detected in order to take the corresponding countermeasure to it .

  21. 鱼雷对抗措施与诱骗

    Torpedo countermeasures and deception

  22. 根本上讲,大多数分析人士认为,如果越南持续激怒中国,中国对此不可能不采取对抗措施。

    Essentially , most analysts agree that Vietnam can 't go on upsetting China without longer lasting repercussions .

  23. 紫外线与翼状胬肉形成紫外光通信及其对抗措施初探

    Ultraviolet Communication and Countermeasures

  24. 睡眠剥夺研究的重要目的之一是寻找切实有效的对抗措施。

    An important target in the study of sleep deprivation is to look for the practical and effective countermeasures .

  25. 本文首先对现用以运动为主对抗措施的局限性以及将来可能采用以人工重力为主对抗措施的科学依据进行了阐述。

    The limitations of the currently used exercise based countermeasures and the scientific rationale for the gravity based countermeasures are addressed .

  26. 目的对不同的可能着陆区内的温度环境以及人体与环境的热交换问题进行分析,并讨论相应的对抗措施。

    Objective To analyze the temperature environment of different emergency landing areas and discuss the heat exchange between astronaut and the temperature environment .

  27. 再者,为实现21世纪探险级航天任务,是否需采用人工重力作为对抗措施?

    Whether gravity-based countermeasures should be adopted in the future exploration-class spaceflights in this new century is an urgent science problem that needs further clarification .

  28. 从学理上看,国家紧急权是指国家在紧急状态下为了恢复正常的社会秩序而采取非常规的紧急对抗措施的权力。

    Academically speaking , the state power to declare emergency is the power authorizing the state to take unconventional emergent countermeasures to resume the normal social order .

  29. 这些企业大亨采取的对抗措施包括去年12月29日在香港报纸上发表整版公开信,当时距离新规生效仅剩3天。

    The tycoons ' rearguard action included a full-page letter published in local newspapers on December 29 , three days before the rule was to take effect .

  30. 通过人们的不懈努力,在探讨失重性骨质疏松发病机制和寻找有效对抗措施方面已经取得了许多成果,但是有些难题尚未取得突破性进展。

    Although scientists have achieved fruitful success during investigation of pathogenesis of osteoporosis under microgravity and finding effective countermeasures , several difficult problems are remained unsolved yet .