
  1. 之后,首尔市政府将与韩国国家警察厅讨论是否正式将此类警示标纳入保障交通安全的必要措施。

    Then it will discuss with the National Police Agency whether to officially include such signs as a transportation safety necessity .

  2. 据韩国海洋警察厅称,周六,一艘中国渔船在韩国水域与一艘韩国巡逻船相撞后倾覆。

    According to the South Korean coast guard , a Chinese fishing boat capsized after ramming a patrol vessel in South Korean waters on Saturday .

  3. 周日,韩国海洋警察厅出动六艘船只和两架直升飞机搜寻失踪的中国渔民,但没有结果。

    On Sunday , South Korean coast guard officers in six ships and two helicopters searched for the missing Chinese fisherman , to no avail .

  4. 但是,韩国海洋警察厅如要进行职能扩展则面临着诸多问题,如人员危机、海洋安保环境的复杂化以及职能与机构设置的衔接障碍等。

    However , South Korea Marine yard if function expansion is faced with many problems , such as personnel crisis , ocean security environment with institutions of complicated and functions of the obstacles to set .

  5. 韩国国家警察厅(KNPA)网络署表示,从去年年末到今年5月份,谷歌为了准备在韩国推出街景服务,可能非法收集了私人互联网数据。

    Google might have illegally collected private internet data from late last year to May this year as it prepared to launch the service , the cyber division of the Korean National Policy Agency said .

  6. 韩国军方、海洋警察厅和警方说,首尔下个月就要举行20国集团高峰会议了,他们正在进行准备,以应付所有可能发生的意外情况。

    South Korea 's military , coast guard and police said they are preparing for all imaginable disruptions during next month 's G-20 Summit in Seoul .

  7. 大量的韩国海洋法规、国际公约和国际习惯是韩国海洋警察厅的执法依据。

    A lot of South Korea Marine regulations , international treaty and habits is South Korea of Marine police law basis .