
  • 网络Taiwan Policy;policy toward taiwan
  1. 利益集团与美国对台政策

    The Benefits Group and the USA 's Policy toward Taiwan

  2. 美国国会对台政策的发展

    Developments in U.S. Congress Policy Toward Taiwan

  3. 艾瑞里?最后一个声明只是重复宣读美国对台政策。

    The final statement is just a reiteration of U.S. policy on Taiwan .

  4. 安全分析人士、前五角大楼官员石明凯(MarkStokes)指出:我们目前在华盛顿的对台政策,有时候与北京方面太过协调一致了。

    We now have a policy in Washington towards Taiwan that sometimes seems too much co-ordinated with Beijing , said Mark Stokes , a security analyst and former Pentagon official .

  5. 美国对台政策调整的趋势及其危险性

    Trend of US Adjustment of Its Taiwan Policy and the Resulting Danger

  6. 美国对台政策演变及其对中美关系的影响

    Evolution of USA policy to Taiwan and its effect on China-America relationship

  7. 从国际法看美国的对台政策

    On the US Policy towards Taiwan in Light of the International Law

  8. 2008年大陆对台政策的完善和发展

    Improvement and Development of Chinese Mainland 's Policy towards Taiwan in 2008

  9. 杜鲁门对台政策声明出台的背景因素分析

    TRUMAN 's Statement with Respect to Taiwan on Jan.5,1950 : Main Factors

  10. 析美对台政策波动性的制约因素

    On the Confining Factors to the Fluctuation of Taiwan Policy of the USA

  11. 小布什政府对台政策的演变与特点

    The Characteristics of the Changes in Policy to Taiwan of the Bush Government

  12. 战后日本对台政策对中日关系的影响

    The Influence of Japanese Taiwan Policy on Chinese-Japanese Relationship After World War ⅱ

  13. 美国对华外交行政决策机制探析&以老布什时期对台政策为例

    Analysis of American Diplomacy-Making Mechanism to China & Taking Old Bush Times for Example

  14. 2004年台湾地方领导人选举和美国对台政策

    The Election of the Local Leaders in Taiwan in 2004 and US Policy towards Taiwan

  15. 冷战后美国对台政策发生了两次重大的调整。

    The Arnerican Taiwan 's policy has been twice altered so as to serve its global strategy .

  16. 朝战爆发后,美国对台政策再次发生转变。

    After the breakout of the Korea War , American and British policies toward Taiwan changed again .

  17. 关注当前台海局势,调整我们的对台政策。

    We should pay close attention to the present Taiwan straits situation and adjust our policy to Taiwan .

  18. 亨利表示,上述发货是一个错误,美国对台政策没有改变。

    Mr Henry said the shipment was an error and that US policy on Taiwan had not changed .

  19. 与此同时,华盛顿方面早已明确表示,对台政策不会动摇。

    At the same time , Washington has long made clear that its policy on Taiwan will not change .

  20. 羁绊与扶持的困境:论肯尼迪和约翰逊时期的美国对台政策(1961-1968)

    A Dilemma on Choice between Entrapment and Support : U.S. Taiwan Policy in Kennedy and Johnson Years ( 1961-1968 );

  21. 在美国对台政策的演进过程中,美国、大陆、台湾三方关系的发展纷繁复杂。

    The relation among America , Taiwan and Chinese mainland was very complicated on the process of the evolution of the policies towards Taiwan .

  22. 第一次台海危机期间,英国担心因台湾问题而卷入战争,因此其对台政策十分谨慎。

    The first Taiwan strait crisis during the worry for the Taiwan question and involved in wars , so its policy on Taiwan very cautious .

  23. 其次,应该理解这一时期的对台政策的时代背景,时代背景深刻影响着这一时期对台政策的演进方向与速度。

    The epoch background has a far-reaching and profound influence on the trends and pace of evolution process of U.S. Taiwan policy in this period .

  24. 第五部分从冷战后美国在台湾的战略利益展望美国对台政策的变化、原因及后果。

    The fifth part , from America 's strategic interests in Taiwan post cold war , we prospect the changes , reasons and consequences of America 's Taiwan policy .

  25. 冷战以来,随着国内外形势的发展和主客观条件的改变,美国在追求最大的国家利益和战略利益目标的驱使下制定了一系列对台政策。

    America has made a series of policies towards Taiwan to pursue the maximal national and strategy benefits with the changing of domestic and international situation since the cold war .

  26. 研究美国国会,有助于深入理解冷战后美国对台政策,开展国会外交,有助于促进冷战后中美关系的发展。

    Therefore , the study of American Congress will help us understand better the U. S. policy to Taiwan and improve the development of Sino-America relations after the Cold War .

  27. 中国一方面需要努力使和平统一方针和对台政策得到世界各国更多的理解与支持;

    As a response , on the one hand , China should do greater effort to make the outside world understand and support the " Peace and Unification " policy ;

  28. 然而,美国的对台政策始终要服从于其对华战略,而美国的对华战略又是随着其全球战略中对中国定位的变化而变化的。

    Whereas America 's policy towards Taiwan was always subordinated to its strategy towards China , and America 's strategy towards China was changed with the changing of the orientation of China in its global strategy .

  29. 布什政府第一任期内的对台政策经历了从亲台、抚台向抑台的转变,呈现出不断调整、战略清晰化、军事关系强化、与对华政策反向互动等特征。

    Bush Administration 's Taiwan policy has been shifted from pro - Taiwan and pacifying Taiwan to curbing Taiwan , a policy that is of continuous adjustment , clear strategy , stronger military relations and adverse interaction with China policy .

  30. 后冷战时期中美关系经历了两个发展阶段,同第一章的基本思路相同,仍以重大和典型的问题或事件为依据,从主要表现方面呈现了不同阶段的美国对台政策。

    The Sino-U.S. relationship has past two phases . As the same as the Chapter I , this part still explains the American policies towards Taiwan in different phases according to the great and typical problems or events from the important contents .