
  • 网络easy monetary policy;Quantitative Easing;Quantitative Easing Policy
  1. 美联储(Fed)宽松货币政策的最大支持者之一表示,一旦美国经济形成足够的增长势头,他将支持美联储放缓资产购买计划的步伐。

    One of the Federal Reserve 's biggest backers of easy monetary policy said he supported slowing down the central bank 's asset purchases once the US economy had enough momentum .

  2. 欧元区正与创纪录的失业率和经济萎缩抗争,欧洲央行(ECB)宣布将维持宽松货币政策,延续时间视需要而定。

    The European Central Bank declared that it would maintain an easy monetary policy stance as long as needed while the eurozone battles record unemployment and shrinking economic activity .

  3. 另外,欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)预计也将维持宽松货币政策。

    The European Central Bank , meanwhile , also is expected to keep monetary policy loose .

  4. 六年来,新兴市场一直处在美联储(FederalReserve)宽松货币政策所营造的世界里。

    For six years , emerging markets have lived in a world defined by the US Federal Reserve 's policies of easy money .

  5. 该最新数据将会增加印度央行(ReserveBankofIndia)在明年初撤销极度宽松货币政策的压力。该机构此前已表达了对日益抬头的通胀威胁的担忧。

    The latest data will put pressure on the Reserve Bank of India , which has voiced concern about rising inflation , to end its ultra-loose monetary policy early next year .

  6. 这种所谓的“定量宽松货币政策”(quantitativeeasing)是央行用来对抗通货紧缩的一项策略,即增长下滑和资产价格下跌的可怕结合。

    This so-called " quantitative easing " is a strategy central banks use to fight deflation , the dreaded combination of declining growth and falling asset prices .

  7. 虽然采取了这些措施,但香港的房地产价格还在一路飙升,特别是在美联储(FederalReserve)实行了最新一轮量化宽松货币政策后,香港的房地产交易速度出现了加快。

    Still , property prices have continued to soar , while the pace of transactions has increased , particularly following the Federal Reserve 's latest round of quantitative easing .

  8. 不可否认,QE(定量宽松货币政策)是加重了潜在问题,但其影响是浅层的。

    Yes , QE is adding to the underlying problem , but it 's a peripheral issue .

  9. 此前美联储(Fed)宣布,将转向激进的宽松货币政策,通过直接购买金融资产,增加经济中的流动性。

    The Federal Reserve announced last week that it would switch to aggressive monetary easing , a policy to increase the liquidity in the economy by purchasing financial assets outright .

  10. 美联储(fed)可能暗示将在6月底结束资产购买计划,全球宽松货币政策行将结束。

    An end to global monetary policy easing is on the horizon , with the US Federal Reserve set to signal it will cease asset purchases at the end of June .

  11. 但英国央行行长在贝尔法斯特(belfast)讲话时警告,不能过度依赖宽松货币政策。

    But the governor , speaking in Belfast , warned against over-reliance on monetary easing .

  12. IMF当时的确警告,发达经济体极度宽松货币政策的结束,可能会导致金融市场动荡以及新兴经济体汇率急剧下滑。

    The IMF did warn then , that the end of extraordinarily loose monetary policy in advanced economies might cause turmoil in financial markets and sharp depreciations in emerging economy exchange rates .

  13. 就在美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)抵达中国进行首次访问之前几个小时,一位中国高层官员警告称,美联储(FederalReserve)的宽松货币政策正在助长投机性的投资,危及全球经济复苏。

    The US Federal Reserve is fuelling speculative investments and endangering global recovery through loose monetary policy , a senior Chinese official warned just hours before President Barack Obama arrived in China for his first visit .

  14. 美国、欧元区和日本央行实行的宽松货币政策收窄了所谓的G3(指上述三个地区)货币之间的利差。

    Central bank easing in the US , the eurozone and Japan has lowered interest rate differentials between so-called G3 currencies .

  15. 此举显示,实行了5年的宽松货币政策,加上国会议员罗恩保罗(ronpaul)的努力,已使回归金本位这个一度另类的构想成为共和党辩论的一部分。

    The move shows how five years of easy monetary policy and the efforts of Congressman Ron Paul have made the once fringe idea of returning to gold-as-money a part of GOP debate .

  16. 这不仅仅是一个有关美国宽松货币政策或嘉能可(glencore)等大型大宗商品企业崛起的故事。

    This is not just a story about loose US monetary policy , or the rise of large commodity businesses such as Glencore .

  17. 因此,21世纪头十年美国实行宽松货币政策的原因,主要不是归因于美联储(Fed)的决策,而是中国低估了人民币汇率,以形成出口产业的高就业率。

    Thus loose monetary policy in the US in the 2000s is ascribed not so much to decisions of the Federal Reserve , but to the Chinese undervaluation of the renminbi in order to produce high levels of employment in export industries .

  18. 在这三大支柱中,人们寄予厚望的是,日本央行(BoJ)激进的宽松货币政策将推动经济走出通缩螺旋。

    Of the three pillars , expectations are high that aggressive monetary easing by the Bank of Japan will pull the economy out of its deflationary spiral .

  19. 汇丰(hsbc)周二发布的一份研究报告指出,美欧实行的宽松货币政策,可能导致资本管制措施在整个发展中世界大行其道,这是有违初衷的后果之一。

    According to a research note by HSBC on Tuesday , one of the unintended consequences of loose monetary policy in the US and Europe is the likely proliferation of capital controls across the developing world .

  20. 在一定程度上,美联储(Fed)遵循的宽松货币政策为上世纪20年代股市狂飙提供了动力。当时,缺乏经验的美联储错误地尝试帮助英国在回归金本位后维持英镑的价值。

    The impetus for the stock market euphoria of the 1920s came partly from a loose monetary policy pursued by an inexperienced Federal Reserve in a misguided attempt to help the British preserve the value of the pound after the return to the gold standard .

  21. 这些表明第四季度开局良好的初步指标,可能不足以阻止美联储(Fed)在周三启动第二轮量化宽松货币政策,为进一步促进美国经济增长,向经济中再次注入大量资金。

    These initial indicators of a positive start to the fourth quarter are unlikely to be sufficient to prevent the Federal Reserve from pumping money into the economy on Wednesday , in a second round of quantitative easing aimed at boosting the US growth rate further .

  22. 如果罗姆尼政府大幅削减政府支出,或者他提名一位不能像现任美联储(fed)主席本伯南克那样愿意尝试宽松货币政策的联储主席,可能会对美国和全球经济增长造成非常大的影响。

    If a Romney administration cut government spending rapidly , or if he appointed a Federal Reserve chairman with less willingness to experiment with loose monetary policy than Ben Bernanke , the incumbent , the effect on American and thus global economic growth could be substantial .

  23. 穆罕默德埃尔-埃利安(Mohamedel-Erian)警告称,世界其他地区奉行的宽松货币政策可能危及欧元区,他是绝对正确的。

    Mohamed El-Erian is absolutely right to warn of the dangers to the eurozone associated with the easy monetary policies pursued elsewhere in the world .

  24. 会议纪要还显示,美联储倾向于改变其宽松货币政策的退出战略。按照这一战略,美联储将持有抵押贷款支持证券(MBS)至到期,而不会出售这些证券。

    The minutes also showed that the Fed was leaning towards a change in its exit strategy from easy monetary policy , under which it would hold mortgage-backed securities until they mature instead of selling them .

  25. 事实上,它已经把短期利率调到零,而且已经通过用新发行的货币购买政府债券,推出了两轮量化宽松货币政策(QE)。

    It has already , in effect , lowered short-term interest rates to zero , and carried out two rounds of quantitative easing ( QE ), the purchase of government bonds with newly printed money .

  26. 几乎可以肯定,香港交易所主席夏佳理(ronaldarculli)周四对宽松货币政策导致的亚洲资产泡沫发出警告时,脑子里想着的是自己的“后院”。

    Hong Kong exchange chairman Ronald Arculli , warning on Thursday about Asian asset bubbles inflated by loose monetary policy , almost certainly had his own back garden in mind .

  27. IMF称,发达国家应在全球经济增长脆弱的情况下保持宽松货币政策,而一些新兴市场在持续实施了多年宽松货币政策之后可能需要进一步加息以控制通胀和债务水平。

    Industrialized nations should keep loose monetary policies in place at a time of fragile global growth , the fund says . Some emerging markets might need to raise interest rates further to get inflation and debt under control after years of easy-money policies , it added .

  28. 美国推出第三轮定量宽松货币政策(qe3)的预期降温,再加上市场预测欧洲央行(ecb)将进一步降息,这些因素正促使全球投资者把欧元用作利差交易的融资货币。

    Reduced expectations of a third round of quantitative easing of monetary policy in the US combined with predictions that the European Central Bank will cut interest rates further are leading global investors to use the euro as a funding currency for carry trades .

  29. 美联储最早将于下月重启扩张性定量宽松货币政策(又名qe2)的可能性,导致美元汇率大幅下跌、大宗商品价格上涨、长期美国国债收益率攀升这些都是通胀预期上升的标志。

    The prospect of the Fed restarting its expansionary quantitative easing policy , also known as QE2 , as early as next month has brought big falls in the dollar , rises in commodity prices and higher long-term Treasury yields all of which are barometers of higher inflation expectations .

  30. 量化宽松货币政策的理论、实践与影响

    Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy : Theory , Practice and Impact